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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Nina has her lips firmly planted to CFDA's behind.
  2. I've decided to call Victoria's perennial hanging-down-piece a mud flap. Maybe Nancy's delicate fabrics fell apart under the iron's heat and left that residue.
  3. Yeah, the sisters are a bit frantic for me. Perhaps they feel the pressure of half-hour episodes. Still, I like seeing a new community.
  4. I'm pretty sure Ashton's tears were tears of self-pity.
  5. I think Nancy's energy is high, and talking endlessly when others are fatigued is probably annoying. She was so thrilled at winning. But Brittany could have interrupted her gently and said congratulations, but I'm pooped and I'm going to bed. Compare their reactions to Nancy vs. to flibbertigibbet Alan. I see the age shade. I prefer to wear minimalist designs so I liked Sergio's; the color was fabulous on the athlete. He did what he needed to do to be safe after a one-day challenge. But even then he struggled with the bodice and sleeves. And his "I don't like tight clothes on pregnant woman." Oh Sergio, who gives a flip? Nancy deserved the win. I love gun metal gray for evening. Victoria's looked like Forever 21 on sale. Geoffrey may be right about a double elimination next week. PR: please get rid of the one day challenges. They ensure that your viewers have to watch crappy workmanship down the runway, followed by critiques of the crappy workmanship. Boring.
  6. Yeah, they are very conscious of the cameras, but I guess most folks would be at first. Hopefully they will relax during a second season. The boys are kind of shoe-horned into some of the scenes.
  7. The finished Craftsman was so beautiful. (I have one - not finished, not beautiful yet.) It was larger than it appeared from the street. I love Erin's use of color. And at first I hated the wallpaper (while appreciating its ties to Arts & Crafts design), but it really worked in that hutch. Must get the name of the powder that neutralizes the lead from old paint. I have miles of scraping to do. With a fan. I watched very closely when they talked about the asbestos in old floor materials as I've wondered why they never address it. Erin said they tested the top layer, but it appeared they were surprised to find another layer of old tile below that while they were in production. Did they test it as well and not tell us? Because they used a powerful machine to just scrape it all up without any asbestos mitigation. (I have three layers of tile over original wood floors. Must find a machine like that. And a guy to operate it. I've been on my hands and knees.) It was fun to see the wood floor guy celebrate laying down expensive oak floors. He was tickled to death. It is just killing me that the fabulous Belize-guy house cost less than a small 1960s condo where I live. My MS family cannot believe what contractors charge for renos up here. Finally read the Southern Living article, which is about the larger save-Laurel team. When I lived down there, there were no jobs. My relative told me recently that Hattiesburg and the surrounding towns are thriving. (She also said that LaureL has had very high crime rates.) This makes me so happy because my entire life south MS has been very depressed economically and the butt of so many jokes.
  8. Do they all know that Brannox is an addict? I didn't realize Spalletta was part of the threesome. Some of these guys look the same.
  9. I figured they were simply curious and nosy about the Maitland widow. Like people who stare at car wrecks.
  10. Eliza's hair has artificial blonde streaks and dark roots, and the redheaded one is wearing modern makeup (dark eye shadow). Annoying and distracts from the story. I swear Charlotte's bosom gets larger each episode. I've been to rowing regattas and that one was paltry. This series remains a big disappointment. On to Emma.
  11. So Adam is still a whiny egomaniac who thinks the guests should accept his preferences, not their own. Adam, don't hold your breath for a discussion about Adam's preference sheet. Didn't take Jenna long to glom onto Adam and abandon her stews, including making snarky comments about them. Jerk. I think I'm going to enjoy the captain, the engineer and the two stews. The married couple make my skin crawl. They appear to hate each other.
  12. Reality TV was fun in the early days, but now I find it really depressing. It's tawdry and desperate. I couldn't even watch all of the reunion because I'm over this group. My final thoughts are that Kate and Lee are the personification of disingenuous. Kate learned to take jabs (Ashton's mother) that she knew would annoy while pretending to be innocent. I'll be glad to see her gone because she made a lot of people's lives miserable. Of course Lee favors her - it's never been otherwise but now the two of them are being challenged openly. I wonder if Kate is leaving over a salary dispute. I posted on a Housewives forum that it's rumored that Bravo is stepping away from paying its "stars" a lot of money. The grilling of the idiot deck crew was too little, too late. Bravo cynically created and encouraged this nasty season and profited off of it, all the way through the reunion. They need to get rid of Andy as host - he's a creep and his time has come and gone.
  13. The guys on PopRoast say that there are rumors that Bravo will no longer pay exorbitant rates to the housewives - that the women have gotten too big for their britches and that the show is no longer pulling in the money it once did. They say that one consideration is paying the women per episode, and that there are plenty of women out there who will work for much less than the current line-up. This applies to the entire franchise, not just Atlanta has some of the highest rates. They also commented that attendance at the reunions has been rewarded with "purses" in the past. A kind of bonus for showing up.
  14. Pretty disjointed episode. They're trying to establish too many characters. Tommy's character is going to be the cop with feet of clay who always saves the day.
  15. Glad I found another reality flipping show where the team is relatively normal. Fun to see the families and I have a special place in my heart for people who adopt Down syndrome kids. I've only seen a few episodes, but I really enjoyed the re-purposing of the horse stables (Basque house). On one house they said "Wait, I just realized we don't have a shower in this bathroom!" and then I don't think they mentioned it again.
  16. We were not allowed to paint our college dorms, so my roommate and I spent a laborious weekend tie-dying a sheet to cover one wall. We were so proud of ourselves. Maybe Nancy was obsessed with producing pants that the judges would like, and Nina did indeed compliment them. Now maybe we can see Nancy do something else. It was sweet of her to insist that the excitable Geoffrey calm down and reconsider his dark green design. Given how emotional he is, she may be partly responsible for his win. Which I'm glad he got. No way would PR choose a dress with so many godets for a flash sale. Very time-consuming to produce. I thought Sergio's was pretty but the design was something we've all seen. Of course, since they only had 24 hours, including dye time, they were forced to rush their designs. I hated this aspect of the episode. They've got to be faking it with the Victoria love, and she's going through the motions. PR wants her to produce a collection and CFDA probably views her as marketable. Delvin is a tailor and a technician, not a designer, at least at CFDA level. I'm not so sure he will get a Parisian atelier. There are so many fabulous designers in the world who are better than he is, not to mention most of the other PR contestants. Watched Christian's spring/summer collection on YouTube. Kookie New Orleans artist Ashley was a main feature of the show.
  17. "Indian giver" is an old American term that refers to American Indians (Native Americans). It stems from the long-ago days when tribes traded their ancestral land or it was taken from them. Lots of legal wrangling over that history to this day. Of course it's considered offensive these days. I kinda believed the guy who said the woman he was dating snatched the bracelet out of the car. But maybe he was withholding it until he got sex, which isn't cool either. I laughed when one of the K-9s was walking behind a car. All you could see were his ears. Good camera catch of the crack pipe under the woman's shoe.
  18. Are the sleeping pope's sighs a countdown to him waking up?
  19. Washington Post Oscars reporter spotted Jerry at the Vanity Fair after-party. He has a year left at Navarro but has signed with United Talent Agency.
  20. I can't follow the demon chain-of-custody. I have been bored during most episodes, but I feel the narrative pace picked up with this latest one. Jack's portrayal is no longer one dimensional. The actor is doing a good job of showing us some range. Seeing a big strong tough guy getting whooped by his mama made me sad.
  21. My last Lab was treated with Adequan injections (arthritis) because I was afraid of Rimadyl's side effects. My vet told me that glucosamine/chondroitin pills were a waste of my money. That shocked me, because so many people buy it for themselves and their pets. Many retrievers will eat anything. My friend's Lab climbed up a dining room table to get at cookies but instead ate a box of Christmas ornaments, which resulted in a harrowing ER visit. One cannot leave ANYTHING within reach. Hope Scout's family tries harder.
  22. This was swell until Adam and Jenna went from appealing smart yacht professionals to sloppy drunks. Welp, that didn't take long. Ukulele player is clearly angling for a TV career. So true. I marvel that the world is filled with idiots like this, and Bravo finds most of them. But holy cow the scenery.
  23. I still don't buy that Lee didn't know anything about the nasty deck crew behavior. By failing to respond, he sold his integrity for a Bravo paycheck. Stomping off of the set? Too little, too late. Did Andy have an injury over his left eyebrow? The area was slightly puffy and appeared to be covered in non-matching makeup. Were he and Kate hinting that she would be on RHONY, or trying to keep the audience guessing about her next move? Brian doesn't seem very...bright. Kate has morphed into a chief stew robot while she endures being on the show. During an argument she puts a slight smile on her face, adopts a pleasant tone, and trots out utterly fake platitudes. It's her private FU to her castmates and Bravo. I swear I saw eyeliner on Ashton. He tried to go for Lee and Kate and sputtered out like a deflating balloon. Curious as to whether they will skewer the deck crew in part 2. Probably held off in part 1 in order to keep viewers tuned in.
  24. When I first saw the title, I thought this was going to be a bizarre Comedy Central kind of deal. I wish they hadn't showed how the animals were killed. There will be copycats (no pun intended). I suspect the mother created the monster. The Internet sleuths talked too much. Their talking heads could have been reduced by half.
  25. I've been watching and mostly enjoying, especially after working in Alaska recently. Interesting that some communities rotate police in and out on two-week shifts, like the oil rig workers I grew up with. Some government agencies are experimenting with similar schedules as a way to attract workers with advanced technical skills into undesirable locations. I'm also amazed when the officers cite the below zero temps and then climb out of their police cars with no hat and coat. In the tiny remote villages there are peace offers who don't carry weapons.
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