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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I hadn't thought of this, and I think this makes sense. Although I question how much money Diana actually has. Look at how Johnny Depp ran through an immense fortune.
  2. Sure, if it was a REAL birthday party. It was a production for Bravo. All of them should be able to bring their children on TV, but the housewives' shows are too nasty for children.
  3. Bravo will never punish the assholes. Instead they will reward them for improving the ratings. All the housewives are playing a designated role, including victims Sutton and Garcelle. PK, Dorit, Kyle and Mauricio cheering on Erika's drunken antics is to support Bravo's efforts to keep Erika on the show. No way was that a genuine expression of what they think about her. Kyle is pushing the boundaries, thinking production will let her do anything she wants. She may be right. It's just another form of rich white lady privilege. Agree that Erika was telling Jax to leave because he's a temptation. It's notable that Erika feels the compulsion to throw her legs open every time she's drunk. And on a related note, I don't believe any of them are as drunk as they pretend. It's a one-size-fits-all excuse when they behave badly, then claim amnesia. Why are Crystal and Sutton on this trash pile of a show? It makes no sense, unless it's boredom. Garcelle is doing it for the paycheck and an effort to leverage it into other projects, which is apparently working. She knows that as an aging actress her opportunities are limited. I would respect her more if she would keep her underage kids off of the show. Production set-up forced Sutton to keep the meal outside. Too expensive and no time to move it all inside - probably at least four cameras, all the mics, the lights, etc. Also, they knew the muddy mess would annoy everyone and encourage nastier behavior. I think Bravo is slowly building an arsenal of housewives (Garcelle, Sutton, possibly Sheree and Crystal) and will point the arsenal at the others. Should be fireworks for at least a few more seasons. But production may manipulate Lisa and Kyle into being targets. Lisa will recognize it; Kyle is too stupid.
  4. All that crap that they load in each home is from their store or product placement. Pier 1 indeed.
  5. But he gave her a national forum. That's what Bravo does - put disturbed people on the air and watch the viewers swarm to watch.
  6. These clients seem like they were chosen for the PR boost. All are D-list except for Mira Sorvino. There are unsavory stories about some (most?) of them. I think Jeff's big mouth drove away many potential celebrity clients. Jeff has definitely calmed down from the old days, but he still is intolerant of having to support someone else's vision. He took repeated pot shots at the designer who was leading the pool house renovation, just because she was lead designer and he had to accept her decisions and assertive nature.. His minions snigger along with him to stay in his good graces. It has seemed for several years now that Jeff is no longer the power developer he once was. I think his focus has been drawn more to appearing on TV, and podcasts when he cannot be on TV. I'm not sure COVID is to blame, because where I live, the renovation market went nuts once COVID hit and people were stuck at home.
  7. Another show I couldn't find in the forums. It plays like a drama to me, not a comedy. I almost quit watching because the themes are so dark, but the engagement episode lightened things considerably. Now we're back to dark. I'm still enjoying the series. I like a dose of gritty to push back against endless hours of frothy, stupid reality TV. The acting is fantastic. Besides the young, exhausted medical student, I'm loving the senior doctor with the smart mouth. (I don't know the difference between a British consultant and other types of doctors.) And of course Ben W. is good in everything he does. ETA: my provider is only showing an episode a week.
  8. Scroll down to item 374 for stories about Diana's teenage "poverty" that she claims she suffered. http://www.agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/2022/JUNE.html
  9. I wonder if Craig is simply the name on the law firm store front. I cannot imagine anyone relying on this dissolute slob for legal advice. Even the pillow store is managed by invisible factotums. I think the only thing Naomie and Craig regret is their chance at being a social media power couple. Which company is giving Kathryn those gawdawful pastel leisure wear things to promote? Serious miscalculation. And the hair and black eyebrows. Like a hardened carny of old.
  10. Garcelle has written a memoir. I was at the movies and during the interminable previews she was shown being interviewed by Maria Menounous. I didn't catch the name of the book because the interview was chopped into tiny little sound bites that were shown randomly during the previews.
  11. I really believe that production restricts the managers from supervising their staff, especially when there's a vulnerable stew or deckhand being mistreated. This goes all the way back to the original BD. The talent recruiters spot these vulnerabilities and think "sign 'em up!" Daisy is probably very frustrated but cannot break the 4th wall.
  12. In the books Chee was seriously studying to be a spiritual leader, including observing and practicing sings. And he lived in a trailer. Hillerman did provide him the back story of working for the feds at one point. OK, I'll say it since no one else has, when we were shown the Mormon family in the pit, I immediately thought "Silence of the Lambs." If Hillerman didn't write it originally, then it's very derivative. I assume the pit is an abandoned kiva site (hole for ceremonies)? Although kivas are a pueblo tradition, not Dine. Really enjoy the actors and the typical background scenes.
  13. I was desperate for a taut British thriller, but this wasn't it. I began to FF after the first episode, especially the endless Chloe phone calls, the repeated childhood friends scenes that told us nothing, and Becky creeping around, opening things, reading things (that I could not see), hiding things, etc. The actors were great, but this thing dragged on way too long.
  14. Shep owned a kind of dive bar/restaurant in the first seasons. He started it trying to leverage his exposure on the show. I don't know if COVID ran it out of business
  15. Below Deck Down Under will be broadcast on Bravo. Check the listings. I've seen several commercials this past week.
  16. I was relieved not to see Ashley. Unfortunately she's headed for rode-hard, put-up-wet by age 30. As it was, they spent too much time on Gary and Daisy. That has to mean they will be featured as a couple next season. This is the slow build. Bravo will tease this non-existent relationship through several seasons. Gag. And Gary's only 33? He needs to throw away the cigarrettes and add sunscreen to his health regimen. Guess Tom's mama give him a talking to. He may be growing up. Glenn was clearly signalling to all BD cast that you don't mess with the boat. I'm surprised Daisy defended Ashley, given the context of the discussion and having seen the gaslighting scenes. Maybe Daisy is trying to rise above the drama on-camera. I'm glad Gary and Glenn defended Gabriela, because it's clear Bravo soft-pedaled what happened. I think there's way more to the story, and I think Marco is also part of that story. I hope Gaby feels a little bit vindicated, because being alone in a gaslight scenario is horrible. I wonder if Bravo egged Ashley on. Gaslighter + no sleep + too much work = depression and disorientation. In fact, I thought there were moments where Gaby still looked a bit off sitting in her little box. Looks like Barnaby has left our TV screens forever, unless he's pitching is new business to a production company.
  17. This show demonstrates what Bravo thinks of its viewers.
  18. Opposing view here. I adore Maya Rudolph and eagerly watched several episodes. The humor and scenarios are tired and predictable. I'm puzzled why the writers gave so much time to one of the side characters in one of the episodes (the guy trying to be romantic). The charity's executive director ordering around Molly is just silly, as is just hopping on a plane at the last minute when there's a full week of work waiting. I hate the trend of filling each episode with a half-dozen songs; it seems lazy. I think they are trying to do too much per episode, and the series isn't jelling for me.
  19. I said this early in the series. The only difference is the original homeowners still own the house, instead of selling it to the flippers before the renovations.
  20. I didn't run. Some of us have jobs, families, homes to maintain, elderly family members with dementia, etc. and take time away from these forums. A friend who was an NFL cheerleader follows Brandi and is keyed in to a former-cheerleader network. She sent me the link and I am unable to find it again. It was not a typical social media site. The post read as if Brandi is exacting revenge on Brian for HIS affair that produced the baby that Brian and Brandi adopted. It read as if an insider with information is tattling. Time may tell if the post is true. ETA: CDAN has the item now. Not the link I read originally. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2022/06/blind-item-13_20.html And here: http://www.agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/2022/JUNE.html Item 244
  21. Several years ago there were online summaries and transcripts of the complaints against Kathryn's behavior, including the effects of drinking and drugs during her pregnancies. In terms of persistent bad behavior, she left Thomas in the dust a long time ago.
  22. Along with his helicopter lessons, Jaime needs some therapy and anger management. The way he reacted to an accidental drink spill on his shirt was disturbing. He has the emotional maturity of a toddler. All that whining and complaining. What a jerk.
  23. Well, southerners will debate whether anyone can "turn Southern." Every year I tune in for the first episode, hoping for the magic of the first season, and every year I'm disappointed. The frat boys look bloated and greasy. The women look hard and over-processed. The amount of makeup they wear makes them look like they forgot to wash their faces. It's hard to bring loud drama when one is stoned. Kathryn can barely function. I don't think that's her real home. Off-season she is often photographed going in and out of routine garden-style apartment complexes. At one point there was a video of the three times she smacked into cars while attempting to park or leave a parking lot. I think she had the children in the car for at least one of those. Oh, and Chleb is a producer plant to try to rectify Kathryn's reputation after her racist tweets. She treats him like staff and there is zero chemistry between them. There's an uncomfortable whiff of tokenism in many of the scenes. The editing is lousy; the editors aren't even trying to do a good job. Kathryn's face had almost-black lipstick, deep berry lipstick, and light pink lipstick, all at her party. I think the reddish skin around her mouth was caused by using tretinoin (Retin-A) on her skin. One has to slowly adapt facial skin to it.
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