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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. I haven't stockpiled on anything beacuse I don't really think I'm high risk and a lot of this is wide spread paranoia IMO. Yes, people with weakened immune systems should definitely take precautions, but I'm not one of them. I've seen pharmacies have posted signs that they're out of masks even though according to medical professionals they have no effect if a healthy person wears them, only someone who's infected. I've also noticed shelves emptied of anti-bacterial hand gels.
  2. What event? He looks young and strange witthout the facial hair. Oliver Queen no more.
  3. And she holds them against people who were completely innocent and had literally nothing to do with the situation.
  4. Weren't they rifling through boxes or piles of clothes at the gym? So donations. But I had a huh of my own. Jessica swept up the shards below the gigantic coffee table and they ended up hiding there for hours. Yet none of the three had any cuts on them.
  5. A bit? All I could think as Mr Kim was awkwardly rubbing his wife was that he was lucky to be good looking and rich. Otherwise, I don’t see him getting any invites for repeat performances.
  6. I do think it's overrated, but on the plus side I liked it way better than Green Book. Here it simply didn't live up to the hype for me, with Green Book I couldn't have counted the number of times I rolled my eyes.
  7. I'll be honest, I wasn't that impressed with the film, but I don't think the message was nearly as simplistic as poor=good, rich=bad. If that was the intion, the Parks would have been presented as clear villains. Here, we basically have everybody with any noticeable screentime being messed up in some way. Really, the only ones who seemed completely alright were Min and the original driver, although by the end of the movie I had no doubt it was because of just because they weren't focal. I'm convinced something happened between Min and at least one of the female Parks. Probably both, to be honest. So, if it's a condemnation of anything, it's of the system that's stacked so crookedly. I think my main problems were too high expectations - it was a fun, not vapid movie, with a real story, but nothing earth shattering IMO - and the pacing. I saw a lot of stuff happening beforehand, like the sauce on the tissue and the peach attack of the top of my head. Which didn't make me feel clever, but impatient for the movie to get to it and move on to something I couldn't see spelled out.
  8. I've kind of had this song on repeat for the last few days. Very addictive. But then I started laughing while listening to it tonight, when the opening lyrics hit me as perfect for the Ivy Town scene. Plus, I can just hear Felicity calling Oliver a five course meal. And really, licking your areas works any which way.
  9. And the Kims weren't either, when you look at it. They really did nothing to the Parks. I fully expected some mind tricks and taking over the house. But it truly seemed like they didn't plan for anything further than getting smashed in their employers' home while they were away. And I feel being stuck under the table while they awkwardly diddled with each other was more than punishment enough for that. Their real victims were the staff they got rid off.
  10. I'm about half-way through and still have no idea what the point of making this movie was. Also, what a dumb, horrible, very bad idea it was for Robert and Elizabeth to have sex for the first time before his planned battle. Yeah, yeah, life is short, but he was aware that he could be dunzo, so why risk having her end up pregnant with a traitor's child? If they'd been having sex before, fine, she could have just as well gotten pregnant previously so this time wouldn't have made much of a difference, but as it was? Dumb move.
  11. God, yes. It's so very The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
  12. I don't know which scene I love more, the confrontation in the foundry or the one in Big Belly. That one is just hilarious. I can't read the Thea and Laurel scene without captain Holt popping into my head.
  13. Well, that scene certainly wouldn't have harmed this dud of an episode. It was such a disappointment when it came after a string of episodes in which things really started to fall into place.
  14. I’d pretty much seen all the crucial scenes on YT before watching the entire thing and it didn’t detract one bit from the experience, I just loved it. And it’s just so deftly made, there isn’t one superfluous moment in the entire film or really any performance that fails short. Stephen Merchant and Alfie Allen didn’t have big roles and they both seemed to enjoy the hell out of them. Sam Rockwell is pitch perfect as always, and Rosie is such a terrific character performed beautifully by ScarJo. Having seen both this and The Marriage Story, she’d have been my pick over Dern. I have no idea how they managed to find the kids, but they’re precious. I am massively into swastikas. 😂
  15. It surprised me how much I loved this episode, not because of the scenes you've transcribed, @tv echo, but because those really only provide the bones of this episode which was so flashback heavy. But it was one of my favorites. It's nice to be reminded how many favorites I had to chose from in the early seasons.
  16. Putting aside the movie's depiction of how Kathy got her info, how bad of a writer was she? She tells her colleague her writing isn't all that and asks him for help. The result didn't set my world on fire. It was literate, but that's it.
  17. I finally got up the courage to watch this and my God, what an emotionally draining experience it is. These poor babies, it's horrific watching what they went through during their detainment, trial, sentence and even after getting released. Korey was definitely the one affected most, but the boys who got out sooner weren't free until Reyes came forward either. We had musically gifted Kevin cleaning bed pans, Antron stuck in a house with the father he couldn't forgive and, Jesus, that girlfriend of his was horrid. But then there's Raymond, pushed out and vilified in his own home. Was his grandma dead by the time he got out? It was horrible seeing him treated that way and she didn't seem like the type to just watch that. One other thing done nicely was giving dimensions to the families in the limited time they were shown. You start off cursing Youssef's mom (at least I did) for being all above it for getting him out of the room before signing the confession, which good for you, honestly, but don't pile on the others, and then refusing to pass letters to Korey. I'm still not letting her off the hook on that one, but showing how much she was struggling gave her dimension. And the same was true about Korey's mom, only somewhat in reverse with witnessing how she was with her other kid and finding out she was dealing out of her home. The fact that she finally called her daughter Marci after her murder was devastating. And as Raymond's case demonstrated, even dealing isn't cut and dry. So it's really layers upon layers. And then the story of Reyes' other victims. Thanks to the poster who linked that article. It's horrifying to realize a murderer and serial rapist has more conscience than the people charged with keeping law and order. While Fairstein is definitely the mastermind behind this case, the racist, narrowminded and downright lazy cops who did her bidding have no excuse either. I guess I'm watching that interview with Oprah later today.
  18. I loved The Good Place finale, it was just right for what the show was. Coronavirus is definitely on the news, especially since there were three Croatian citizens in Wuhan asking to be evacuated when it broke. And everyone is aware of it. So much so that a girl fell while I was teaching my fourth grade class (not fainted as far as I could tell, just her legs giving out) and then threw up a few times in quick succession on Friday, and this group of 9 and 10-year-olds asked me if it was Coronavirus. So you know, fun times.
  19. I was just reading spec about Dinah's disappearance from 2020, but that got me to wondering how and why she'd even have become the new BC. Oliver was actually searching for a Laurel replacement in the original timeline and sought Dinah out, then brought her to SC. Am I remembering that correctly? But if Laurel was never BC, and from everything I've read I'm deducing she wasn't, why would he have looked for Dinah and then sort of forced the moniker on her?
  20. I'm really out of the loop, so my knowledge of this season is mostly what I pick up here and there. I thought the multiverse was no more and they all merged into one. No?
  21. 👏👏👏 I don’t think I’ll ever feel that wasn’t the right pay off. And looking at the pictures I can’t help thinking, poor Moira, resurrected to have to place Oliver’s empty casket into the ground for the second time.
  22. I read about this yesterday, and that four of his daughters were/might have been with him. Are the other three okay?
  23. No, it's the first time I've seen the commercial, but thanks for trying to help. ☺️
  24. Again, those things feel like something the American public would know about, not international. His Wiki page did mention his book and potential presidential campaign, but no, it's neither of those. I don't know, maybe I just read about his death on the boards here and the name stayed with me.
  25. Definitely Ecuador and Brazil. There was a P in there, either Paraguay or Panama. I'm not sure whether they all stuck to South America or if someone ventured north into Central America.
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