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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Saw it last night and enjoyed it tremendously. I didn't even notice the two and a half hours pass by. I can honestly say I don't get racing at all, especially of the 24 hour kind, in which drivers can be taken out like flies. I'm perplexed at the people who actually hang around for that long. I liked both Shelby and Miles, and Peter was the definition of adorable. He could have given the press at the race a run for their money. Despised that prick Leo Beebee. I actually believe he didn't know he'd be screwing over Ken at Le Mans, simply because he had no clue about racing, but the fact that he did seemed like a huge bonus for him. Poxy bastard. Frankly, I would have ended the movie at Le Mans. The tragedy after it could have been included in the info at the end. This was devastating to see. Here's what I can't shake off. How and why do I know of Lee Iacocca? I'm not American and his Wiki page didn't help much. I thought maybe he went on to work in the entertainment industry, but apparently not.
  2. @BkWurm1, I forgot my AO3 passwprd, so I didn't comment there, but congrats on your mammoth fic. It's a really impressive piece of work and it kind of messed up my reading schedule once I sarted it. I appreciate the exploration of Felicity and Moira's relationship and its potential nuances. But honestly, you had me serial killer yacht salesman. 😄
  3. Yes, I drive on a daily basis. And yes, that seems fine to me. You know, that's one of the things I really came to unexpectedly enjoy when I had about an hour's commute each way one year. When there were heavy snows, it absolutely sucked and I'm pretty sure I bitched about it here. But having that time to myself was actually great. I was mildly resentful when colleagues started carpooling with me despite it being both ecologically and financially beneficial. Like, why did we have to talk on our way back from work? We all held classes, use the time to decompress.
  4. The trailer and the little featurettes popping up on YouTube look so wonderfully fresh and energetic. I got Beth. Some of it seems right.
  5. They were definitely arguing about IVF.
  6. Was just about to yell solicitation. Is Charlie Sheen currently married? His name was the first to pop to my mind when I read that bit about tying up the wife and making her watch her husband have sex with another woman.
  7. Or any real mayoral tasks aside from duping people to come work and live in town.
  8. @Irlandesa, I get and agree with all your points on Jack, yet I mostly like him due to Henderson. He really sells the completely bowled over by Mel aspect to me. So I'd say the weaknesses lie in the writing with regards to him, but there are some great things in that regard as well. Like the way he genuinely comforted Mel, telling her things would work out with her husband, regardless of his feelings. Hers mattered more then. He's a really minor character, but the kid helping out at the bar is very endearing and I want good things for him. One thing I wasn't wild about were the flashbacks. The device just grew tedious. Probably because they used them for both Mel and Jack. I hope they don't amp them up next season, even though Paige seems like prime candidate for them. Regarding the books, man, Carr is really prolific. It took me a while just to through the summaries of the series. Does this town become a booming economy by the series' end? So many people relocate there! I sttaight up laughed when I read one of the characters in later books is named Luca Brazzi. Good thing for the slightly different name, he could have easily been sleeping with the fishes. Another thing aside from being prolific, is that Carr is surprising. The material is really ripe and ready for the picking, Netflix could use it for years if it wanted to. Great pick on their part. They can wrap up the story relatively early on if they want to, but also extend it for ages if it looks profitable.
  9. I think the real problem was that they just kept repeating the same beats. It was a merry go round of bickering and then Hope apologized in the 11th hour.
  10. Jolene was the first episode in my queue so I watched that. Honestly, it didn't inspire me to continue watching. The premise is fine, focusing on the relationship between the two women, but the execution left a lot to be desired. The acting was just oof. And I'm probably going against the message of women not judging other women, but not even tutoring a pre-teen deemed something more than a bralette? Also, on a highly superficial note, why did Jolene's hair look fried when she made it in Nashville while she was glammed up in Hicksville, USA? Plus, that last song? A total dud.
  11. With the way it ended, a second season is really needed. I expected this one to be more self-contained and probably open possible storylines for Paige and Preacher, and Joey and whoever for next season, while settling Jack and Mel. However, nothing, aside from Doc and Hope, I guess, gets any sort of resolution. Also, I really like Tim Matheson and Hope can be a pill, but it was disappointing to have only her apologizing at the end. There was the talk from the town busy body that Doc needed to show Hope he was sorry but I honestly never saw that. ETA: I'd love to hear about the changes from the book. From what I gathered by reading through some summaries
  12. So, at the end of this season, I'm very much pro Anne and Wilson, and very sad that princess Alice didn't get more screen time. Everything else is pretty much meh to me. Wilson is such a good egg, I'm gonna miss him next season. He had a very calming presence. Jesus on a stick, that whole mess with Margaret and Tony just kept getting worse and worse. The only smart step in the whole ordeal was Roddy hightailing out of there. Oh, congrats, Tony, you won, you prat. She tried to kill herself and you decide to marry your young mistress after being hypocrytical and obnoxious about it before. Funny how someone caught how Roddy was a younger version of Tony. There were obvious similarities between Margaret and the Thing. Which is an awful thing to say, but did make me laugh. But you know the weirdest part in this? Margaret's lady in waiting or whatever. She tries to convince Margaret to live a separate life from Tony and is throwing dudes at her, then she's shocked, just shocked at her hooking up with Roddy. Which, okay, yes, might be explained away by her finding the lack of discretion objetionable. But she's telling this to her husband while holding a book and being fully dressed during what was supposed to be a weekend of orgies from what I gathered before hand. 🤷‍♀️
  13. Basically, because that's how quickly some of these things come into and go out of fashion. Another thing, which isn't intentional on the consumers' part is the shit quality of some of these items.
  14. Huh. I don't remember ever seeing that in a store.
  15. For these reasons we went back to a shower curtain. It's not ideal, I hate it when I get too close to it and it sticks to my skin, but cleaning is much easier.
  16. God, it's so exhausting being married to Phillip. It seems like Elizabeth has to pencil in something in for him in her itinerary. August 2nd - find P. a new hobby August 13th - find P. a new friend August 28th - P. peckish again. might like an around the world trip?
  17. Emilia Clarke on "Terrifying" Nude Scenes, Pressure to Please 'Game of Thrones' Fans
  18. Oh my God, it's like a way less douchy version of pre-island Oliver. Like, what if the Queens were 100% more normal and the kids were meeting Moira and Robert for dinner.
  19. I hope Jack Moore isn't included just because of his past work, but that we get to see teen William reunited with his family. Maybe it's my phone and eyes playing tricks on me, but SA looks younger than usual in the firat pic and then noticeably older and kind of gaunt in the second.
  20. Happy birthday, @tennisgurl. And all the best with house hunting, @Mellowyellow.
  21. He really is a definite fave. And the social media presence is only sugar on top of his presence on the show, wherein he made me care more abou teen William once the adult version showed up.
  22. Plus, it came off as odd since I don’t have a lasting impression of Tan putting all the women candidates in heels. And then there was his comment about her getting used to it. Tan, honey? No.
  23. I was 100% convinced she was mostly out of the door on the marriage and read the lack of a wedding ring as a sign of that, not how Bobby saw it. I mean, the woman said straight out she wanted to get married, and she wouldn't say that she wanted a replacement ring when asked? In fact, I still wasn't buying it after yoga, thinking she didn't want to hurt and humiliate the guy before cameras but at least Makoto seemed better off to deal with the fall out. I felt like both Yoko and Kan were dealing with some serious depression issues (Yoko's statement about wanting to die instead of her sister was just heartbreaking) and hope that Karamo slipped them a therapist's number. I know they said it wasn't a thing in Japan, but it really felt like both could benefit from it.
  24. @BunsenBurner, sending you all the best vibes. I don't know what doctors in the States are regarding this, but here they're extremely cautious about giving you a positive conclusion without being damn well sure of it. So what they said has to be a good sign. I haven't started season 8 and if you're game, let's make a date to watch it together once you're able to.
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