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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Shit, I did not expect Mrs Featherington resorting to forgery. That was downright villainous. What is the matter with people thinkimg that Daphne would be happy eith a visiting prince? The key word being visiting. Oh, yes, that sounds perfect for a girl very close to her large family. I'm still not vowed with Daphne and Simon as a couple, but I am enjoying the family moments we are given, like Daphne and Anthony in the kitchen, or Eloise and Benedict in the garden. I swear, Eloise is likely to combust from frustration by the end of the season. The actress plays her with such vibrancy that you feel it coming through the screen.
  2. I'm only two episodes in, but I don't expect they'll change something as major as one of the main pairings. If they get to Eloise's story, I have to imagine it'll be with Phillip. And sadly for Marina, I don't see another way of acomplishing that in that era. Maybe she'll have a better go of the short while she does have though. She didn't seem remotely depressed from what I've seen of her so far.
  3. It's funny. I checked out my ebooks and it turns out I have Romancing Mr. Bridgerton and To Sir Phillip with Love, so I decided to start with the first, since it comes that way chronologically. And I'm enjoying it immensely. It's not a wild romp, but I love the way Colin and Penelope are discovering themselves and each other as they go.
  4. I loved Penelope's ponderings about pregnancies. Well, our parents had the three of us. How can love be the cause then? 😁 I truly would support and watch Eloise and Penelope's version of Golden Girls. That reply did remind me of Colin better shape up and develop a personality or I'm rooting for the girls to end up together.
  5. Does anyone remember Eloise having scholastic aspirations? @pigs-in-space, is that mentioned in the books? From what I remember, Eloise was successfully avoiding marriage without detection for years because she didn't want it until she started corresponding with Phillip and was somewhat triggered by Penelope's and Colin's marriage.
  6. Okay, so this episode sort of clicked for me where the first one didn't necessarily. I am SO here for Eloise and Penelope trying to suss out the truth about the birds and the bees. We need to know so it doesn't happen to us! Eloise, you are my favorite by far. And just when I started to bemoan how the Featherington household is so much more fun than the Bridgerton one, in comes Hurricane Eloise demanding answers. And it wasn't just her, it was like that entrance woke the household up, because then we got the Colin and Benedict sideshow, Benedict having a smoke with Eloise, a good conversation between Daphne and Anthony, Eloise's frank conversation with Daphne... All great sibling moments. Did Eloise mention who sang to her the night Hyacinth was born? I presumed Anthony since he's the eldest. This was a good episode for Anthony as well. While he still had assholish moments, there was much more of a balance. His dickishness levels receded so significantly at times that I felt sorry for him when Violet basically told him he wasn't needed. I thought he was particularly great when he tried to explain it to herthat there would be no marriage between Daphne and Simon. He was still inexplicably and obstinately riding the Berbrooke train then, but him trying to explain to his mother that it wasn't whim, immaturity or a show on Simon's part was such a great, honest scene. On a lighter note, I enjoyed Nigel's worsening looks throughout the episode. What's wrong with his eye? It looks obscene! 😂 The episode's star was clearly Simon, though, and it was done very well. They just cast the most adorable munchkins to play him through his childhood years. This bodes well for Daphne. Their future kids should be too adorable to handle. But getting back to serious stuff, just when I thought the two younger versions were heartbreaking enough, they hit me with the eldest kid version writing to his father to let him know he wasn't dead. That was a punch straight to the heart. Congrats to Simon for restraining himself from putting a pillow over the dying prick's head.
  7. While I prefer Daphne's book problems, it just feels fresher and less like Drama with a capital D, I appreciate this introduces the more encompassing changes to the show's universe better. My assumption about changing Marina's background is that the producers didn't want Eloise marrying her deceased cousin's husband one day. Particularly if they keep Francesca marrying her deceased husband's cousin eventually. Can someone remind me of Marina's book story? Am I remembering correctly that she was originally engaged to Phillip's older brother and then Phillip inherited whatever lands, duties and a fiance when the brother passed? I remember learning she suffered from depression and maybe post partum. Did we learn anything more about her?
  8. Big Duke Energy. 😂 It reminds me of another thing I wanted to say. I felt this episode didn't offer enough insight into Simon. Probably just because its purpose was to introduce the Bridgerton clan for future. I'll take the Marina talk over to the book thread.
  9. Actually, I've seen articles stating that this isn't color blind casting, that race absolutely plays a part, so that it's rather color conscious. They're going off on the presumption that Queen Charlotte had obvious African ancestry and this had shaped the society's perception of race. It's an interesting concept. While on the topic, they also mention Asian characters. I don't think I've spotted any yet in episode 1.
  10. I haven't read the books in 10 or more years and while I do remember Anthony as an annoying know-it-all with a stick up his ass, I was surprised at 1) him shtupping his mistress woth his servant there, and 2) him being as dumb as a rock about Daphne's season. On the other hand, I honestly can't tell Benedict and Colin apart and in a turn of events that saddens me, Colin seems as dull as dishwater. Hopefully, those are his growing pains because he came through for Penelope in the end here. My favorites after this episode are definitely Eloise and Lady Featherington. Eloise just popped from the start and I'm sorry that there appeared to be less of her as the episode went on. And Polly Walker looks to be having the time of her life as Portia. Her husband looks like a total creep. ETA: A small scene I really liked was the four elder Bridgertons trying to evade Lady Danburry. It was like one of them gave a signal to disperse but tough luck.
  11. Thank you! I thought i had conjured up a normal Charmaine in the first season as this one progressed. They made her such a stock character this time around, it seems her only purpose is to keep Mel and Jack apart. She and Doc had a really good thing going on most of the season until he freaked out about his health and sniped at Mel instead of admitting to being afraid.
  12. Yeah, I liked Ricky last year, but I liked him as he was used last year. And I appreciate the thought behind showing the guy anxious about sex, but the execution was mind numbingly boring. Plus Lizzie always looks like she’s performing. I'll admit their story went completely differently than I expected. I thought she'd get involved with Brady and use Ricky for cover. That deal with Brady ended before it began. Happy that Doc at least tried to tell Hope about his medical issues. I think my favorite Hope scene was in this episode. It's when she tells her circle about the wedding and they start to snipe at each others ideas. Hope, meanwhile, just looks content as she realizes that these women are showing her their love this way. I can't believe they saddled us with an identical twin after the storyline for, what, eight of of ten episodes was. Connie instructing Preacher on how to evade the police. It's a lame twist however you put it, but at least starting it off earlier could mean they'd have finished it this season. Though who knows, given how they just shipped off Paige, maybe next year Preacher will already be gone with the kid when we start. This season missed more of the town folks IMO.
  13. Of course things come crashing down for Mel just as she's being super cute getting her groove on. But is Pacific Life Insurance sucky or what? They make their payment a year after Mark had passed? Or not that much less than that, since Mel's been in Virgin River for a month or two, right? Following up the tensions in the first season, Mel and Doc feel almost like father and daughter now. On an umrelated note, I think he may be going blind. That's the second time his trouble with reading came up. In real life, I'd say he needs new glasses. On a drama show, I feel it has to be more serious than that. Just after Hope has started to unclench, of course. So what's the deal with Connie, is she a former lawyer/cop or a mafia boss in her spare time? Those talks with Preacher sounded very knowledgeable. Or maybe she's just mainlining real crime stories as she dreams of ways of doing away with Lizzie without being caught.
  14. Oh, I don't think it's an issue of her not knowing. She knew, she just tried to manipulate Mel just as she tried to make Mel's husband give it back. The lowest blow was her saying she'd leave the ring to her future kids and Mel would have no one to give it to. Step off, hag. I truly don't know what her fiance saw in her, because she seemed awful throughout this visit. On the plus side, finally one episode in which I didn't chant this every time Hope was on screen. That was a nice change of pace. Oof, Jack seems to be heading somewhere dark. That was a really good scene at the end.
  15. I guess Charmaine used up all her resources for normalcy in those final minutes of the last episode. Jack and Mel's scene at the river and picnic were cute. Did not atnicipate that as the reason for Mark's sister visiting.
  16. Charmaine was awful in this episode, using Mel as her whipping girl for most of it, instead of her nurse. But I will give it to her that she finally apologized and chilled. Something that a certain someone whose name rhymes with Pope is unable to do after decades. I'm moments away from starting a Free Doc campaign.
  17. I thought rhis episode was just going to be depressing throughout, but then the ending happened. I wonder if it'll last throughout the next episode or implode very early on. Gaaah, Hope, I can't with the crap you pull. And then they remind me of her heart attack, making me fantasize about a new one. She is seriously THAT annoying. Doc and Muriel's old folks flirting was hilarious, dorky and charming. I probably found the innuendo funnier than it really was.
  18. She was wearing a denim skirt when she came in for a consult with Jack and Charmaine in this episode. I only noticed it because it bunched up in the front, giving her the appearance of having a little tummy, which I'm sure she doesn't have.
  19. Sheesh, this episode should have been called Annoying Annies. I honestly don't remember Charmaine being this exasperating and downright juvenile. All the sniping about and at Mel was exhausting, but at least she has the excuse of hormones and difficult pregnancy. Hope on the other hand has no excuses left. She's playing some idiotic game about her relationship with Doc, going so far as to offer him up to Muriel, she's still a pain in the ass about Charmaine who never did anything to her and she can shove her woe is me where the sun don't shine when it comes to Jack. You brought it on yourself, you hag. She's got to be a wild cat in bed, right? Because I can't figure out why Doc doesn't call up Muriel for real and give it a go. He's too good for Hope, especially as depicted in this episode, and Muriel seems like a fun, straightforward broad. And then, finally, there's Brady angling for a management position. First, wait until I finish laughing. Second, dude, that position is already filled. Jack does it. It's one bar, not like Jack runs multiple chapters of a business. Just fall off one of those scenic cliffs and put me out of my misery, Brady. I felt Paige's description of her marriage was very realistic. It's just too bad that I'm not feeling anything from Preacher. He is very nice to look at, but doesn't really emote. The final appearance was well telegraphed by various wide shots throughout the episode. Kudos for the songs. Inpressive that they got the rights to Elton John.
  20. Since everybody has pretty much covered the deep and significant moments, I'll say that Beth sleeping with the dude from Russian class was a relief. As others have mentioned, I felt the threat of sexual violence in previous episodes, so Beth sleeping with someone of her chosing and volition, even if it was hilariously underwhelming or maybe because of it, was the moment I exhaled. I'll also add that she's an amazing house guest, with all the cleaning and vacuuming.
  21. He was college aged. One of the twins at registration said he was on the college chess team.
  22. I admit to airing my teenage frustrations over a botched haircut by smashing a hand held mirror in a bathroom sink once. I didn't stare at my fractured reflection afterwards, but picked up the pieces after some deep exhales. I didn't repeat it, but it was a pretty effective way to vent.
  23. I think that would be a logical conclusion since the show started with the beginning of her reign.
  24. Thanks, I obviously wasn't paying enough attention.
  25. While Elizabeth had cause to be weary and past examples of Margaret's less than stellar work ethic, I don't think this time it had anything to do with Margaret. It was simply the case of duties that Margaret would have been once given now going to Andrew by virtue of him reaching adulthood.
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