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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Thanks. That right there is a big ol' red flag about Lord Featherington's finances.
  2. Speaking of the Diamond and so on, in one of the cast interviews, the acttess portraying the oldest Featherington sister says it's her third season. Is that true? I have no issue with her being several seasons in, I do however take issue with her being presented to the Queen. That was only done at the start of a girl's first season, wasn't it?
  3. Pall Mall is basically cricket on speed, in which the Bridgertons make up the rules, cheat as much as possible and focus more on making someone lose than on their own win. They're all basically very entertaining maniacs and the scene showcases how Kate gels with the family. The lucky mallet is the so called Mallet of Death, which Anthony believes is the key to victory and which Kate (unknowingly) claims.
  4. Penelope's mother rushed her coming out, so she's 17 tops. I agree Anthony is stupid hot. Beautiful bone structure. I just hope next season leans into the stupid part less. He was wasted on that.
  5. Who compared the Bridgerton brothers to Backstreet Boys? https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgjzwlpF1B/?igshid=1mr2z6xuenuys Maybe Violet can blackmail all eight kids to put on a show for her birthday. Regency von Trapps.
  6. I don't get the big difference between Marina not knowing Phillip at all and knowing him by sight from, let's say church, to be honest. Was introduced to him at county fair and went separate ways is not really knowing. Since Marina’s thing with George was obviously a secret, he clearly didn't take her to hang out with his younger brother. Still don't see why the distinction would be very relevant.
  7. Aside from Marina and Francesca's first husband John, no.
  8. I've searched for mentions of Eloise in An Offer From a Gentleman and while a found a meantion of her going to a masquerade as Joan of Arc and bellowing at Benedict to get his attention, which both fit well with this season's depiction of her, the only mention of education I found was this: It's one mention and she doesn't necessarily say she wishes to attend, it reads more like a comment on the injustice that she doesn't have the option to do it.
  9. Marina did say that they were from the same county or some such. Certainly belonged to the same church. Yeah, the George bit doesn't jibe with what we've been told about heir presumptives, but it's there in the book as well.
  10. I fall on the side of Colin likes to think he would have married her knowing about her pregnancy, but would he really? It's impossible to know, really. Even if Colin were to ruminate on this later, ai don't think even he could say for certain.
  11. Does she? I've re-read books 2, 4 and 5 after the show was released and I can't remember a mention. Does it happen in Benedict's book? Maybe she tells Sophie about it?
  12. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CJSigyfswHQ/?igshid=1lj0lonvs291s Some short cast comments on their scenes. I love the Clueless reference.
  13. With the vantage of hindsight, I can actually say I think the prince would have been a good match for Daphne. I was the first to say that the prince was wholly inappropriate because he was from God knows where, but then he said he was educated in England and was interested in spending plenty of time there. Plus his temerampent suited Daphne well, better than Simon's IMO. Daphne chose Simon, which certainly her perogative, but I don't think her match with the prince would have been a bad one.
  14. I suppose they could have more of the family converging on Benedict and Sophie and certainly show them while Eloise is missing. My esteem for show Violet would go very much up if I saw her trotting off to the bank to get her affairs in order in case of a ransom note. If next season covers one social season like this one, I doubt it. Eloise is supposed to come out next year and Francesca the year after. While I think she married young, I don't think it was before she was presented to society. I know that The Viscount Who Loved Me takes place a year after this. What about Benedict's book, is it the year after or is there a larger time jump? I know from Eloise's book that Sophie was her ladies maid for a minute, but I don't know if Francesca was still at home at that point or already married to her first husband.
  15. I don't think there's any cause for fear. While Simon and Daphne were leads of this season, this was obviously an ensamble and it makes sense for a TV show. In books you can easily shift focus from one pair to another, but on TV you need more people to fill the time and catch interest. So I fully expect everyone who was in London at the end of this season to play a part in the next one. Aside from maybe Francesca, who was a blink and you'll miss her situation even this year.
  16. I don't even mind because I actually like the actor and he made me want to see more of Benedict, when he was a total non-entity for me in the books.
  17. I don't find Quinn to be the deepest writer, but there's an excellent balance of balls to the walls hilarity and genuine heart in The Viscount Who Loved Me.
  18. I suppose it's to show Simon getting over his trauma and showing him welcoming a son and heir with complete joy in case there isn't a second season.
  19. Neither of them does that. Papa Bridgerton had provided financial security for his younger sons as well, so there isn't a pressing need for them to do it. It was Colin who felt lost and aimless eatching Anthony do his viscount business and Benedict flourishing as an artist. Having never read Benedict's book, I don't know what his feelings were on the matter. ETA: Does anyone recall why Daphne and Simon return to the city in the book? I seem to vaguely recall that they do, but it couldn't have been for the same reason, since there was no scandal involving Colin and a girl he proposed to.
  20. If we're talking Tessa Dare, I remember A Week to Be Wicked as immensely fun. So much fun that I could accept the super tight time frame. This puts me in mind of Meredith Duran's Wicked Becomes You, which shares the premise falling for your older brother's BFF, and Loretta Chase's Mr. Impossible, which is sort of like The Mummy in book form squared. I cannot recommend it enough.
  21. People's voice are just like that sometimes. My niece sounded like that when she was a preschooler. It was totally creepy until I got used to it. I honestly haven't even noticed the issue here.
  22. And then she shoos her off. Shows who's the boss there. 😄
  23. I think interracial marriage was always legal in the UK. Social acceptability being another matter, naturally.
  24. The cast reads an excerpt from The Duke and I. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CJeD_vPDOMy/?igshid=zud9qal27j3r I can't decide who's my favorite. Marina with her slightly doubtful air, the Featherington sisters getting warm under the collar, Penelope's French accent or the Bridgerton* boys. I think it's the last. Why are you looking at me? So when are you and I shooting this scene? Once again I applaud this show's promotion. *using the characters' names as I don't know all the actors yet
  25. The servants' scenes in general were good and every featured one was an actual character, not just there for background. All three housekeepers we saw - Bridgertons', Featheringtons', Hastings' - played roles to move the plot. I loved how the servants were integral in exposing Berbrooke.
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