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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. She's so similar to some aspects of Claire that I was expecting the others to pop up.
  2. Some song from the show popped up on Youtube, then I watched about 30 more and now I'm done re-watching the first two seasons and holy crap, I did NOT grasp the brilliance of the season 2 finale at the time. Sure, Rebecca's interactions with the Westchester Sperm Machine always read uncomfortable, but I don't think I've realized before that they're recreations of her interactions with Josh. First it was the text message. This is Rebecca's message to Josh when she moves to West Covina: Even the writing process is the same. Then, there are the chords of Love Kernels playing when she goes bananas after Silas actually shows up to the rehearsal dinner. End then, as the final nail in the coffin, when the dance instructor mistakes her and Silas for a couple she recreates the scene when Dr Phil confused her and Josh for a couple. Transcript of the scene with Dr Phil, 01x07 - I'm So Happy That Josh Is So Happy!: Transcript of the scene with the dance instructor, 2x13 Can Josh Take a Leap of Faith?: Ho. Ly. Shit. I'm left mouth agape. This is it, this is the explanation of her Josh Chan obsession laid bare and I missed it so completely the last time round.
  3. Bonkerton. Hee. Oh, Francesca is there as well. They remembered her.
  4. Definite favorites: On a mission from God to cockblock his sister Could start a fight in an empty house Big of heart, dumb of ass All true. :D
  5. Honestly, that seems pretty in line with the book series Francesca to me. She's pretty much a non-entity which is why I never felt very motivated to read her book. The same applied to Benedict.
  6. This reminds me of a hilarious comment I read a while back. It went something like, So I'm watching the show and the woman is crying in the shower. Her boyfriend comes and comforts her, then they have sex for an hour. And I'm here wondering - what water heater did they buy?
  7. From the article: [QUOTE] They minimized and said Franco being a predator [B] was so last year[/B] and that he changed[/QUOTE] My palm is itching so hard to slap the asses who said this. Could they have found a more dismissive way to do it? I honestly can't think of one.
  8. I didn't know this. So Bran and Rickon are the only ones left? Maybe Marvel will finally fulfill my dreams of the Stark kids reuniting. I don't know why people are reaching so far. Dan Stevens decided not to resign after fulfilling his three year contract for Downton Abbey and people hated him and were gleeful when he wasn't in a blockbuster a month after exiting the show. I mean I'm no fan of how and when his storyline ended, but the man was perfectly within his rights to leave.
  9. I can't think of another show that fits the description, although that's not saying much, but I found the claim that Page signed and intended to be part of only one season completely believable. Maybe I'm a rube. 🤷‍♀️ The renewal isn't suprising, but I'd be curious to know if the plan is to go on with a book per season. The timing of first three books works for this, but since there are overlaps with books 4,5 and 6, I wonder what the plan is there.
  10. I don't think they'll change the plot this much. There are plenty of stories left, no need to mess with Simon and Daphne's happy end for shits and giggles. Plus, these stories take place within a limited time period. If Daphne is there and Simon isn't, the most logical thing is for him to be at some estate farther away dealing with stuff. There is also this. After book two, in which he is part of the Pall Mall scene, I can only remember him appearing towards the end of book four to help bring Penelope to light as Lady Whistledown and have her accepted as such by Society. His title and influence can easily be replaced by Anthony or perhaps Lady Danburry. He's just not relevant going on.
  11. Honestly, she felt like so much a part of everything that this is sort of surprising. I assume she already was a regular.
  12. Descriptions of new characters. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSpW4ajdUK/?igshid=belk5g5ze0lb
  13. Francesca's first husband's name was John. So, it's basically the same name. I mean, it could be him. I know she's still unmarried at the time of Benedict's book, but there's no reason the show can't push her first marriage to her first season or something. Meet her first husband in season 2, marry him the following social season off screen when she's out.
  14. Rege Jean Page not returning for the second season got a mention on Last Week Tonight. At 15:25 mark. It's completely in character for him to start something he doesn't finish. Bahahaha. I actually read somehwere that as they're renegotiating with the cast, cameos in future seasons are being added to their contracts. I can't find the source now so it could be bogus, but it certainly makes sense.
  15. Who wouldn't fork over money for Orla's finger puppet show?
  16. They have a whole new plot with the Featherington heir and an original character that can very likely be him. I don't think they're really married to the books.
  17. Pall Mall was the first to thing to pop to my mind when I read the announcement as well. 😞
  18. He did not rape Marina, but he basically felt as he did after a very unresponsive encounter after the twins' birth. I don't feel Phillip was a dick at all. He wasn't perfect and he wasn't the best father to his kids, but that was because he was frozen due to his fears of being a terrible abusive father like his was. He was no worse than any of Quinn's heros that I remember. While The Viscount Who Loved Me was a great read, Phillip couldn't enter the same dick contest level with Anthony. And frankly, "not the best father" is viewed through today's prism more than the that time periods.
  19. This show is entirely too addictive. I binged it in way too short a time. I really cared for all of the characters, even if I accidentally read about Olivia ahead of time so it lacked some impact. I think Jamal's turn to football isn't that surprising. Apparently, Monse's fear about the fam falling apart after she left came true and Jamal isn't the type who can or really should be alone in Freeridge. Football team isn't such a bad place to go. Certainly better than a gang. Oof, seeing Cesar stepping into Spooky's shoes was tough. Not unexpected but still rough to see. And speaking of Cesar, I'm unclear on something. Ray was in jail for most of his life and Oscar was the one doing most of the raising because their mom "wasn't there even if she was there". Only, we never see their mom on the show, and Oscar got out after four years right at the start. So who the hell took care of Cesar between the ages of ten and fourteen? It was rough watching 14-year-old Cesar trying to find a place to stay and be safe, but thinking he was having to do this at 10... Jesus. It's good that Ruby and Jasmine still have each other down the line even if they look depressed as hell. And Ruby's hair isn't popping. Ruby, honey. Sigh. Good for Monse for seeming to take the most out of her new life and building a relationship with her siblings as well. But while it's realistic that these kids might not be friends for life, their alienation still hurts because they really sold their love and devotion to each other. Sure, they were petty AF at times but hilariously so. Even Monse and Cesar, which I was sceptical about at first, didn't seem to just be suffering from an onslaught of hormones, but honestly in love. Speaking of an onslaught of hormones, whatever happened to Mario after he learned he wasn't the baby daddy? Did he go back to school? He just wasn't in the house after that.
  20. My couch pulls out and so do I. I legitimatelly had to pause at that until I stopped laughing so I could follow what came afterwards.
  21. Hold on, who's he dating now? His girlfriends are eerily interchangable.
  22. I'm having trouble remembering three husbands. There was Marc Anthony, Chris something, who's the third?
  23. I don't think time jumps between seasons would be hard to do at all.
  24. Anthony and Kate with an assist from Colin, a summary. https://www.instagram.com/p/CL2Tsa-AQxA/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet https://www.instagram.com/p/CMJ9NKojiNH/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
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