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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. This may be my favorite cast interview. I honestly can't say who or what bit is the funniest, they all crack me up. https://youtu.be/ZYgTxpJiChM
  2. According to The Court Jeweller that's a widely spread myth. There's more in the link, but here's an excerpt:
  3. Jonathan Bailey reveals which line he thought Bridgerton audiences would obsess over It's a great interview, both insightful and funny. Some favorite bits:
  4. In addition to this, they share a father, @pasdetrois Kate had a different mother, Mary is Kate's father's second wife.
  5. I'm just checking that part and he's 23, thank you very much. Which means Hyacinth's book actually happens really close to this one, as I think she's in her very early 20s during her story. It came as a surprises, I thought there was a bigger gap.
  6. Yeah, a lot of the changes make sense. And doing away with Anthony's conviction of his untimely demise and focusing on his duties also brings with it not highlighting Kate's fear of storms. There's no awareness od mortality as their bond, it comes down to daft older sibling who must make the world run. It's also exciting in a way because I honestly don't know what to expect. Current events greatly influence what happens in the future. For instance, in Eloise's book the brothers go to sort stuff out and Eloise is all, Anthony, what are you doing, convincing me to marry a man I don't know, I wanted a love match like you got. And Anthony rightfully points out that he got married because of him and Kate being caught by Portia. Yes, she's his entire world but the circumstances of them getting married weren't that romantic. That's just not true in the show. They both know completely that they love each other when they get married. Even the argument of ruined reputations is ground to dust since Kate refused Anthony's first proposal which she viewed as colored by that. So the conflict between Eloise and Anthony can't remain the same Somebody brought up the possibilty of Marina not dying, but running away with someone. My first thought was, that won't work, Phillip and Eloise wouldn't be able to marry. But what if this Eloise, the one who reads Wollstonecraft, actually wants to be with Phillip even without marriage and that's the conflict. Her family thinks it's insane and just another 'rebellion' but she actually really loves this dork.
  7. Can we talk about the fact that Anthony looks at Kate as he's flexing about his nautical skills? What a piss poor knot. Would you look at this bozo, Kate? I am. It's you. You're the bozo.
  8. Penelope literally thumbed her nose at the Queen in her column about Anthony and Edwina's failed wedding. I gasped at that voice over. So she's definitely a little insane at least and willing to spit in the wind. This decision tracks.
  9. Exactly, Edwina wasn't even the logical choice for the position. Anthony really needs someone else to handle HR.
  10. How to wish your leading lady a happy birthday, a one step lesson by Jonathan Bailey.
  11. You know what I want? Colin and Anthony learning about this together. Colin is aghast, Anthony presses his fingers' to his eyeballs in frustration and calls for... Gregory. Well, there's really no need to rip into me in front of our baby brother, Lord Bridgerton. I assure you I'm mortified already. You don't have to be a dick about it. Anthony just ignores him. Gregory, when you get the idea to diminish a lady, be it a specific one or just in general, please try to refrain. Or at the very least, don't do it in the open. Gregory, doing his all to grow up into the perfect gentleman for Anthony is incenced. He would never! You're a Bridgerton, odds are against you here. - Pfft, nope. After Gregory leaves, Colin wants some actual help, not whatever that was. What should he do? Then it clicks. What did Anthony do? Walked through personal hell. - Fat load of good you are, your lordship. It worked out for him in the end?
  12. She was mentioned, I think. Definitely not in the Pall Mall scene. But then neither was Eloise. The original players were the four oldest Bridgertons and Kate and Edwina. Simon joined them unexpectedly. What a different (and much shorter) story this would have been had Anthony actually approached his search for a wife, nay viscountess, reasonably. Who's the better fit, numnut, a sweet debutante or her bossy, haughty older sister? Particularly with his book motivation. You'd want someone you see as competent and up for dealing with this station once you croak sooner rather than later, no? Goes to show the ammount od thought (not) put into the endeavor.
  13. I don't know what I love more. The scene with the sting itself or them running away as if hellhounds were chasing them. So, this is how I die.
  14. I'm laughing like a complete idiot since I realized that Kate using lilly soap to calm the fuck down results im Anthony losing his mind for months.
  15. I don't think Mary would have lost her title after marriage. She's still Lady Mary as the daughter od an... earl, was it? She does not pass it on to her offspring, so Edwina would never be Lady Edwina. She can be Lady Husband's Surname if she marries into nobility, just as Kate is now Lady Bridgerton.
  16. Prudence is married by the time od of Romancing Mr. Bridgerton. She marries Nigel Berbrooke, who's not a creep in the books, just stupid and well intentioned. Colin spends a painful time with Penelope's family, her brothers-in-law included.
  17. They are married. Eloise mentioned that they came back from a 6-month honeymoon. Though the weather confuses me. The failed ball was at the end of May and I can't imagine they're get married any later than June, July at the latest. That hardly seemed like an English winter in the epilogue. Maybe they postposed the honeymoon some because of Anthony's obligations. If anyone would understand, Kate would. Probably monetary reasons.
  18. It WAS a hoot, but I also enjoyed all the scenes of Pen hustling and bustling. It was very working girl.
  19. I'm assuming the Queen trying to pass him off on a different debutante each season becomes a running joke.
  20. New stills. Lord of the manor literally playing grabass. https://www.instagram.com/p/CbptbUTr6Kj/?utm_medium=copy_link
  21. A great small scene of Benedict's was him quietly asking Anthony if he had anything to say to the family... Or just him? It was playful, but showed honest concern for his big brother in under 30 seconds and that to me was the essence of Benedict this season. Oh, this show made me tear up multiple times when it came to Anthony's fears and doubts, the way Violet and Daphne couldn't reach him, or Kate playing against herself. Just that shot of her trying to hold back tears when Mary looked at her. *insert chin wobble*
  22. Off the top of my head, both she and Violet were at the river when Anthony was staring Kate and Dorset down, and Violet noticed. She had opportunity, maybe she just didn't have the experience. Although 'books of love' being a personal favorite, she could have had some inkling. There's something to be said for obstinance as a family trait. Kate was set on Edwina marrying, and Edwina was set on marrying Anthony, and they were both mulish about it.
  23. She was an annoying little twat at that ball particularly but I applauded her put down about him not putting down every other woman to compliment one. Good on you, Eloise. Eloise's so called activism is annoying and performative, and very much like Colin's tales about Greece. It's all, no one has every had this thought or experience until me right now, I am an original. It's ridiculous and completely teenager like. It's also why it's hard for me to imagine anyone but Benedict heading next season's romance. He has his issues and doubts but is the only sibling to feel like a grown up.
  24. Before the heavy breathing even there was a boob graze as he adjusted her gun. So... Yeah. 😁
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