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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Charles mentions it when he goes to Mustique to visit Margaret where she's recovering if I recall correctly.
  2. She met Roddy, her young lover, at their house party last season. And I think they were later shown taking care of her Mustique property.
  3. The thing that made me take notice was the statement that Diana used baby William as a safety blanket in a way. A baby isn't aware of it, but an older child would be. And putting the reaponsibility of your well-being on a kid's shoulder is A LOT. When did the show imply otherwise? I know there were rumors about one of Diana's lovers, but as far as I know, that theory's been disproven. What old boyfriend? Wasn't the fact that she didn't have any one of Diana's best features as Chatles' future bride? This was also referenced on the show. Andrew was bitching about it tp Elizabeth. Now, something completely unrelated to anything really. Was Diana really in the habit of saying, Gosh? She was using it at least up until the fated anniversary.
  4. Touche. And probably closest to the truth.
  5. From what I can remember, Phillip hated/hates Fergie. I can't recall anything about him and Diana. But I could be mixing them up.
  6. Was she working in the pub? I got the impression she and her boyfriend were there to have some drinks. And wasn't he the first to get confrontational in front of the kids? Fagan wasn't without blame, but this dude seemed to have a really violent streak. Mrs Fagan doesn't seem to have the best taste in men is all I'm saying. Although Fagan seemed depressed to me, so he's harder for me to judge.
  7. I didn't find it remotely funny, but it served its purpose here. It showcased how well these two complemented each other.
  8. I didn't feel the least bit sorry. There were some rare bright spots for me but overall I found Thatcher maddening. Like her plea for the Queen to dismiss Parliament so she could cling to power. Or that really bizarre line about her job being the most important thing. It wasn't that part that struck me but she said it like she expected to be PM indefinitely. It's not a lifetime appointment! I mean, really. Her appearances on the show also left me puzzled over what she did to earn this honor. I don't know, maybe Liz threw it at her as a pity parting favor. I also fall in line with people who don't see Camilla as throwing a hissy fit, Charles got himself in a tizzy all on his own. Camilla just stated the facts and why she wanted things to remain the same.
  9. Well, no wonder Charles is always hunched over, he’s clearly misplaced his spine somewhere. It’s absolutely fine that he wanted to call it quits, this obviously wasn’t working for anybody, but Lord above, just say it. Even pick up the damn phone and tell her since you apparently couldn’t when Mummy used her Jedi mind tricks. Instead he stonwalls and entraps Diana! That’s what that whole avoidance thing was. He damn well knows she can’t handle not receiving attention and he set his spies on her. And another thing that drives me up the wall is his neediness, that he needs Camilla to end her marriage if he manages to dissolve his. Dude, if you’re unhappy in your marriage, just end it. Don’t put it on Camilla to do the same. I have to say I interpreted Elizabeth’s advice to allow each other freedoms to mean they can both mess around, only do it more discretely and for fuck’s sake, reach an agreement and don’t cause scandals. I also interpreted some emotional beats differently than other posters. Elizabeth definitely looked stricken to me when the news of the avalanche first reached them and Charles seemed to be looking at Diana and the boys in the pool with affection. My reading was that he actually enjoyed watching her as a mother to their sons. Also, young William was spot on. And the singalong in the car was very cute. still, the best scene of the episode was the discussion about Billy Joelle and ballerinas IMO.
  10. I unreservedly love it. Incredibly cunty indeed. Andrew's whining about not being the centre of attention on his special day was insufferable. Good on Charles for immediately cutting him at the knees. I think Andrew himself mentioned something about it in an earlier episode. Maybe when he came to tell Elizabeth about his upcoming marriage. I wanted to snatch her purse and smack her with it. Both her rhetoric and the fact that she wouldn't let the other person in the conversation finish their sentence were infuriating, queen or no queen.
  11. Now that you bring it up, she did mention some staff. A person taking care of her wardrobe and... personal maid? We have seen a maid bringing her letters. So I guess it was more her expectation of finding a new family in the palace and them being nope, not so much.
  12. I think what most works about the actress's looks for me personally is that she has a baby face. Diana didn't really, but I feel this distinction works really well here because it's a constant reminder of her youth.
  13. This episode actually made me think of the ones prominently featuring Diana. The shots we had of her here made her appear happy and at ease. She very well might have been feeling more comfortable here, but I also think it primarily reflected Margaret's perception of her. So what I came to was this - was Diana really that isolated as shown when she moved to the palace or was that also reflective of how she perceived her situation? And this in turn makes me wonder how skewed the perception could be in other episodes as well.
  14. It was definitely this episode for me. It was one of the shots from them being out and about greeting crowds.
  15. Josh O’Connor looked exactly like Charles to me when they were shown on TV during that disasterous interview* and there was a profile shot of Emma Corrin in the episode that made me go whoa. *Does anyone have either recollections or evidence that Diana was this much of a disaster during it? Because that was BAD.
  16. The only people from Netflix I can remember being a couple are the kids from The Kissing Booth.
  17. I think this might be my favorite episode so far. It just kept me engrossed the whole time. Nice mention of Fagan being like the Fool in telling the truth, and then have Thatcher receiving military salute instead of the sovreign. She's coming after your job too. Maybe he should have been James Bond considering the ease with which he came into the palace and located Liz's room. Their conversation was terrific. Right down to him critiquing the state of the palace.
  18. Maybe it's because I find her hilarious, but I attributed it to her life being a shitshow at the moment, or at least her seeing her that way. So some of her frustrations came out in this form.
  19. The family was more baffling to me than Charles. The guy proposed to her and promptly sent her on her way home. The family on the other hand was shown waiting for the news with bated breath at the beginning of the episode. And not one of these women could carve out half an hour to have tea with the girl? Come on, you all knew Charles was everywhere but around Diana, and you seemed more invested in the marriage than him. Work for it. I lay plenty of blame on Charles setting up playdates for Diana with Camilla. I don't know which of the two of them I find more insane in this instance. Dude, you could have set her up with Anne or basically anyone else. I fully expected Diana to be busted and scorned while rollerskating, so it was a relief that didn't happen. Now, someone remind me of either the show saying or implying so, or real world reports of Bertie's infidelities before I call bullshit on Queen Mum being all, that's how it is for everyone. I don't think it was for you, old woman.
  20. It would be nice if this turns out to be the (very possibly) first of this type of movie that has the lead take the promotion and their partner to either follow or take a shot at long distance for a while.
  21. I never watched Trebek and he mostly came to my attention once he shared the news about his disease and battle with it, but he seemed like a great guy even from that small glimpse of him.
  22. I thought he was her cousin here as well. But it's possible I added that bit myself because I had the information somewhere in the back of my mind subconsciously.
  23. I didn't hate it, but it's basically an inconsequential piece of glitz. It looks beautiful, but that's the problem, I don't think it should. The only scene it felt valid was in Rebecca's room. I don't know, maybe they were trying to show Maxim's dominance of the heroine via sex. She was clearly hot for him. Someone mentioned changes from the novel. Could you, or anyone really, point them out? I don't think Maxim's brother-in-law being one of Rebecca's lovers was stated explicitly in the film.
  24. He died in his sleep at the age of 90. If someone offered that deal to me, I'd sign it right now. Even the location isn't obligatory.
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