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Everything posted by ABay

  1. The only way it could've been more obvious Kirkland was reading her lines is if she put on reading glasses and held a card in front of her face. Way to spoil the illusion, there, Jen.
  2. Kate bakes a ciabatta every week. There was more to hers, but that's all I recall.
  3. Norman is writing his autobiography. Nancy still enjoyes teaching her grandchildren to bake. Those are the only others I remember.
  4. I watched it online this morning and was happy with the outcome. As otehrs have said, I would've been equally as happy if either of the other finalists had won. Richard and Luis were both so strong on presentation and design all along, while Nancy was not, but Nancy didn't cave under time pressure and, as they said, was consistent throughout.
  5. I'm going to have to watch it online when it eventually shows up. Fucking CPTV.
  6. Well, that just sucks. One of my earliest internet memories is mourning Roddenberry's death among other fans. That was back in the listserv text-only days. Crap.
  7. Re: Xanatos Gambit. As Mark Sheppard said about Jim Sterling, the recurring character he played on Leverage: He might not always win but he never loses.
  8. Favorite Fuscoism of the night: Mr. Peabody. And then we see Harold with Bear. Love the moniker, love the twist of dog and boy.
  9. I went with Vermont because I don't think of Maine as bordering Quebec, I think of it as bordering New Brunswick. Also, Vermont has a French name.
  10. Sing it, sister. Responding in the TV Tropes You Love thread.
  11. I'm not sure if it occurs often enough to be considered a trope, but I love male-female partnerships that are NOT fated to be romantic. It's the opposite of a trope I loathe. Some of my favorites: Diana and what's his name on The 4400, Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock, Carter and Jo on Eureka, Peggy Carter and Jarvis (and Howard Stark) on Agent Carter, Pete and Myka until they fucked it up on Warehouse 13, and Artie and Claudia on W13, Abbie and Crane on Sleepy Hollow (please lord), and all of the variations on Person of Interest. I like friendship and mutual respect.
  12. Thanks for all who explained that the computer company guy who hired Root was Caleb from season 2. I knew we were supposed to recognize him but he looks just like the guy from last week to me. It wouldn't make sense for it to be guy-from-last-week because he's in jail, but I couldn't place Caleb. It's only taken nearly the full season for Root to act on the idea the rest of us have had since last season: recruit a team. Everything Harold is gold, from the shoe to familiarity with pot to stealing the ring.
  13. As my friend from Tennessee always says: Y'all talk funny.
  14. What ElectricBoogaloo said. Emphasis on the second syllable. I did try to be clear on that in previous posts. DTDancer...Barb for Bob, GAHseeah for Garcia...are you sure you're in the U.S.?
  15. Although it's been years since I watched WWF (as it was then), for years I did watch both it and TDS. Which is why I love when Mick is on. If only he'd bring Socko sometime.
  16. But do you emphasize the first syllable? If they'd said gahSEEar, I would've gotten that they were mangling Garcia. The emphasis on the GAH made it a complete stumper.
  17. My very favorite example of weird British pronunciation was from one of the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes episodes. They kept referring to a character names GAH-see-er. Imagine my suprise at reading the credits and finding out the character's name was Garcia.
  18. It was like SNL Celebrity Jeopardy, but without meaning to be. I was half expecting Alex to change the topics to Letters That Are G and State Your Name.
  19. Agree with the annoyance of the bizarre pronunciation of baklavah. I also object to the changing the flavors and appearance. They look tasty, but they're not baklavah, damn it. I have never heard the word entremet before.
  20. Everyone should've thanked that guy's dog Larry. That would've been funny. Damn. Graham Moore. And Ben Affleck's inability to crack a smile continues.
  21. I'm just catching up, fastforwarding through most and trying to stop at the points that you all mentioned or that were mentioned in day-after recaps. P. Arquette: If you're going to make an impassioned plea for something, you might want to make sure you're quite clear about what it is. And you wrote it down so there's no excuse for flubbing it. My mother had Alzheimers and I was a mess during Tim McGraw singing Glenn Campbell's song, I enjoyed the Lego song when I could understand what they were saying, I fast-forwarded through the rest. Travolta reminds me of the robot Santa in The Santa Claus 3. And his gripping Menzel's face was very odd. Loved the Polish guy. OK, just arrived at the SoM tribute. I won't disagree with those who find Plummer hot in that movie, but it is definitely not his best acting. After a lifetime of viewing that movie, I still have no idea what his character is about. He's all over the place. But nice to look at. Aww, that was lovely. Skirt-clasping aside, excellent job. And Julie Andrews rules. Ooh--Julie Andrews, Helen Mirren, and Judi Dench should co-host next year. That's as far as I've gotten so far.
  22. I can always tell when a show is filmed in Vancouver or Toronto because there's a bunch of people who inevitably show up.
  23. Browncoat and others who were shortchanged by ABC like me--I went to Hollywood Reporter and looked at the slides.
  24. Umbellina, the trial of the guy who is accused of murdering her husband and another man is still going on. Jinx aradia22!
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