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Everything posted by Jillybean

  1. I have no idea what the hell that golden ticket was. I've never seen her mention it before.
  2. I thought they said $10 per knife regardless of size or type. And they may have said it's a four-knife minimum. I've already ordered Bug Bite Thing. I wish I'd known about it 6 months ago! Reviews on Amazon are mixed, but I'll try anything.
  3. I loved the first three episodes but it was tough to get invested in this couple. There wasn't enough there that it seemed plausible that they would stay together.
  4. He made me wish I'd had a Guzmin to guide me through my 20s and 30s.
  5. Apparently, although Chandra Wilson is 50, Bailey is supposed to be younger. The problem is that Ellen and Chandra both actually LOOK 50. I say this as a fellow 1969 baby. The Bailey is pregnant storyline is just dumb.
  6. I'm a little worried about Gus! I have a Golden and he's chill, but I've never seen one as chill as Gus. It makes me wonder if they're sedating him or something. Maybe they've just trained him to the point where all of his natural social skills are sucked out of him, because Goldens are super-social.
  7. I was wondering the same thing. High school grad Kate misses her dad, but seems fairly OK other than not having any real plans for college or work (since she just stumbled into the record store job). She appears to be at a normal, healthy weight. How does she go from this to the fast-food-munching, old-house-stalking, morbidly obese Kate of a few short years later?
  8. Great episode! Harris' Rocky Horror outfit bore more than a passing resemblance to Darlene's casino uniform. I suspect we'll see Darlene and Ben back together again since they'll still be working together 40 hours a week.
  9. Jillybean

    S03.E04: Triggers

    Ooh, I didn't think of her. Not a procedural, but a drama nonetheless...although I couldn't even make it through season 1.
  10. Jillybean

    S03.E04: Triggers

    Maybe Mariska Hargitay.
  11. Jillybean

    S03.E04: Triggers

    His American accent is pretty believable. I have no problems with the actor, but they need to give him better material.
  12. Jillybean

    S03.E04: Triggers

    How does Buck have a case for wrongful termination when he hasn't even been terminated? Athena and Bobby have no chemistry but seem to make a good team. Ronda Rousey is not good. The kids storyline for Hen and her wife is boring and takes away from more interesting storylines. Maddie: just no. Chimney is such a great boyfriend. Poor Christopher. He has a wonderful dad, though.
  13. Furthermore, why didn't she simply explain this to Nico instead of telling him (according to him) "I lost my bird?"
  14. I get what you're saying, but my comment was that most of the chemistry is coming from Katey (not from Louise) as opposed to John (not Dan). I'm commenting on the acting. Dan says how much he likes her but it didn't feel that way at all. I can't tell if JG has lost a step or if he's just playing Dan very, very low-key. I'd be OK with them accelerating his moving-on process. He's not used to being alone, and widowers are known to partner up again pretty quickly. Plus, they already ret-conned Dan's death, they may as well let him have some fun!
  15. I liked her last season and it's great that she's back. She had an arc on Grand Hotel where she was essentially the leader of an organized crime syndicate. I like her in the Louise role. I like John Goodman, but I happen to think most of the chemistry is coming from KS.
  16. Gave it two eps, but I'm out. This is completely laugh-free, save for the pastor's alternate movie titles in the pilot. Bradley Whitford seems to be a curse for sitcoms, although Trophy Wife absolutely deserved a second season.
  17. I had no interest in this but Mr. Jillybean recorded it, so we watched it and...still no interest. Actually, I gave it one more episode but it was essentially laugh-free, so I'm out. I've never seen this Goggins person before, but I think they needed someone at least moderately attractive to pull off the "unicorn" premise. His hairline and teeth both freak me out. Michaela Watkins gave me a faint glimmer of hope, but she doesn't have enough to work with here. She was one of the best things about Trophy Wife.
  18. I agree. Kid Randall is a rule follower, and it was way out of character for him to violate dress code with his Air Jordans.
  19. I guess I am forgetting then, because I don't remember any where literally hundreds/thousands of people went missing or lost their lives...nor any episodes that I really didn't enjoy watching, like these two. Yesterday's episode was slightly better than last week's because we at least had the levity of the Raiders of the Lost Barks.
  20. I hope the showrunners have gotten the action movie wannabe stuff out of their systems, because I'm ready to go back to the campy, fun 911 and leave behind the overwhelming death and destruction of the last two episodes.
  21. I raised an eyebrow at this as well. I've peeked at the ATLAS MONROE Facebook page today and there are lots of comments protesting the shipping fees (which, if I understood it correctly from the episode, are padding their "net" revenues).
  22. I thought the fake chicken sounded gross. The absence of meat in a processed, breaded product does not automatically make it any healthier. Their price point was crazy. To accept a million dollars plus a 10% cut of the profits for life sounded like an amazing deal for a company with $60K in sales. The woman's projection of future sales seemed to be based solely on a single instance of allegedly generating $12K in sales from a single Instagram post, and she stated what that would amount to when done on a daily basis. That's not going to happen. They missed out on a golden opportunity. Let's just see if they prove me wrong. And what was up with the name of their company, which I've already forgotten? It was poor branding.
  23. Sadly, no. We have none in my area and doubt they will ever come here.
  24. I would love to know how Lanford got a Trader Joe's. And how David got a job there -- my understanding is it's really rather competitive.
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