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Everything posted by Jillybean

  1. Right, she doesn't have her phone (having left it at the grocery store when paying for the roses). So I don't know how the police found any emergency contact information for her, unless she carries it printed out in her wallet. ETA: I'm willing to handwave this since perhaps the cops were able to trace her movements back to the grocery store or someone at the grocery store called her ICE. If we can handwave Rebecca wearing a trenchcoat in August, anything is possible.
  2. Kate's alone a lot because Toby works full-time and Kate's a SAHM. It comes with the territory. His Crossfit time is on top of his job. I think their marital problems are realistic because their relationship progressed quickly from dating to cohabitating to marriage to baby. Kate admits to being jealous that they're no longer bonding over being overweight, which is what brought them together to begin with. I thought Kate was lucky to find another man to coddle her as much as Jack did. Now, it seems as though that's changed and Toby has to walk on eggshells around her after having flipped the script (her script). I've never liked Toby but he is much more likable this season. Adult Kate, to me, has always been a lot to take. Now that we know Toby has gone so far as to be bringing his own tempeh to Thanksgiving dinner and trying to get other people "in the box," it wouldn't be that surprising if he becomes embarrassed by Kate's weight problem, or at least, finds himself less attracted to her.
  3. Yes, it was Thanksgiving. Rebecca went to see the long movie on Thanksgiving. In the flash-forward to the 40th birthday, she somehow wandered far away to find a bakery and ended up buying roses instead, before treating herself to some Chinese food and being driven back to the cabin by the police officer. She must have known the location of the cabin, or somehow someone found the phone number there. My question is: wouldn't Rebecca know Miguel's phone number, even if she needs to refer to her phone for other numbers? She referred to not knowing "my son's" (Kevin's, as it turned out) number because it was stored in her lost phone. There are certain numbers I know without needing to refer to my phone, but maybe that's part of her dementia.
  4. I, too, didn't understand Rebecca taking off for the day when her entire family was gathering, something that isn't a frequent occurrence. Tell your husband to check out PressureLuckCooking.com. He'll become an Instant Pot rock star! (And they have an IP pot roast recipe, though I've never tried it as I don't eat red meat).
  5. Kate was wearing a ring on her left ring finger in the 40th birthday scene. This doesn't mean she and Toby are still together then, but I don't see them broken up 9 months after present-day Thanksgiving. Toby and baby Jack must've been lurking around there somewhere. I did wonder who decked out the house in all the 40th birthday decor. I don't see Kevin and Kate doing that for themselves (maybe his fiancee). I'm also wondering how and why Rebecca was in a position to wander far away from the cabin on the birthday.
  6. I just discovered this show on Netflix -- having never heard of it OR Andrea Savage before -- and I quickly binged both seasons. It's one of the best shows I've seen in ages! It's hard for me to imagine this airing on TruTV with all of the f-bombs and other language. Do they actually air it unedited? I confess I didn't even know TruTV aired scripted shows, much less comedies. I thought it was still true crime stuff.
  7. I usually groan when there's a guest shark, but I actually liked Anne Wojcicki, probably more than any of the others I've seen. I liked the workout product (I've already forgotten the name of it). I'd probably have done the stem cell thing when my dog was neutered, if it'd been around then. What about all the rescues who are spayed or neutered at shelters/rescue orgs?
  8. I've re-watched the two crash scenes a few times now. Hen does not appear to slow down at all. In fact, her foot only hits the brake right as she crashes into Evelyn's car. At the end of the first crash scene, it would appear Evelyn had a green light, but it's hard to know since her car was pushed pretty far by the ambulance. Traffic lights are also shown in the second crash scene (after Evelyn hangs up with her mom) and also appears to show Evelyn with a green light. Although the car in the lane next to Evelyn's stopped at the intersection, this doesn't necessarily mean the light was red; it could mean that the driver did what drivers are supposed to do when an ambulance is approaching an intersection with lights and sirens. My conclusion is Evelyn should've stopped at the intersection regardless of red or green light since the sirens were audible -- however, despite the fact that she told Athena she slowed down, Hen barreled through the intersection without slowing down at all, which surely is not protocol. It won't help that Hen told Chimney in the scene on their way to the call that she'd been distracted. Nor that she yelled to Chimney "tell him to hold on!" right before she T-boned Evelyn.
  9. I can't believe it's taken me 3 and a half seasons to realize that Kate has RBF.
  10. Beth was too busy grilling poor Malik.
  11. My husband not only helps, he also knows how to fold the fitted sheet! At 50, it's still a mystery to me. If momentarily forgetting where you left your phone is a sign of cognitive impairment, I'm in trouble...
  12. IIRC Hen told Athena she slowed down, but it sure didn't look that way.
  13. I actually kinda likes Sabi, but I'm glad they didn't keep her on, because this show would have made the preposterous claim that Meredith and Amelia were her cousins. Meredith's getup reminded me of Oliver Twist.
  14. She looks amazing! Since we learned last night that Athena was in law school in 1989, that would put her at least in her early 50s in 2019.
  15. The actress playing young Athena was quite good. Unpopular opinion: this episode, and especially the final scene, cemented my opinion that Peter Krause is totally miscast as Bobby. I keep imagining a stronger, sexier actor in the role and how much more powerful the S1 episodes would have been, while he was tormented by his past -- and how he would have been believable as a match for Athena. When Bobby held Athena as she broke down, it just seemed all wrong. HER part, of course, was believable. PK as Bobby is just too milquetoast for Athena. I also wish they hadn't had Michael come out in S1 and then keep him in his family's life if he wasn't going to have anything else to do. He is one of the more interesting characters and I'd like to see him do more than hang out with his kids and have bro time with Bobby. He was in a relationship at one time, maybe all these lovely family scenes could include a new man for him sometime soon? In hindsight, I would've preferred that he and Athena had stayed married rather than him being gay and the marriage breaking up. He is a great match for Athena, much better than Bobby.
  16. Well, Jennifer Morrison is 40, so presumably Cassidy is around that age. That makes her Kevin's age.
  17. Oooh, I hope not. It is perfectly realistic for a woman not to want children and to be unwavering in that decision. To have Zoe change her mind, when she was so very certain, for a mere plot contrivance would be so very disappointing -- and will do a disservice to all the women who really do not want children and get tired of hearing "You'll change your mind." ETA: Or, what Mars477 said.
  18. I can't believe I forgot Toby used to have that sad little patch of hair in the front in S1! Especially since it was a topic of so many posts here. 😂 For me, Kate and Toby's sex plotline was icky. I've been trying to figure out why I feel that way, and i think it mostly comes down to the writing, especially the lines for Toby, particularly in the scenes back at their house after their failed attempt at hotel sex. I tried to imagine a standard attractive TV couple saying all the same lines, and I didn't find it any less squicky. I have a hard time buying that Toby couldn't get it up because of the pants incident. Also, that Toby actually has a favorite pair of pants. I never had kids, but from everything I've heard about life as a new parent, it seems more realistic for parents of a newborn who score a sitter for the night and can swan off to a hotel room to spend the night sleeping. Especially since they both said they'd only had 2 hours of sleep. Anyway, I'd be more interested in a storyline about how mundane Kate finds it to spend every day at home alone with baby Jack, and maybe have her find something she is interested in doing other than Adele-o-grams. I thought we might see more of the burgeoning friendship with the cranky neighbor, since I think those two make a better match than Kate and Toby. Toby must be doing very well to be able to support the entire family, buy a house, and afford swanky hotel rooms...all in LA. Kevin and Cassidy hooking up is not surprising. As far as we've been shown, he has never had a female friend. Randall's "this one's for you, Pop" scene was lovely and perfectly lit. I don't think he called him Pop as a kid, though. I remember him calling him "Dad."
  19. I didn't read any episode summaries in advance so I had no idea what the plot of each would be. But the second she started waxing on and on about peaches and the whole grocery store musical number, I knew she was bipolar.
  20. Jillybean

    S03.E06: Monsters

    Well, the kid was dressed in black and white stripes like an old-timey jailbird, and I think the way Buck said it was to pass it off as a joke.
  21. I didn't mind the montage, but I was invested in Margot and Ken's story and we were cheated out of a full episode devoted to it. Jane Alexander is stunning!
  22. Jillybean

    S03.E05: Rage

    Angela Bassett and Peter Krause have no chemistry but I blame him. He's about as sexy as a wet noodle. I've only ever seen him in Parenthood and The Catch, and he was about as bland, boring, and vanilla as anyone could possibly be, and he really isn't any different in 9-1-1. I've heard rumblings that he was actually appealing in earlier shows, but I didn't see those. Something must have happened between Dirty Sexy Money and Parenthood, because his sex appeal is at a solid 0 for me on a scale of 1 to 10. Angela Bassett, OTOH, I expect could generate chemistry with almost anyone. (Except Peter Krause, apparently). They're a good team but they seem more like friends and co-parents than a married couple in love.
  23. If teen Kate was abused by her boyfriend, I wonder if she ended up in therapy that helped her heal. She was pretty darn eager to rush into a relationship with Toby. I haven't ever been in an abusive relationship so I can't speak from experience, but from what I have heard and read, I would have expected her to be initially cautious with any new guy she subsequently met.
  24. Jillybean

    S03.E05: Rage

    I love Michael and I'm glad he continues as a major character. That story was so scary and so realistic, given that people are being killed/arrested/having the cops called on them for being black on what seems like a daily basis. I like Hen but I just can't get interested in her storyline. In fact, when I started reading the thread and people were mentioning Karen, it took me a few minutes to figure out who Karen is. I don't know what it is, but I just can't get invested in their pursuit of pregnancy. Well that Buck storyline sure was accelerated. Did he honestly think the lawyer cared about getting him reinstated? I also find it impossible to believe that the city of Los Angeles offered "millions." I suspect they'll all be back to being best buddies by next week's episode. Hate, hate, hate the Eddie/fight club storyline. C'mon, show. RR is simply terrible and they haven't shown us any reason to like her character. Bobby might wanna be careful who he puts his hands on. Yeah, the farmer guy was an asshole, but assault is probably not a good idea. Odd that the Maddie storyline wasn't continued in this episode. I'd rather they take the time spent on Hen & Karen and give it to Maddie's storyline, which interests me more.
  25. This was so disappointing, icky, and weird. And yes, I too thought for a hot second that the two young ladies were in a relationship. Given the montage of photos at the beginning, I expected the series to include same-sex relationships in more than one installment.
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