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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I was in a gym years ago, on the treadmill. In Marina del Rey CA (I used to live there). Some dude gets on the treadmill next to me. He stunk so bad, sweat and unwashed hair and body. It was Tobey McGuire. I wonder if the guy in the apartment is, or is related to, whomever is portraying Lana online.
  2. Haha how many of us are tempted to jump up and do a 360 spin and spit? 🤣 I can never remember which shoulder to throw salt over. So when I spill some, I throw some over each shoulder just in case. I grew up in a very superstitious Eastern European family, this stuff is real to me. Ash....ugh. I am rewatching and can’t un-hear his dry mouth spit crackles and his vocal fry “uhhhh” when he is fumbling his presentation. I find Steph very pretty. Too bad she’s not pretty on the inside. Where were Molly and her BFF on Pillow Talk? I really missed them!
  3. Omg. My husband and I nearly had an argument over Ash’s seminar. He thinks Ash didn’t say it well, I say Ash is an ass. We got mad for a minute, then we realized we were arguing over something on this show, and died laughing. 😜 Oh and if Yolanda and David are truly that clueless, they should be in assisted living. With no internet access.
  4. I ordered a highlighting hat thing (you pull hair through the holes with a giant hook) and hair bleach from amazon. I have over an inch of dark roots but I’m not yet brave enough to subject my scalp to the pain of the hook.
  5. I have a friend from Cameroon. His wife and son are still there. He goes every other year. He doesn’t make much money and can’t afford to go every year....he goes for a month at a time and only gets 2 weeks vacation. So the other weeks are unpaid. He says it’s normal among his friends who live here with families back there.
  6. Whiskey and McDonald’s is NOT a good combo. Speaking from experience.
  7. Ed has no intention of being a daddy to Prince. He doesn’t want Prince around, ever (or it’s edited to look that way.” He’s “still deciding “ about Rose. Then why go to her country, meet her family, etc? Don’t break their hearts. I think Ed might be fun to party with, in the USA in air conditioning. Much like I think Grangela would be the same. But Ed is an emotional child who coddles himself. There’s a reason he hasn’t been in a relationship for what, 28 years.
  8. I just wandered over to her Instagram feed and was reading comments. Only the comments praising her are there. And there aren’t as many as there used to be. And as usual, she never responds. She just lets the adulation flow. Blah.
  9. No storms. Just old country transformers. I feel ashamed for posting that when people are dying. But the customers? Boggles my mind too. The virus still isn’t real here. Everyone’s on vacation.
  10. Well, another update from my little corner of the world.... Two more record sales days at my work, yesterday and today. Everyone is now buying and setting up aquariums and buying fish for those tanks, and there are throngs. It’s very time intensive ugh. Edited to delete my shameful first-world issue.
  11. @laurakaye I died at your sugary sweet tone!! 🤣🤣
  12. Breakfast pizza is quite delicious. I miss living in South Texas, where breakfast tacos were everything. That unidentifiable square thing looks like a giant hash brown. I guess they can’t have guests at Lizzie’s, so all the food is for them.
  13. No idea, but when I had heart surgery this past fall, the nurse (male) had neck and hand tattoos.
  14. So I’m not sure where you all are watching this. Is it a “first look”? Re Rose and the ulcer. It may be her teeth. Just because they look ok on tv doesn’t mean she has a bad one. One bad tooth can smell really bad. I think Ed is a weird germophobe who is extra sensitive to smells. I am extra sensitive to smells. The smell of one unwashed human in Walmart can send me gagging out the door. But I think Ed is very extra in his ideas, and didn’t do any research into real life in the Philippines.
  15. My brain says it’s too soon. My working self, who is dealing with people who are over it and coming in in droves, says lift the stay at home order. No one is obeying anyway. Even my senior customers are coming in the store to browse, no masks or gloves.
  16. I bring my eggs to a boil. Turn off the burner and let them sit for 20 minutes. They then go into ice water. Never had an issue.
  17. And yet she posted that super skinny-filtered pic in the coffee shop. All her fan girls posted that she looked amazing and skinny. You know, if she took a stand for curvy girls, it would be well received. But not her, she sees herself skinny like in that coffee shop pic.
  18. And good for him. Stand up for your dreams Derek!!! Because she looked like a Halloween costume of a sexy Kate Middleton.
  19. Ok, Kevin deserves a raise. He is ALL OF US with his statements.
  20. I wish I could sew. I ordered a few masks. I have one. Sewn by burly inmates at the MN Oak Park Heights Maximum Security Prison. (Hubby works in IT there). All the masks I ordered are on indefinite back order. Blah.
  21. And sodium. A bowl of salt.
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