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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. It’s May 4. May the fourth. Plus a play on “may the force be with you” from Star Wars. . Since it’s May the fourth, you say that instead of “May the force”.
  2. Anyone else waiting for Meri to post about her mask made from LLR leggings tied around her face? They’re so VERSATILE!!!
  3. The girl who sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow hurt my head. I like Louis. But even he fell flat tonight.
  4. I made homemade Picadillo tonight and hubby and I ate like we had never seen food before. Ed has absolutely no intention of bring Rose to the USA. Wait, what? Stephanie has an illness??!!???
  5. I’m an essential worker at a pet food store. We’ve been soooooo busy, everyone wants to start an aquarium or buy a small animal for their kids. I’ll trade you, sooo many germs.
  6. Matt looked like an old man. Grey and skinny and ugly in form and personality. He aged 30 years. Beth and Jamie are perfect for each other, they are just alike in personality. Not saying anything positive here, other than she has nice facial skin. Molly redeemed herself. I think Jon and Dr Jessica had something from the start.
  7. The players on EoE look like they are dying. They are doing all these challenges, for what? No one is getting back in the game. I feel personally misled lol when, in the beginning, EoE was touted as a place to get back in the game. And I’m worried about Ethan and his health.
  8. When I see Jamie, all I can see is the horrible lap dance she attempted on Ben on The Bachelor.
  9. Yes. I’ve mentioned I work in a small pet food store. Customers are wearing masks now more than they were, but still digging dirty cash out of their wallets and asking us to put the change down so they can grab it. My days consist of unloading and stacking hundreds of 30 lb bags of dog food, bird seed (40-50 lbs), carrying out said dog food bags and bird seed bags, breaking down and shelving hundreds of supplies from our giant daily shipments,and it’s impossible to wear a mask while doing so. My coworkers and I can’t breathe while exerting ourselves, so we take our masks off. Plus the sun in our huge front windows makes it hot (it was 83 degrees in there today, all day) and there’s no catching your breath while sweating profusely with a mask on. Sorry, but it’s our harsh reality as essential workers. If one of us gets the virus, it’s bad news bears. Minnesota, where I work, has had low numbers of infection. And people are bored. And they want to look at and hold all the animals and let their kids hold all the animals. Bunnies, chinchillas, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters (mean little suckers, they bite hard. No idea why anyone would want a hamster. They kill and eat each other and their young, and they are fast with the bite). I am glad, for our owners, that we are so busy. It’s a scary time to be a business owner, and they are truly wonderful people who have owned this business for 30 years. On Saturday, a whole bunch of retired dudes gathered their classic cars in our parking lot. They had a picnic, grand social hour. No masks or social distancing. They all came in and bought things, so no worries there....but they were all over 60 and mingling with alllll the public who stopped by to see their cars. Minnesota is its own little bubble, and no one really cares.
  10. Beans are good for cats!!! High fiber and they regulate blood sugar. My dog ate ALL our squash blossoms the one and only time I grew them. All of them.
  11. Yes. “Your mask protects me, my mask protects you.” I am baffled at all the people in my store paying with cash, but afraid to touch the doors. 30 years in banking makes me know that cash is DIRTY. Its cloth-like paper harbors germs.
  12. Oh no. Now the song is stuck in my head. Isn’t that Hall and Oates ? He also wishes she’d forget she has a kid already.
  13. @InternetToughGuy you have some real talent! Seriously. You need to start a blog and get rich. You really could do it. Just don’t forget us little people when counting your hundos. Seriously, you really have talent.
  14. @Kyanight and @Yeah No this is the small talk thread. It’s very appropriate to post anything of concern here. I am a big believer in the power of group prayer/thoughts to the universe /whatever. Hugs!!! Oh and @Kyanight what brought you to a polygamous marriage? What did you think or hope it would be in the beginning vs how it was?
  15. I want to know about the jealousy. I am SO jealous. I can’t imagine how ugly I would turn in a plural marriage. How hard is it really?
  16. I too am so glad they aren’t here during this virus. It sucks to be happy about that. Lol at your traitor kids. 😜
  17. Oh and Molly’s site is down or overloaded. I tried to go on to see what masks she has, and it won’t load. At all.
  18. Awww Alla stayed with Matt. I like her so much.
  19. I look like a skunk. My hair is colored/bleached blonde, and I have a good inch and a half of puke-brown roots showing. I’m 49, don’t have much grey, but my natural hair color is awful. Hi everyone!
  20. Haha that’s one of those metal camping bowls, I believe. I have some, and a few cups. You know, because we actually camp. To be fair, if I was their age, everything was shut down due to the scary virus, I would go home to my parents’ house too. Now I’m old, both my parents have passed....what I wouldn’t give for that option again.
  21. Ooooh. We need more of your real life stories of horrible new wives!
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