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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I bet, since it seems he’s at Robyn’s house 24x7, it’s all going on as normal. Neither Kody nor Robyn have a real job so they are used to being together so much.
  2. Yes. And who are these followers? Mousy women hoping Kody will see and choose them for another wife? 15 year olds? Who knows. The posts about “Mariah you’re so strong” and “Mariah you are an inspiration “ are nauseating. I wonder how many posts she gets pre-deletion?
  3. My head and face are ugly when not surrounded by hair. Small forehead, small eyes, big nose, no lips ( I get fillers but right now they are gone gone gone). I have super dark brown roots that clash violently with my salon blonde hair. At 49, I really don’t have any greys. Instead I am blessed with the natural hair color of a cooked pork chop (ashy ugly medium brown). Sigh.... The “ are they still alive” thing. I do it all the time. Just yesterday I asked hubby if Burt Reynolds was still alive. Is he? I don’t know.
  4. So true. The conundrum that is Geoffrey astounds me. He made a huge scene with her friends. And now he’s pouting that she didn’t accept his proposal. What, did he think he was saving her from her life in Russia and can’t fathom her saying no? Asshole.
  5. Julia sucked. She missed the first half of the song with her lack of low register.
  6. Lol but they won’t, if another season happens. It will be about Mariah and Audrey getting married. Boring. I’ve watched through the years and the show used to be interesting. This last season was a big fat boring no.
  7. My hubby and I, when I first moved here, thought we found a good church. Little did we realize it was all about the chosen few, the families who are young and blonde and are pictured smiling and happy with their 4 kids. We were invited to a church meeting. The person leading the meeting asked “what do you all think growing the church is about?” My hubby said “money”. We were then ostracized. It was true, but the golden families didn’t want to hear that. That was the icing on the cake for my skepticism about organized religion.
  8. Mariah doesn’t recognize her “other moms”. Meri doesn’t recognize her sister wives.
  9. David and Lana is another Caesar and Maria. It was maybe shocking in Caesars season. Now it’s just fake.
  10. I wonder how many times Mariah touched her hair during this cooking lesson.
  11. Right! Get too hot? Just rip them off the rest of the way.
  12. Aww you get me. Her jewelry is all jumbled up and thrown together and knotted. I feel it would bother her. It’s been bothering me so it’s my mission. I’m just not ready to smell her. I have other boxes of her stuff that I’m not going to go into. Not ready yet. I can’t. Her jewelry is really bugging me though, so it’s my mission. Who knows if I will really do it though, it’s been my mission for months now and I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it yet.
  13. Watching supersized now. Her cheerful “ok! Ok!” Like nothing is a big deal, is grating on my nerves.
  14. Oh I’m keeping it all. I’ve kept so much, from her purse to her slippers to a few pieces of her clothing to her jewelry. It’s just all jumbled up in a box and I need to straighten it out. But it’s going to be soooo hard. Hugs to you too. Losing our moms is so awful. My mom has visited me so many times, I’ve had so many signs from her. And she’s in my dreams a lot. Have you had visits from your mom?
  15. I am a shameless Starbucks lover. Shameless. The one by my work recently reopened its drive through and I’ve been there everyday for my beloved venti iced nonfat latte, quad, light ice, add caramel drizzle. I’m already working daily with the public (we had a record sales day today! And I worked a 12 hour day. Having wine now to reward myself). So I am probably causing more issues by getting my coffee. However, I keep Lysol wipes in my truck and wipe down the outside of the cup and cover immediately. All of you here are the only people I know taking this seriously. Even my in-laws are in their late 70s and are going out and about every day. However, we all think we had it. I came home from London in October with a fever and terrible cough, wheezed for months. Then the weird fevers in February. My mother in law had the same thing in December that I had in October. I worry that it’s false bravado. For them and for me, but we won’t ever know unless 100% accurate antibody tests come on the market and new strains don’t evolve. On Mother’s Day, they and my husband And his brother and 2 kids are getting together at hubby’s sisters house. Hubby’s sister always includes her friend and her 2 kids....friends husband is an EMT. There will be some 15 people there and it’s a recipe for disaster. I am not going, my mom died in July and I just want to be alone that day. I need to sort her jewelry and when I open her boxes, the smell of her goes right to my gut. Blabbering as usual lol. Thanks for listening and so many hugs to you all. This is my favorite little corner of the internet, because of all of you.
  16. Update from my little corner, again. We now wear masks at work. I am constantly dizzy and sweating, hauling lots of 30 lb bags of dogfood and 50 lb bags of birdseed are not compatible with wearing a mask. It’s so hard to breathe. We are still crazy busy. Which makes me happy for our owners but it’s hard to keep up with the people in and all the calls for curbside pick up. I almost passed out today. I was juggling three customers plus calls. With mask on. Can’t breathe. Got in trouble for not answering the phone, we were all busy with people in the store. People banging on our windows and doors after we close, trying to get in to buy things, even though our signs are posted and we’ve been at these hours for weeks. I’ve been yelled at so much. So many ugly people. I went to the gas station in my little town today before work. I wore my mask in. No one, including the workers, were wearing masks and I got a few looks. In my work town, 30 miles from home, most are wearing masks. But no one is staying home. I read all your posts with wonderment, because you all actually care. What a weird world this is. Sorry to come across as feeling sorry for myself, but maybe I am just a bit. I work in Minnesota, cases increased by 155% this week.
  17. Me too. Keep posting everyone. I may not respond, but I love each and every one of you. I am a big fan of the red lip. Even in my casual work gear, I wear lipstick. But not with my mask. So I am saving money on lipstick lol. Charlotte Tilbury Red Carpet Red is the bomb, by the way.
  18. I totally read that as “the growLing nugget” 🤣 as in, it’s growling.
  19. But....maybe the chicken nugget wasn’t removed? She said it was a scar where she got her cold sores. Those are usually on the border of the lips!
  20. But she seemed like such a ....mouthbreather though. She didn’t close her floppy lower lip at all.
  21. Is that a giant wound on the back of her leg???
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