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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. I just responded to her tweet, about my best friend who is a cop of many years. I’m sure I will be blocked in 3...2...1.... she can’t handle the truth that there are good cops out there, like my female white cop best friend.
  2. I am weird about body hair. On me. I hate it. I even use Nair on my arms to get rid of the blonde hair I have there. And on my face to get rid of peach fuzz. No idea why. I remember being about 6 years old and my mom getting mad at me cuz I used her shaver to shave my arms.
  3. Not really a greeter at Walmart here, but an employee stationed at the exit to screen receipts and catch thieves. They may or may not say hello to those walking in.
  4. Mariahs cheesy grin and trying too hard To be superior yoga pose. Are her eyes squinted shut like in her photos?
  5. I too always bring my own slippers to people’s houses. I can’t walk around without support, just walking down the hall barefoot or in a sock is impossible with my plantar fasciitis. I’m one of those weirdos who puts supportive insoles in my slippers. I hate shoes in my house. Everyone takes them off. So dirty.
  6. Yup. Crumple them up first, they get softer. Question to you UK’ers. What is the 100 year lease thing? For example, you buy a flat in London. You pay big bucks, but only have 27 or whatever years. Does this mean you lose your home?
  7. I watched it a few times. She said her doctor now believes it was coronavirus. Has she had the antibody test? Who knows.
  8. I am the same as you. My hands are going to get germs. I do have a problem with pushing my hair off my face. I’ve never been so aware of it as I am now. I guess I just sanitize and hope for the best Working at my super busy essential job has me kind of numb to it, I guess My hubby is a “toucher”. He touches all the produce, all the boxes, everything. He isn’t allowed to go to the grocery store now. I had a good couple of fits at him about it when we went to the store together. And I had to remind him about the 6 foot rule more than once, standing in line. So now it’s me who goes to the store. Poor guy lol, you should see me when he is driving and I’m in the passenger seat. I may be a control freak.
  9. I’ve wondered about that. Several grocery stores here have a plastic film on the pin pad where you pay with your card at the self checkout lanes. There’s a plastic film coating over the buttons. But I’ve never seen it cleaned, it’s usually quite grubby because it’s nonstop person after person using them. Here in my little Wisconsin town, even at our Walmart, no one is wearing masks. In my work town about 30 minutes from here, most are wearing masks, but it’s less and less people wearing them every day.
  10. Huh. She is around my age of 49, but her genetics give her thin skin that’s prone to wrinkles (her mom has the same). She looks like some of my friends...my other friends have all been injected with Botox and fillers to the point of looking much older (you know how it is, they look 60 but trying too hard to look 20). I also think that this is the thinnest she’s ever been and losing weight at our age will also age us (remember the show The Biggest Loser? The older people always looked way older after the weight loss). I actually think she is pretty here, and looks good.
  11. @Irate Panda and @Yeah No thank you for discussing this like adults. So refreshing to see with all the strife in our world lately. ((((Hugs)))) to you both.
  12. Brittany is a slow talker, just like Chantel. And I can hear her breath whistling in her braces. (Petty, party of one, that’s me.). Make it stop. Does she get her braces off before she moves? Oops guess not due to the preview. And “forgetting” she was married, ignore it and it will go away ? She’s here for the social media followers. Love love love Kenny and Armando. I said to my tv “Armando, I will be your mother.” He’s so broken but there’s so much light at the end of his tunnel. TLC don’t mess this up.
  13. Mariah must be in Twitter/Instagram jail. She hasn’t posted on either since 5/31.
  14. Haha! I stand 100% corrected. Maybe she gave the cabbage to Axel again.
  15. You know she scarfed down the cabbage with sour cream and bacon on it. I would, minus the sour cream. I abhor sour cream.
  16. I would love to know what Lana really thinks. She’s so reserved, you know her thoughts are fire on the inside!
  17. Vintage 90 Day Fiancé. I miss those good old days.
  18. I almost deleted this without watching. SO glad I didn’t. What a sweet, heart-warming episode. Loren and Alexei and Baby Brov are a breath of fresh air.
  19. At my former employer, a big bank with the initials W and F, the sales pressure got so bad that one of my coworkers drank hand sanitizer repeatedly during the day to deal with it. https://gizmodo.com/wells-fargo-banker-says-she-drank-bottles-of-hand-sanit-1788047232
  20. Good Lord “please do not degrade those who are hurting right now.” Preachy, much? I live and work on the outskirts of Minneapolis/St Paul, and it’s scary out there. So much destruction. Ugh she makes me so mad.
  21. Here in the Twin Cities metro area, it’s been sad and scary. A man lost his life to police brutality, and the protestors rioted. Target stores, looted. It’s unbelievable. The Target by my work in sleepy little affluent Stillwater MN closed tonight around 4. Kicked out all the shoppers, you should have seen the boards of cars leaving, all in a hurry. No protests here, yet, but Target closing was a hard dose of reality.
  22. Rewatching the Hawaii ep where they draw the eyebrows on to prank angry Mariah. Um, life now imitating art? 😜. Meri’s eyebrows look like this for real now.
  23. Weatherbug has been inaccurate for a year or so now. At least for the 10 day forecast. Accuweather (these are all apps) has been much more reliable. We have a backyard weather station. Weatherbug also relies on weather stations, at least here, somewhat. If the sun happens to hit our weather station, it shows way warmer than it actually is.
  24. Check your local distilleries! Two local ones here are making hand sanitizer. It comes in a plain 750ml whiskey bottle. Ours charges 10 bucks for that big bottle. I bought two, mixed it 2/3 sanitizer with 1/3 aloe (pure) and have a ton of bottles of sanitizer. And a bottle and a half left of the straight sanitizer. It went a really long way.
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