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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. “Nobody pees in the shower”. I bet he was peeing.
  2. Forget Coltee and Deb. I could watch their cats for an hour instead.
  3. Colter is a software engineer for slot machines. Figures.
  4. Not to mention she “perfected it” on her first try. That’s kind of an oxymoron. Perfecting something means, to me, making it many times to find just the right one. Should have said it was perfect. Normally it wouldn’t bug me, but she is so sanctimonious and “smart”.
  5. My husband (bless him for watching with me) said this very same thing!
  6. So I was inspired by someone on Facebook who is re watching earlier seasons. My On Demand starts in season 2. The first ep, they are in Lehi and all the kids are now going to public schools. Except Mariah. Meri said on camera that Mariah just prefers her private school. A later shot of Mariah, all calm and smug and sanctimonious coming home from her $$$ private school, confirms this. A special snowflake from the start. The other kids had no choice.
  7. Same with a ton of my friends on Facebook. We are all around 50 now, but many use profile pics that are 20-30 years old.
  8. Shaun Robinson did a bunch of Sister Wives tell-alls. She has a habit of going blank and changing the subject when someone says something juicy.
  9. Truth. We bought a big pack of cheap store brand paper towels. They were terrible. Hubby brought Bounty (select a size!) home the other day and I was so excited.
  10. Angela is Fitty Two. 😜. So is BGL. BGL’s 80s hair gives her away as being my age (I am 49).
  11. Me too, especially the septum piercing that looks like a bull ring. It wiggles when people talk.
  12. Hugs to you and your Mom. My mom would have gotten a kick out of Angela, I think. Mom lived in western South Carolina, I can imagine big ol’ southern Angela calling my mom “honey” and talking about cigarettes (my mom smoked). “Take the picture and do the visa.”
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