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Everything posted by Meowwww

  1. She ate all those eggs? First, cholesterol. Second, gas. Yuck.
  2. And post pics of birth books and coffee to exclaim how special she is.
  3. My mom died in July, at 85. I can’t imagine your fear. Mariah will probably get the sniffles and be all over her instagram about how she survived the virus, as woke wxymen do.
  4. My husband is 50 with a full thick curly mop of hair. He doesn’t color it though.
  5. I still can’t understand most of what the couples couch couples say. Terrible audio.
  6. I hate hospitals. The smell makes me want to run, mostly because of a terrible accident my ex husband had. PTSD. But for the surgeries etc I have had since, you bet I went to the hospital. If I had had a baby, I would be in the hospital, no question.
  7. Oh honey. So many prayers and love. His assistant may not have been tested, due to the test shortage. She may be afraid to tell you this. Be strong, if you can. We love you.
  8. gross. Her tongue looks coated and unhealthy.
  9. I still say what festival. Michael was supposed to be at a funeral home. I feel like I missed something.
  10. I’m still salty about Yul’s elimination. I adore him. That is all.
  11. And add me to the chorus, what’s this festival? I really can’t understand Michael when he speaks.
  12. Said none of these couples....well, maybe Jess and Austin
  13. So, I have been thinking. Bear with me, it might be long. I’ve shared I work at a pet supply and food store. We are deemed essential. Like grocery stores, our doors are still open and people are coming in all day still. We have no protective gear. Just my coworkers and I and a bottle of veterinary grade germicide and our bare hands and arms as our uniform is a short sleeved shirt. Most of our dog and cat food food bags are plastic, as are the treats. Same with the birdseed and all the small animal supplies. The virus can live on plastic for a number of days, apparently. We have the rare customer who comes in, puts on gloves to pay, and takes them off, only to grab their bag of dog food...upon which the virus can live for days. (Most aren’t wearing any sort of protective anything). Plus, we get large shipments daily...mostly wrapped in plastic or in giant cardboard boxes, upon which the virus can also live for what, 24 hours? Touched by who knows how many warehouse workers and drivers. We process the shipment, put away the hundreds of dog and cat food bags etc. So our customers who are trying to protect themselves aren’t really protected. Neither are we. We as a collective (my coworkers and I) have just kind of given up worrying about ourselves because the stream of customers and shipment is never ending. I see how this is spreading like wildfire. So much product going out and coming in. So many people not thinking about it. And some with a false sense of security because of their gloves. And those of us essential workers really are captive because the pace of our jobs isn’t conducive to even being able to think about protecting ourselves. It’s truly mind boggling.
  14. WTF is that thing....busted up black cushion between two doorknob things? With a pokey metal screw or two coming out the front?
  15. @Yeah No So many prayers and so much love to you and your dad. Please keep us posted, the power of group prayers/wishes is very powerful. Hugs.
  16. I’m sorry, not sorry, but who TF parks UHaul vans on their bare land? Epitome of class, these people.
  17. Well, judging by the recent past, they don’t have insurance on their kids’ cars. So certainly no extra insurance on her flammable inventory
  18. So Meri is all stressed about her stuff, guaranteed it’s about her LuLaNo inventory. She then shows a bunch of painted figurines etc that she hasn’t packed, all in a panic. LuLaNo stuff first. Blah. Alll those containers in her garage. I used to live in Lake Arrowhead CA. Fire country. All the important stuff was kept together with an eye towards packing it for fire evacuation. It’s just something you know if you live there. And Janelle lives a mile from Meri? And she wasn’t crying dramatically and rubbing her eyebrows off over the threat? And, I can’t take more of Maddie’s labor. I just can’t.
  19. I’m watching 90 Day Fiancé right now, I love that stupid show. I am reading too much on the virus, I think. It’s scaring me and affecting my emotions. Joe Diffie died of it today. I believe it about the chicks. People obsess over strange things. And yet here it’s still life as normal.
  20. There’s still no TP in western Wisconsin/eastern MN. It’s so weird.
  21. I had a linen skirt. Once. Wore it once, never again.
  22. I JUST read that now it’s one every nine minutes!
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