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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. Maybe she's testing the waters before Tori sets up an OnlyFans account?
  2. Christine is truly liberated. And she is enjoying ignore Kody on the mountain. She will take the snow blower and she will load it at the front of the trailer. Per Kody, Christine has reversed the roles and now she is the one saying she is going to do what she wants. Kody is no longer the patriarch.
  3. The promo for next week is better than this episode but it has me torn (they just showed it). Kody to Janelle: You have been living as a single woman for years. Janelle to Kody: I decided to be my own hero and do things for myself...Do you still want polygamy? Janelle won't 'keep sweet' like Christine so I want to see it. But I am ready for this series to be done.
  4. Sounds like Meri is at least saying she wants to build on CP.
  5. Janelle: Christine was the heart of the Sister Wives relationships. I think that's right. And it explains why Kody is treating Janelle poorly. There is no heart left in the Christine free Brown family.
  6. Staying with Janelle means Truely doesn't have to sleep at Robyn's!
  7. Robyn was not part of the we that worked together to buy houses. She has not held a job the whole time the show has run. She is a cost center: Her mansion, her nanny and groundskeeper (the nanny's husband), her precious moments figurines.
  8. Savannah--that's the most that we have ever heard her talk. Another Brown kid that is smart despite the Kodouche DNA.
  9. Kody pressing Janelle to buy Christine's house... so many questions: 1) Is he expecting Christine to give Janelle and him a deal? 2) If they can't pay off Coyote Pass where are they going to get the money for the down payment? 3) Is Janelle stupid enough to put Kodouche on the title? 4) Would he try to get Janelle to sign over her interest in CP for the down payment?
  10. Christine threw in: Thrilled for this to be only my space--at least for a while. Christine will be dating next season!
  11. Kody's weekly all about me speech, nothing to see there. At the core of his feelings, he thought Christine would accept scraps and he resents that she won't. I think he fears that he will be judged as less than. This isn't about lost love.
  12. Turns out that Janelle is a great friend who cares deeply about Christine. When she showed up with coffee without make up and then shares honestly about how this affects her, through tears--one of the realest moments on the show. She wants the best for Christine, even though it isn't in her best interest.
  13. Robyn just isn't that good of an actress. The only thing that she will miss about Christine being in the family is the TLC check.
  14. Yes, and I hope Janelle jumps in the car too!
  15. I completely agree! Icesis and Ra'jah are my favorites and I hope the final two. Although, if Victoria wins I'd be pretty happy with that. With Kendall and Stephanie gone I hope that Silky and Rita are the next to go. I don't understand why folks think that Silky is great. She is one dimensional, a screen time hog, and her fashion is hot or miss. Rita I find abrasive. And I she may be a racist. Anyway, I'm in for this one for at least a bit longer.
  16. Okay, I just rewatched the episode--S2 E9. Robyn clearly kicks the dog in the last 5 minutes of the episode. It appears to be a move to keep the dog from coming up to her or her kids--like she is concerned it will jump up.
  17. Logan and Michelle (bought a house), Leon and Audrey (in Chicago, SLC and now Denver) and Gwen and Beatriz (Gwen announced on Instagram in August) have all lived together outside of marriage.
  18. You can order directly from the Hungry Gnome--they ship nationally. https://thehungrygnomeny.com/collections/scones-baked-goods
  19. I liked all three and Daniel has been the clear winner since early on. He is a bit of a cooking savant and his story, his purpose, makes him someone you to invest in. I will likely order scones from the Hungry Gnome, but I will get cantonese dumplings from a place a mile from my home. Daniel's restaurant, I will visit if I ever go to the Richmond area.
  20. And despite distancing from their family they keep getting covid.
  21. I think no longer competing for the affection of a turd rolled in ramen noodles makes it a lot easier to support each other.
  22. Still just a booby prize offering potential D-list celebrity fame by exploiting their family on TLC. As Zach and the rest of the kids can see how they were ignored/exploited by Matt and Amy in their childhood, Lilah will see how she was ignored and exploited by Zach and Tori. It is all captured in the episodes. All for money.
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