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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. Every time I hear Kody say he's with 2 divorced women, I correct him. It is 4 divorced women: -Meri from Kody -Janelle from Adam Barbour -Christine from Kody -Robyn from David Jessop
  2. Tori was trying really hard to stir the pot with Amy, asking her if she is okay that Chris and Matt are friends. It could be solely for the show, or she could be a Bitter Betty trying to rile up Amy to hurt Matt and Caryn. Nobody on this show is likable now. If it all ended with this season I would be okay with that.
  3. It appears that other than some social selling, neither Tori nor Zach work outside of the home. And their lack of sleep affecting their marriage (and anger at Matt and Caryn for not getting a family discount at expense of sibs) is their only story, so why don't they just move baby in with them? It would move their 'story' of needing more sleep to reality. And let's hope Jeremy and Auj don't decide to have a 4th, because then Zach and Tori will need one too.
  4. I don't know why, but whenever I see Tori on my screen all I see is a potato. s And when I see Zach I see an angry onion: I don't know what it means.
  5. I was pleasantly surprised that Dru won. It seemed clear Carla wanted Aisha to win. Aaron seemed like a sure thing until the cracker cake.
  6. I thought that Suki handled Kody and Robyn with kid gloves and really wanted her to ask the hard questions: Kody, Are you paying child support? Kody, Have you repaid Janelle for giving you her 401K and profits from the sale of her house? Kody, Why didn't you remember Gabe's birthday? Kody, Did Robyn teach you to gaslight? Robyn, Why are there no tears when you cry? Robyn, How can you love a man who wouldn't go with his child for surgery? Robyn, Why won't you admit the Covid rules were yours? Robyn, Will you leave Kody when you have to move into a trailer again? These are the questions I want asked.
  7. Meri shares that Kody says, 'And I'm not coming." and is stiff as a board when she tries to kiss him. So Meri know that he is lying.
  8. Now we know just how bad of a cook Robyn is. she can't melt marshmallow and butter and mix it with rice crispies. They must live on take out.
  9. Okay, so Meri is clear that her relationship with Kody is over due to a decision by Kody. I don't think the rice crispy story is going to sway her.
  10. And it allows Robyn to hold out hope for reconciliation and a season 18.
  11. Janelle knows that Christine wants deep connection and deep companionship. And she supports Christine developing a relationship with whomever she likes. That's a friend, not a sister wife. I think it really bothers Robyn more than Kody that Christine and Janelle are friends and family and will spend their golden years rocking and enjoying grandchildren.
  12. Interesting that Meri sees Kody doing to her what Christine did to Kody, but she sympathizes more with Christine. Clearly, she is angry with both of them.
  13. Okay, the panting, pick me, pick me pathetic puppy representation of Janelle, and Christine during their courting is completely offensive and shows Kody is a dick wad.
  14. The big house that Robyn was unsure of when Kody brought it up and now she doesn't want!
  15. I'm not understanding how Christine robbed Robyn of sitting on rocking chairs looking at grandkids. If Kody doesn't ever want to see Christine again, how could Robyn have a relationship that involves sitting and rocking away the days together? After all of Kody's ranting and raging, why would Robyn expect Christine to want a post-Kody relationship? I mean, Kody didn't even want to go to 'neutral ground' to see his kids at Christmas because Christine would be there with Ysabel and Truely (and Janelle's unapologetic boys). I don't buy it, not for one minute. It seemed like an insincere statement from a liar.
  16. Here's hoping it is the Kootie and Slobyn trailer palace on his brother's ranch in Wyoming.
  17. Yes, he has admitted to this. He lied about custody, stating that Utah would take custody of Truely so they needed an agreement before Christine left AZ.
  18. Kody, 'Nothing scares me but poverty.' So that is the crux of it. Kody is afraid that they will lose the show. He wants Christine to stick around for the money. Not because he loves her. He is afraid that her departure could lead to him living in a trailer again. Let's hope so. He is an asshat!
  19. Robyn seems to ignore that it is easier for her to get in Kody's face to talk because they live together. Christine saw him about a half dozen times during Covid. It is harder to haul him butt to a therapist when he is living with another woman.
  20. Meri has understanding and some compassion for Christine. She understands why Christine was unhappy. She agreed that Kody shouldn't have brought up his relationship with Meri. And Meri agreed that it is difficult for her.
  21. So Kody says that Christine was acting like a child. Oh, here we go. Kody is claiming that rice crispy treats were convincing him to reconcile with Meri. Except we all saw that episode and we all heard him say that he is was no longer interested in a romantic relationship with Meri --AFTER he received the treats. This seems like a story he and Robyn made up to show the manipulation that Christine did.
  22. Kody's three piece doe grey suit with the magenta shirt. These are not Kody's colors. He looks like one of those snake oil salespeople that goes town to town.
  23. It was another week of Silky phoning in the runway. She is the Canadian version of Jujubee from UK versus the world. Although Jujubee had the excuse that there wasn't a cash prize. Hopefully, Silky doesn't win it all. I know Drag Race wants us to love Silky, but I just don't. Now that Icesis is gone, I'd like to see a final 2 of Victoria and Ra'jah. Glad that these are much shorter seasons...
  24. This is my favorite. It just makes me smile. Our Reddit friends came through!
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