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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. If it is true, I won't miss them (or the show). I don't need annual specials either. If I want to know if they got jobs or are living in Amy's basement, I'll check in on Tori's instagram account.
  2. I'm kind of hoping that the job is at a peep show where she has to make change for customers.
  3. Please share. More than once I have bought a jar of salsa or spaghetti sauce that I couldn't get open. And I refuse to walk over the the neighbor's to ask them for help.
  4. But her first husband deceived her and took Robyn's cookie. She isn't required to work on that marriage. I see a narcissist and gold digger who is finally earning every penny of the Brown bank account.
  5. Yes, I'm not bothered by that. It was a 3 bedroom house that she heated with a pellet stove.
  6. I agree. And Charisse has added absolutely nothing this season.I don't know why they brought her back. Jacqueline too, really. I get that we may lose Candiace and Robin after this season, but they aren't the two I wasn't to replace them. And for the first time I really like Candiace.
  7. And Robyn is afraid it is like Costco, where you can return at any time for any reason.
  8. Completely agree. And Kody is reliving his relationship his father. He was never good enough and his father wielded absolute authority, with respect. He's trying to do the same thing with his boys and they are 'peace out, pops.'
  9. Dwarfism is a disability and can be used to qualify for SSI. However, I think with the house, Zach wouldn't qualify. I suspect Zach would rather go back and work at the indoor soccer place than ask Matt for a job. And I'm sure he would be very happy for Tori to get a full time job.
  10. Let's hope that this is the series finale. There won't be another wife--Robyn is hedging for the show. Thanks for all the great conversations, insights and laughs. As reflected in the conversation tonight and during this whole season (and series) of live posting, this is a great group. Dry cry number three!
  11. Kody isn't on the verge of being a monogamist, he is a monogamist. There is only one wife and three baby mamas. And one asshole names Kody.
  12. Janelle shares, 'I know I am happy and I don't want him to come back.' 'My religion forces me to keep the door open, but I don't want him to come back.' Best quote of the three part tell all!
  13. Talking Point four: Kody and his ex-wives made the choices and Robyn wants to be left out of it. And it is the ex-wives' fault because they are not treating Kody as their best customer (I guess the customer is always right). Dry eye cry #2 noted.
  14. I'm glad that Janelle is directly and clearly calling out that Kody and Robyn thought it was okay to spend money to buy Robyn and Christine houses (remember, Kody wanted half of Christine's house), but Janelle was never prioritized. They could have purchased a smaller home for Robyn. They could have prioritized paying off the land and building for Janelle. Kody and Robyn slid her right into basement wife status. So when history repeated itself and the basement wife jumps to the single life they are angry. Because it is never Kody's or Robyn's fault.
  15. I am sure that it burns both Kody and Robyn that Christine and Janelle are feeling happier now that they are Kody-free. And Janelle is clear, her leaving is about the way that Kody treated their kids. It goes back to biology--human mothers are hard wired to choose their children over their husbands.
  16. Talking Point three: If you don't side with Kody then you are disloyal. Even if it means asking you to throw your children out of the house (while Kody and Robin keep an outside help--the nanny). You must do whatever I say, even if you disagree. You need to be angry with Christine, so that she is ostracized from the family. You can't support both people. And another aside, Robyn and Kody were near death's door, although neither of them were hospitalized.
  17. The counselor Robyn dig was awesome. And calling out that Christine has been unhappy for years, so this is not a blindside was great too. Counselor Robyn is really meddler and manipulator Robyn.
  18. So dry cry number one. I am guessing there will be five dry cries tonight.
  19. Talking point 2: They shouldn't expect the same type of relationship that Kody has with Robyn. But keep sweet and you can get the soft, spoiled apple while Robyn gets the sweet and juicy orange. And stop complaining that you don't get the sweet juicy orange. Except we have heard Kody, Christine and Robyn all chat about the fact that Christine used to have the orange. But she was forced to trade it for the spoiled apple.
  20. This is one of the Kody/Robyn agreed talking points: Robyn didn't complain when Kody spent time with the other wives--it is the others being envious. But we are neglecting that we heard how Robyn would call Kody when he was with the other wives as a damsel in distress so that he would need to run over and help. She is just a better manipulator.
  21. I think Kody doesn't want to talk about Robyn per their agreement. They know that they need to keep up the attack on Christine and Janelle (and ignore Meri). If he shares whether she is the favorite, he either validates Christine's opinion or he lies.
  22. Same here. I am sitting out watching this season. I'll likely keep Paramount Plus, but I may stop WOW Plus.
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