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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. This music is ridiculous. I can't tell if the producers are poking fun at Kody and Robyn or if they really think it is dramatic. I mean, Robyn thinks she is wasting away while waiting to see the ER doctor.
  2. This is the Meri segment so that she can draw a paycheck. I wonder if it is in her contract that even though she is no longer relevant that she must have at least 1 talking head.
  3. If Janelle hadn't left Kody, this should be enough to do it. He disappointed his son. He discounted his son. He deprioritized his son. I hope he is happy spending the rest of his life with Robyn, her dysfunctional brood, and the barnacle Meri. Or when Janelle did? We all heard Kody say that if Janelle caught Covid he would be the one to take care of her. She did and he didn't!
  4. This is heartbreaking. Kody calls on Gabe's 20th birthday to get information about Covid because he and Robyn have it. Kody doesn't remember it is Gabe's birthday. And that is the last conversation Gabe has with his father.
  5. Okay, here we go, Robyn is going to try to gain sympathies by saying she nearly died and was hospitalized for Covid. Except that she didn't and she wasn't. This next segment is really going to bother me. So many people died from Covid and there was a shortage of beds. Why would Robyn go to the hospital? I had a friend with 103 temperature and asthma who is Robyn's age and she was told not to go to the hospital until her temperature hit 104 or she couldn't breathe. If Robyn can talk and film herself she is not sick enough to be admitted into the hospital. It was clearly a play to get sympathy from viewers and Kody. argh.
  6. Janelle isn't letting Kody blame the poor relationship with Christine on Christine. She says we are all responsible. What I don't understand is they are called sister wives. If my sister gets divorced I still love and support her.
  7. So we all saw Robyn kick a dog and now dogs being around are a hot button for Kody. Is it because he is afraid that cameras will catch Robyn kicking another dog?
  8. Single woman decisions is so such a nasty thing to say.
  9. Are you a strong enough woman to help me heal (from Christine leaving) is code for stop talking with and supporting Christine and start acting like and supporting Robyn.
  10. It sounds like Janelle is willing to give him one more chance, even though she isn't sure it is love. Or she is planning her escape and wants to pull the money first.
  11. Unfortunately, Kody dangles a carrot and everyone knows that he will not honor his promise. In his talking head he mentioned he expects loyalty, which is clearly about Christine. He expected Janelle to be angry and cut her off just like Robyn and Meri did.
  12. Kody side steps Janelle's question about would you react this way if I felt attacked. He blames Janelle and says she is acting as a single woman. She has to--Kody doesn't give her any emotional, financial and parenting support.
  13. Kody assuming that it is about jealousy means that he doesn't understand what he has done. Janelle is angry. When Kody finally says that he prefers Robyn and how she acts, she knows without a doubt that he has a favorite. Janelle calls it out, Robyn stood off to the side.
  14. So Kody expects Garrison to reach out to make amends. Isn't that something that the father should do?
  15. Okay, it starts with weirdness. Truely arrives and people are in shorts and summer dresses. Then the shot later of the house, there is snow. It feels like some editing weirdness.
  16. Are we all ready for the penultimate (hopefully) episode of the season?
  17. This season Robyn bothers me more than ever. It was always clear that she knows how to manipulate men, in particular Kody, into believing that they are the center of the universe and can do no wrong. Over time I have begun to think that Robyn has lost her sense of individual identity. She sees herself as less than men and she gets her sense of value primarily by being Kody's favorite wife and having spawned 5 children. This explains why Robyn is comfortable foisting her parenting responsibilities on nannies (or sister wives, if they would do it)--she needs to keep her attention laser focused on Kody rather than her kids or housekeeping. The kids are represent her successful relationship with Kody and are tools she can use to keep him focused on her And this could explain why Dayton stays in his room, Aurora and Briana have anxiety disorders, Sol is withdrawn and Ari is a hellion--they aren't living in a healthy home with parental partners Since Robyn perceives her value being determined by Kody, there was no need for her to build relationships with the other wives. As long as Kody viewed her as most important, her place in the family is cemented Further, it allows her to play the victim that wanted relationships, but she was held at arms lengths by the other sister wives. She has even managed to influence Kody to go on the attack while she sits back and and tearfully reacts to the way she is treated. She is comfortable with Kody being estranged from his other wives, and even his children, because it keeps Kody focused on her and their children. Robyn works to keep focus on herself, because she believes if Kody is allowed to get the scent of other women (current wives or potential wives) she might 'lose'. So in the beginning it was about young, pretty helpless Robyn. She called early and often for Kody to help her when he was with the other wives. Now it is about Covid requiring them to be exclusively together. Robyn's challenge is balancing the 'Kody you have been wronged by Christine and we are victims' with the fact that she gets him 24/7 and she has no time to recover. She is always on and it is tiring. It might also explain why she was comfortable with her stepfather watching her give birth. She belongs to Kody and he was comfortable with it. In a way, she was keeping sweet. I think she is both despicable and damaged by polygamy. She is a younger, smarter and prettier version of Meri.
  18. I think she graduates this June.
  19. I think what we were seeing was Jen mentally breaking down. At this point she was getting ready to go to trial. She knew she was guilty and jail was looming. Her lawyers were probably telling her that there was no way she would win and it would be better to plead guilty and ask for lenience. Jen was probably just realizing that she was about to lose everything and her greediness was going to send her away for a long time. So she is lashing out in anger. Bravo played this entirely wrong. They thought we would enjoy watching the build up to the case. They just didn't realize how unhinged Jen would be, making the show close to unwatchable.
  20. Absolutely agree. And Chris does actually have 2 linkedin profiles. One lists him as a KW owner and the other lists him as working as Knipe. I think they just pulled what they saw and Chris chose not to specify what his KW was (and when).
  21. Perhaps he was part owner of one of the 940 franchise offices of Keller Williams Real Estate and now he works at Knipe? Chris has been at Knipe since 2010.
  22. So fast--they have only been dating for 7 months. Congratulations to them!
  23. Although this season started strongly, for half the season it was a two queen race. And much like last season, the ending seemed written before the beginning. I'm fine with a Danny Beard win, but the UK series seems to be going through a predictable phase.
  24. Hopefully, all of the kids feel this way, including Robyn's. Although I doubt that because of the way Robyn spoke about her ex. Who wants to be with a man or support one that talks that way about the mother of six of his children?
  25. Since we are talking about changing thread names should this one be Robin Brown: Home wrecker and dog kicker?
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