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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. I agree. Ashley has a bachelors degree in communications from U of MD, so even if she does have a mother that lived in a tent, she got herself an education and she has drive. Wendy thought her Phd would make her a queen (not a grand dame) but nobody is impressed.
  2. I agree with you. Matt is a control freak, so he would feel compelled to take care of the property, which has always been his baby. He believes that his 'empire' would fall into a state of disrepair under Jeremy or Zach without his daily involvement. And on the flip side, I can see why Matt believes his kids are lazy and piggish and is reluctant to sell to them. He fears the future. We have seen the boys on the farm and no-one has ever accused them of working too hard. It probably would have been good for the family and its healing if Matt had been successful in selling off the farm.
  3. I think it is regional. Where I grew up (Northeast US) spring rolls were rice paper, filled with veggies. Egg rolls were wheat, filled with cabbage and pork. Egg rolls were always fried, spring rolls could be fried or not.
  4. I am ready for this season to be over. This episode was intense and sad, but old news.
  5. Yep, asking a church you no longer belong to for a dissolution of your spiritual marriage seems unneeded. Or a way for men to keep control over women that want to leave.
  6. This new Christine is great, "I would rather be alone and love myself than be with someone that doesn't love me." I think she will find a monogamist man who will love and appreciate Christine. They will take her out for nachos. They will enjoy toast made in the oven. They will spend time with her kids and grandkids.
  7. Selling the bed is a great idea. It will help her move forward more easily. She is/was clearly in therapy. She is doing this well.
  8. Brian Coalwell again! Kody needs someone to shoot with him. He only has Robyn and Meri and they are as interesting as a box of hair.
  9. Very interesting that Kody thinks everyone should be reaching out to him for his side of the story. I guess that's the kids, since he's told his other wives. But no one has reached out to Christine for her side of the story. Looking at you Meri and Robyn! They haven't talked to Christine since the announcement, but they want her to stay in Flagstaff and date. And Kody seems to think she is running off to Utah to marry someone else. I call that the Meri catfish effect.
  10. Do you think Kody will be angry when he sees that Robyn was honest--she wasn't looking for romance, but a good husband with a wallet?
  11. If Christine really had been thinking about leaving Kody while they were in Las Vegas, and she had done so, would she and Janelle have stayed in Las Vegas? Gabe would have liked that.
  12. If Kody had loved Christine, if he treated her well, she would have stayed. This BS about Christine wanting more than equal sister wife status--is Kody saying that he hasn't had sex with Robyn for 10 years either and that Areola and King Sol were immaculate conceptions?
  13. In Kody's mind, Christine is only entitled to 20% of the house money (it is owned by the 5 adults) and 20% of Coyote Pass. By his logic Christine is then entitled to 20% of Robyn's house too. But Kody doesn't realize that.
  14. Janelle tells all. Robyn and Christine both got the same amount of family money for their houses. And house equity equals Coyote Pass equity. I like that Janelle speaks her truth, not the 'patriarchy line.'
  15. Christine is generous, offering Coyote Pass free and clear. With her name on the house she can probably take all of the house and then force the sale of Coyote Pass to get her share of the money.
  16. It depends on the state. In Oregon support ends at 18 or up to 21 if the child is attending school. And in Oregon (and Washington), if you are divorced you can also be compelled to pay college tuition. Curiously, you cannot be compelled to pay college tuition if you are not divorced.
  17. Just watched the snatch game episode and I agreed 100% with the tops (and winner) and bottoms (and the queen sent home). Overall, I don't think there were many surprises. Pixie was worse than I expected. Dakota was better than I expected. And the winner gave exactly what I was waiting for them to deliver. It is a strong cast this season and I am enjoying it more than seasons 1 & 3.
  18. It is interesting that Kody was there, he loves to be the center of attention, but not a photo of him posing with his family can be found. It must be eating him up that: 1) It was not filmed for the show 2) He did not perform the wedding 3) He wasn't in the front row 4) None of his kids (with public social) posted a single image of him posing with his family Kody will probably try to marry off Aurora this spring so that he can be the center of another wedding!
  19. In the rest of the world (where they do colonoscopies) only about 20% of people go under anesthesia. I've often wondered why we risk it so much in the US. I do the FIT every year. My doctor says it is 92% accurate. Since I do it every year vs every 5 or 10 years, it is as effective as a colonoscopy. But if I ever need a colonoscopy it will be without anesthesia for me.
  20. I agree, it could be a case study on what happens when someone with narcissism personality disorder gets divorced. Kody lacks empathy for anyone other than himself--He doesn't think about Truely at all, only about how the divorce affects him, and his wallet. He doen't even know that having her own room at Kody's and Robin's house will mean a lot to Truely Kody needs flattery and attention--He makes the Coalwell wedding about Kody, rather than the couple. He was a spectacle! Kody has difficulty reacting to change--He doesn't accept that Christine has left and expects her to support the family financially. Kody doesn't understand why she wants to move away from him and take the profits from the house sale to invest in a new home. Kody has episodes of intense anger and outbursts--he yells at Gabe, then in the preview, he yells at Christine and Janelle Kody is suspicious and paranoid--he states directly that he doesn't trust Christine Kody is about 'winning' the divorce rather than doing what is best for his children.
  21. At one point Christine offered her place as a rental for Janelle, but Janelle wasn't interested. I think Janelle knew of Christine's plans, but she really wanted to live on the property.
  22. It sounds like what Christine wanted: Kody giving her sole ownership of the house and she turning over her ownership interest in Coyote Pass is what happened. I'm sure it still bothers Kody that we wasn't able to bully Christine into giving up the house money and Coyote pass. Fast forward to today and I'm sure Kody wasn't included in Logon's stag party, which likely included alcohol, and it reminded him that he only has Robin and shares in some undeveloped land. There is no patriarchy. There is no worship at the altar of Kody.
  23. It is clear that Truely is a smart kid. This is the most that's she's ever talked.
  24. Still, the idea that "Kody and Robyn gave her the down payment" is ridiculous. Edited to add that now we know it was the family money, not Kody and Robin.
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