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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. I think that's right. And Kody did get mad at Logan--remember the 'no luau, we don't eat pork,' conversation in Hawaii? Kody was pissy that Logan was going to the luau and planned to eat pig.
  2. Paedon stated on TikTok that Kody is not vaccinated. This doesn't surprise me in the least.
  3. Christine hit the nail on the head--It is Kody's responsibility to have a good relationship with his kids. And he is only interested in the little kids. He is the one that missed the opportunity to deepen relationships with his kids.
  4. Interesting that Gwen is staying. But I suppose she has a girlfriend and is already in college. And she is okay because her mother will be happy. For Ysabel, nice--2 years at Pitt and then 2 years at eCU. Generous of Christine to offer Kody to drive cross country to drop her off at school.
  5. Leon isn't part of it because they moved to Lizzie's Inn. And they left without telling Kody. Also very different: Leon is disappointed in Meri cheating on Kody, so they are okay that Kody cut Meri off. Janelle's kids and Christine's kids aren't cool with how their moms are being treated. So saying Leon isn't involved in the conversation doesn't matter.
  6. I wonder if Kody really thinks it is only about Covid or if he even considers that it is about Kody preferring Robyn. Just because Robyn says that she isn't the favorite doesn't mean it is false. And if you disagree with Kody it is gossip.
  7. None of Kody's kids or wives have said Covid is fake.
  8. Okay, Pitt Community College. Ysabel's school and Maddie's school. I think that's great. They can support each other. And I love that Maddie supported Christine leaving. It shows just how close Christine is to Janelle's kids. They are family and will stay family.
  9. Garrison--'I love you, Dad, but this is good bye forever.' I hope that happens.
  10. And there it is. Kody doesn't feel manly. He doesn't want to be there when she lets the others know.
  11. He is disgusted that she is going to move to SLC. Christine is moving her to her family.
  12. This week isn't quite as must see as last week. Mostly, it feels like a rerun of Kody is king and Christine leaving is a betrayal. Kody believes he holds the cards and can cut off Meri, but none of the wives should cut him off. If they do it, it galls Kody. I think Kody chatting about being introspective is solely for him to try and get Christine to stay. It is about winning for him. He really thinks that Christine should give up more of her live to hang around for Truly to get scraps of attention.
  13. And then he complains that she made that decision without him.
  14. Why does Kody think that there is an injustice being done to him? And why does he think that if he tells his wives, if you are unhappy then you can leave, that they won't do it?
  15. There's Meri. Not a lot of insight, though.
  16. It should not be a surprise to Kody that Christine didn't want to go to Flagstaff. She said that years ago.
  17. I just wonder when we'll see Meri this season. There have been a few Janelle talking heads. Robyn has a few more. TLC is setting up the narrative of Kody/Robyn lie and then the refute. And no one is together.
  18. And $200/hour, that's a lot of money. I wonder what the Kody does.
  19. And I agree with Christine, Christine's family shouldn't have Robyn's kids there when it is time for Kody to see Ysabel, Gwen and Truely. Why would he bring them kayaking when there is a nanny?
  20. 'Trudy's not even noticed it.' How do your kids not know that the parents have broken up? Odd that Robyn would even suggest that the time is fair and the others don't realize it.
  21. Well, now we know that Kody did not fulfill his stated responsibility of taking care of Janelle if she got Covid.
  22. What I like about this clip is that it is clear Christine is resolute in her actions for a better life for Truely. There doesn't seem to be anger or vengeance. Not even sadness. Christine sees a path forward and she will take it despite Kody's anger and bullying. Better later than never.
  23. In some ways disappointing. With the Jennifer/Zoey video there was a lot of talk about reach out to TLC to get us back on the air and now they are trying to shore up interest by going on Farmhouse fixers. So they are still chasing celebrity, like all the other TLC reality show casts. I had hoped that they would fade away and enjoy an affluent private life in the metro Boston area.
  24. Happy with this outcome. It seemed pretty clear. Hannah has been sketchy in a Scarlet Adams sort of way. Kong was uneven and boring eye candy. Spankie has the it factor. Added bonus, another kiwi queen. I wonder it there will be a season 3.
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