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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. You get discounted tuition if you are from in state.
  2. Kody doesn't understand that he treats Christine's kids differently. The fact that Ysabel says she isn't as close to her father as her mother says it all. Kody continues to blame Christine for everything, including his poor relationships with his kids. Own it and fix it. Take your daughter to college.
  3. Christine is so comfortable with Gwendlyn's sexuality. I appreciated her talking about her own female celebrity crushes.
  4. It is curious that Kody doesn't want to move his things out of Christine's house. I do like that Christine doesn't want any of the food storage. She says she doesn't want to live in fear. She is trying for a clean break.
  5. Wait, Kody isn't feeling betrayed by Meri the cheater who wanted to leave to be with another man, but he feels betrayed by Christine who didn't cheat? He wants to be pursued and worshipped by his wives and Christine doesn't give him that. Meri does. That's the only reason he no longer feels betrayed by Meri.
  6. Jumping into the episode. Last week Kody didn't know Ysabel's age. This week he didn't know Truely's age. He clearly is not engaged with Christine's kids. So weird that Kody gets anxious about being away from Ari and Sol for 2-3 days but he seems to go weeks away from Truely.
  7. And what about patriarchy? Kody was onboard with Janelle living there until he talked with Robyn. And now he thinks Janelle needs to ask the coven for permission. Robyn is against it, because it could mean she might end up selling her mansion in the trees (yep, in trees even though that was the reason she didn't want the property that Christine and Kody wanted over Coyote Pass). Meri is against it because it is Janelle doing this and she is a controlling, selfish b@*ch. It would have been Christmas 2020 or Easter 2021 (Mykelti was born in April 2021). And Kody this season said he wouldn't visit Christine's house if a child went to school and was uncomfortable helping Ysabel move to school in NC.
  8. Kody saw his brother's widow at the holidays--then why is he throwing a fit about seeing his family? Did he demand they follow the Kody rules at the holidays and then when he picked up the pick up? Or does he only require it from people he doesn't want to spend time with?
  9. I've speculated with friends that the powers that be didn't want to have a German, an Italian, and one British-born person in the finale of The Great British Bake Off. I know, a conspiracy theory, that too many non Brits might reduce viewers in Britain.
  10. Yes, Leon considers asking if they are pregnant to be a micro aggression. And they think it could be fatphobic or transphobic. I personally think Leon looks pregnant in that photo, but I would never say that to them or anyone else. It is about where they are carrying their extra weight. I agree, boundaries would be easier for all. And that said, people usually ask about pregnancy because they want a moment of shared celebration. Intent matters. And Leon's intent is not always positive. We know that they tried to avoid airline fees by claiming service dogs. We know they have a deep sense of entitlement and no problem taking more from the family coffers than they need or is given to others (college). Loss of their self righteous rage will likely extend their life as much as weight loss.
  11. Janelle's kids always seem so happy when Kody isn't around. Contrast with Robyn's and Meri's kids who who rarely seem happy. The Christine/Janelle combo just seemed to have work.
  12. I agree! I like both of your recaps so it would be double the snark!
  13. People were eating there from the beginning, but there were health hazards. Old Lady Gang's inspection on July 14, 2021: The health department investigator noted the manager not "displaying active managerial control to prevent foodborne illness." Further, the official noted they saw sliced cheese, raw salmon, and sliced tomatoes being kept at a temperature above 41 degrees. Old Lady Gang's was also inspected weeks prior on July 7, 2021. The official observed the main kitchen with no hand soap and also noticed the sliced cheese, raw hamburger, shrimp, chicken and crab cake weren't being stored at the proper temperature.
  14. Kody says: I don't want to be disagreeable, but I don't want to agree to anything.
  15. Robyn and Meri are deluded in thinking that they are committed to the family. Robyn kept Kody from his kids. Meri had a relationship with a catfish and a banana and was ready to move on.
  16. Meri really is only engaging with Areola, King Sol and Aurora.
  17. Christine should never, ever sing on tv, or allow her singing to be recorded. If her family enjoys it, I'm fine with that. But please keep it off my screen. It was not perfect.
  18. Kody thinks the adult kids should respect him, but he isn't acting in a way that would earn him respect. The kids know he has favorite wives and favorite kids. They see that he doesn't treat everyone the same.
  19. The kids are confused because Robyn said it is happening with Christine. It is about the end of KODY's and Christine's relationship. Sounds like Robyn blamed Christine when telling her kids. Mykelti is relieved. Ysabel is sad and she saw it coming. Apparently Kody, Robyn and Meri were the only ones that didn't see it coming.
  20. Everyone has had a Covid test -or- been vaccinated. I'm guessing the Robyns are test why Janelle's kids are vaccinated.
  21. Family members that cringe at the idea of living in an RV--good thing they aren't invited. I am willing to bet that neither Meri nor Robyn spent much time at the RV.
  22. I'd expect Meri to do a full on burlesque show with every meal.
  23. I also think that Janelle should have purchased Christine's house. Kody wouldn't even have to move this things. 😃
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