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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. And to the end, Kody took no responsibility. He said that he didn't love Christine. But it is now her fault that she didn't accept scraps and left him.
  2. Christine is probably being overly honest. I likely would have said yes! Let's work on our relationship. Let's get something on the calendar. And then I would never talk to Robyn again.
  3. She's getting out of the lobster bucket means Christine is escaping a metaphorical death. Maybe Kody thinks of himself and the lobsterman rather than another lobster. This seems like a game to him and he can see that he is losing. He is looking to someone he doesn't like so he wants to turn over the board and storm away. Or take his ball (and chain, Robyn) and go home.
  4. Now I understand, Kody is trying to get Meri, Robyn and Janelle to pile on. Curiously, Meri is not. We knew that Janelle wouldn't. Robyn already got her irrational yelling out.
  5. If you can say that you didn't love your wife then you should be happy that the relationship is ending.
  6. The fact that Kody decided to emotionally hurt Christine in front of the other wives makes me think that he probably treated her poorly for years. Now that she is leaving and he can't control her Kody wants to humiliate Christine. He forgets that his children will see this. That it will further shape their relationship with him. Hopefully, this helped Janelle decide to leave. And maybe Meri will understand that she should exit too. They can sell Coyote Pass and go their separate ways.
  7. I love that Janelle says this is not the man that I WAS marriage to for years. Run Janelle, run!
  8. And so the gaslighting starts. He denies he was excited about moving back to Utah (we all saw the video). He says that Christine was in the marriage for the man (Kody) as a resource and not about the family (we saw her put everyone before herself).
  9. Kody seems to forget that Christine told him the house sold and she was moving. This is not new news.
  10. You could feel Amy feeding on her new status in the season premiere. Chris pushed a bit, asking Amy if she thought she was the top choice to watch the other kids (when Tori went in to have #3). But Amy didn't care. She is happy being above Chacha. It is a competition that Matt and Caryn may not be aware they are in. I think Matt and Caryn are committed to each other, regardless of a marriage license. And so this idea that Caryn wouldn't support Matt in negotiations is probably something that neither of them considered.
  11. This was a very disappointing semifinal. The wrong person went home, the challenges were ridiculous, and the chemistry amongst the remaining contestants has left the tent. I will watch the final because I am a completist.
  12. I completely agree--in one episode in season 1/2 he even rolls up his sleeves to show someone how to oil their hands and knead dough. New Paul likes to walk around and smirk.
  13. I remember reading that when the sale fell through Tori and Zach had two issues with Caryn. Caryn was in the negotiations and ZiT didn't believe she should be there because she was not Matt's wife When things got heated Caryn was the person who said that the negotiations were over If Caryn had said something about ZiT's family I think it would have been shared. There is no reason for Zach or Tori not to share it. Such a claim would surely throw sympathy their way.
  14. Meri understood what Christine was saying. And Janelle knew she was unhappy. I love that Janelle sees that Robyn and Kody are trying to invalidate Christine's feelings. Janelle sees the gaslighting.
  15. Kody, you are more connected with Robyn and her kids because you live with them. You said Robyn and my kids. But when you talked about the others you said Janelle's and Christine's kids. What do you expect?
  16. Love that Kody says he isn't married to Meri. And that is okay. It is because he made the call to exit the relationship.
  17. Christine doesn't want to stay in their church. That's why she doesn't need to talk with the church.
  18. If Kody doesn't even like Christine you would think he wouldn't be so angry about her moving.
  19. I am so tired of all the political commercials. With the filler scenes and the political ads this episode seems to have less than 30 minutes on meat.
  20. Sorry, Kody, not wanting to see Christine is not an excuse to ignore Truely. Pick Truly up and take her for a walk, or a burger. Just spend time with her, not Christine.
  21. If Christine has told Kody, then I think she should have just had a zoom call to share with her ex-sister wives. That way she could just hang up if anyone gets riled up.
  22. Filler. Meri filler. Does anyone care about Meri and her friend?
  23. Both Ysabel and Christine are starting new chapters in their lives. There are so many parallels. I hope that both will be happy.
  24. Ysabel sharing that the family hasn't been together in 2 months and that it was probably the last time they will be together was sad. She is very realistic and mature.
  25. I'm glad that Truely and Ysabel are so close. It will be interesting to see what Truely alone will be like. I hope she makes friends easily.
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