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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. The 7 little Johnstons were there too and all of their footage was away from the event in parks or restaurants. I think LPA said no filming.
  2. I suspect worse than it did. Both sides clearly walked in with different expectations. And although I am not a Caryn fan I believe she was trying to keep both sides from saying things they couldn't take back. It is convenient to believe Caryn was the cause of the disagreement but I think her lost relationships were collateral damage. I mean, come on. Tori and Caryn spent part of an episode sharing how both were accused of being gold diggers. Isn't that a bonding moment?
  3. Did anyone even notice that Meri was missing? I didn't until her talking head.
  4. Okay, I keep getting Lume commercials. It is a deodorant that you use in places like your bum crack. Is that because I am watching sh*t or because Kody and Robyn are full of it?
  5. Gwen now joins the talking heads of people saying that Christine divorcing Kody is the right thing. The only people that seem to be upset are Kody, Robyn and Meri because they lost the basement wife.
  6. So Kody admits his natural tendency is to shit talk Christine. At least he knows he is an assh**e.
  7. Is the Mykelti/Tony and Kody/Robyn meet up on the property? They have a fenced in area? I could have sworn I saw the RV in the background.
  8. I like that we see Janelle's spiritual marriage fall apart as a result of the way he is treating Christine. Kody recognized that and tries to pull Janelle closer. What would make it better is if Janelle leaves and tells the Raging Kody and Victim Robyn that she is unwilling to exploit the end of the relationship for a television paycheck. I'd love a fast forward to 2023 with Janelle and Christine being newly single grandmas on their own.
  9. I understand why Janelle doesn't want to live in Christine's house. She would be living in a best friend's house with her best friend's ex husband.
  10. I understand why Janelle doesn't want to live in Christine's house. She would be living in a best friend's house with her best friend's ex husband.
  11. It bothers me that Robyn has repeatedly claimed that she doesn't know anything about Kody's other relationships but then she says that she knows that they weren't having good conversations.
  12. Kody continues to place himself at the center of everything. He doesn't seem to understand that he no longer plays a part in Janelle's and Christine's relationship. They get to be friends now and there is no jealousy to competition. Kody wants Janelle to fall in line behind him, but that is unlikely to happen. You can't offer scraps and not think Janelle is going to take a best friend in Christine.
  13. I like that Janelle and Christine are trying to problem together and that Christine acknowledged that Janelle is one of her best friends.
  14. I am here as well. I thought this was going to be the season finale, but it is not.
  15. I think it is strange that they like to set that child on the kitchen island. Can't they put that child on a booster seat at a table?
  16. I'm watching it on WOW. So glad Victoria Scone is there. I am surprised that Icesis Couture came back. But she is a favorite so I am okay with that. There is definitely good talent here, but the writing is already on the wall for some. I do hate Allstar rules where the queens lip-sync to send someone home. But I loved Vanity Milan's reaction when she found out she won $10K for winning the lip sync. The British queens may all try to get on these Allstar seasons to get a little cash.
  17. I agree! Per the IRS: a property qualifies as a farm if it is actively cultivating, operating or managing land for profit. Specifically, they must sell at least $1000 of agricultural products per year. Agricultural products are livestock, dairy, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruit.
  18. I am hoping that next week is the series finale. Anyone else agree?
  19. I hope that talking heads with Ari and Sol don't become a thing. I just don't care about Ari pestering other kids.
  20. Now that Christine has left and Kody doesn't consider himself married to Meri, that means that Janelle is the basement wife. I think that Janelle is starting to realize that. Janelle remembers what it was like to be the basement wife when it was two wives with Meri.
  21. Whoa, she gave half of the profits from the sale of her house for Robyn's house. And then they didn't put her name on it. Janelle is entitled to her share too.
  22. I think Janelle hugging Christine in front of the Bitches of Flagstaff says it all. To me it was very clear that Janelle chose Christine.
  23. Gosh, and Meri really is Robyn's toady. She got up as soon as Robyn leaves. Why are those two (fake) crying? It really has very little to do with them.
  24. Wow, and Meri the bitch was glad for Kody's poor behavior yelling at Christine. This is why so many hate Meri.
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