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Anna Yolei

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Everything posted by Anna Yolei

  1. Snaporaz, I thought that too...and maybe TIIC were doing that since the bland Hope clone version was doing nothing but putting me to sleep watching the characters fawn over her because....reasons? I wouldn't be surprised if Baby Bell changed his mind once fans actually started liking nuCaroline. I'm over it now, but at the time I wanted her far, far away from flaky ass Ridge 3.0 and I didn't get her motivation to continue chasing after him, either.
  2. Speaking of him, I swear that man hasn't aged a day since the first season of Survivor 13 years ago. And I ain't complaining at all. ;)
  3. If she didn't flip shit over her baby being killed during her prison stint, she won't over this. I'm still disappointed she didn't go cookoo when she first came on the show, actually.
  4. The Pose boink is one of the reasons I can't wrap my head around the way this nuRidge acts over Brill. RM! Ridge can laugh off the mistake as Brooke pulling whacky hijinxs (and this while MARRIED!) but moving on with Bill after leaving her over a text to the ex she is least likely to get back with? Omg, so unforgivable!!
  5. Agreed with those that want B613 gone. As some mentioned in the Fitz character thread, it's done far more damange for many characters than helped any of them. Olivila comes off weak and Fitz just looks like a useless puppet that everyone around him including Olivia manipulates for their own sakes, and Quinn...I like this new side of her morw than Exposition Chick, but what the fresh hell hapoened there? I can settle for Olivia finding she can be happy with Jake for a little whike, at least. I'm sure Olivia and Fitz are endgame, but let her be with a real man for a while, at least.
  6. This, exactly. This I think is a reason soaps have become a dying artform over the past ten years (arguably longer)...90 percent of any given show is about people screwing or discussing who others should be screwing. There are few stories onvolving friends and family and even fewer involving careers and jobs.
  7. As one example of why I started to not care for Liam, he and Hope had a fight and she broke off their first engagment. Steffy comes slutting by and he not only propses to her, but gives her Hope's ring that was probably still warm. Then MARRIES her the next day in Aspen. Their relationship is always like that...running from one another instead of actually talking TO each other. Liam would turn to Steffy every time there was a hiccup with Hope. This is compound by the fact that most of Scott Clifford's scenes had him staring like a deer in the woods, and coming across as a deer stuck in headlights when everyone from Hope and Steffy to their mothers and brothers and probably Stephanie at some point were barging in telling him which of the two idiots he should pick. At least Ridge went outta his way to woo the women he was with and I've been told earlier episodes made referrence to Ridge's. ..er, talents in the bedroom. Liam's never done that with either of them. With B&B, any pairing where the parties were never believed to be related is automatically placed in the tolerable category. Maybe her wanting to bang Liam could've made for a convincing reason for her to be Team Hyatt if she hadn't tried to kill him already. But then, Bill called Brooke an opportunistic skank and looked at where that ended.
  8. Naw, I think it's'cuz he's been on auto pilot for the last seven years and run outta ideas. Hope/Steffy was an extremely watered down version of Brooke and Taylor and now we've got a watered down Ridge/Nick dynamic. And if I recall correctly, not too many folks were particularly crazy for that the first time around. But even still, two wrongs don't make a right. Hope can still do better than this wishy washy lemming who just now woke up because he has some competition and Steffy was out the picture and nothing Whineyett or Quinnsane's done makes me like Ridge 2.0 any better. Mileage varies, of course.
  9. To be honest, the trailers for Glee got my attention, but I honestly thought with it not being a typical comedy that it was gonna get axed six episodes in. I didn't startt watching till damn near the end of season one because of Fox's track record. Granted, Ryan Murphy ran this show in the ground, but if it hadn't exploded in ratings out the gate, Glee would have likely been anotger Fox casualty.
  10. I watched the first two seasons (to snark, of course). I gave Amy a shout out in the Character we Hate thread, but pretty much all of them took turns at being loathesome.....except Ricky, I realize as I type this. He was always there for his kid and somehow found a way to deal with Amy's ungrate Mary Sue ass.
  11. As much hate as these two, particularly Blaine, got at TwoP, I'm surprised it took nearly two whole pages to be mentioned. All of season five pretty much killed this pairing for me and now with Murphy's bread and butter 'ship having been torpedoed, there's no way they won't be endgame.
  12. Agreed about Marley. She was little more than a plot device packaged as a character. Calling her the New Rachel is an insult Rachel at her worst doesn't deserve because obnoxious and overbearing as she is, she is willing to fight to make her dreams happen. Plus, she's shown to not be a complete sad sack. Marley might as well be Saint Mary Sue of Lima. Oh well. Not like we'll have to see her again. I hope.
  13. Ah, it was in connection to her kidnapping....somehow I missed that part. Thanks!
  14. God, was it ever. From what I gathered, the reason it was inserted was pretty much someone wanting to give Braga and Berman the finger onthe way out, since they weren't coming back for Enterprise. I think the latter's finale went a long way for deflecting the heat of Voyager's (which mayy be the only positive thing to come of that). Not only that, but in one episode, it was implied that Picard gave the order that led to Jack Crusher's death. I did ship this once upon a time, but between all of that, I'm kinda over it.
  15. Speaking of Karosky, I didn't entirely hate his suicide attempt SL. I hated that it became about St. Gay of Lima and his pain and the story really should not have been in the same episode as the Finchel botched wedding and Quinn getting hit by a car, but I agree that he's interesting because he's not bashed over our heads as being the bestest person evar. Not sure how unpopular this is either, but I enjoyed the last season of Archer...but even if it was a complete miss, I would still respect the writers for attempting something new, which not a lot of shows do.
  16. The problem in part wasn't the audience attention--in spite of coming across as a post apocalyptic soap opera, it was still the highest rated new drama for 2005. But TIIC at CBS decided to not air reruns at ALL and instead host old episodes entirely online. Again, I point out this was nine years ago when a good number of people were still on dialup and this new site called Youtube had less than a million videos. That more than anything else led to a huge drop off in ratings.
  17. Kinda surprised Reno 911 hasn't been mentioned yet, because it had five seasons of improvised brilliance, then season six where I didn't laugh even once. Even Ryan Murphy shows don't tank that suddenly. Granted, there was BTS stuff that forced the canning of nearly half the cast, but damn.
  18. Is RM planning a career in a glue factory after this show is over? 'Cuz he excels at beating dead horses. The NYC stuff after New New York was only slightly more tolerable than what came before because of the talents of the actors. And as someone said upthread, showing the importance of arts in school need not take all of them ending up in or near the Broadway scene/music industry. Finn being a mentor was actually one of the few decision in season four that was grounded in some kind of not entire fail (at least before Will flipped shit about Finn kissing Emma). Well, the only thin I'm looking forward to is seeing record low ratings that even the defunct UPN would have been embarrassed of. Can I nominate this as the official title of the season six thread?
  19. {qoute]Another stellar moment was when Taylor checked out when they thought Steffy had been eaten by a shark.{/quote] What the...? when the hell did this happen? This storyline took place a year after the real life drowning of Tylo's son, and she asked for limited involvement in the SL. Which begs the questions of why these idiots went through with killing her off when the two newly-franternal twins shared exactly TWO scenes together before Phoebe bit the dust. As fdor current events, Lulu's scenario upthread seems liek the way more logical way to have dealt with a recast Ridge than...this mess. No one's asked him any hard questions about where he was for Stephanie's death or Steffy's miscarriage. Regarding the spoiler that Runthetable mentioned:
  20. In SW's defence, everyone on this show was phoning it in. When you can literally have the same dialougue for episodes on end (Does Amy know about the baby? made up half of season three), it's pretty hard not to.
  21. Flash Forward aired on Fox, right? If so, it never had a chance anyway.
  22. Ugh, I hate when shows do that. TIIC did something similar to Mellie on Scandal this past season, but I was wondering why she never told Fitz, especially when he would've cut his father out of their lives permanently for far less.
  23. Paris and Torres are right at the middle of the road of canon Trek pairings for me. Not my idea of an epic romance, but I don't hit the forward button on their scenes together. Probably belongs in the UO thread, but after watching TNG a few more times, I'm kinda over Picrusher. What a cocktease of a not relationship that was. I though the episode in season seven where they finally address that was a nice way to put that to bed. Speaking of Trek pairing, was there any reason given about the brief Worf/Troi thing? It just seemed so....random. I realize no one was thinking that Worf would cross over to DS9 two years later, but it was odd that he never mentioned her there.
  24. I thought Out of our Asses happened before the Victor/Sabrina hookup, though. But I agree about the Carltons. I'm glad DD was a hit on B&B, but there is a huge hole where his character was. Adam could've been that, but that ship has sailed the world twice over on that.
  25. The babyswitch of '05 was the last truly good Sl from start to finish that included nearlt every character on the show at the show, and still affected some for years afterwards. I too forgot why Mike left Jennifer, but with without spoiling anything for you what came after was a complete and total waste of time. Coincidentally, I got stationed in Japan myself about four months before the show ended and ended up missing the finale. That was four years ago and I've never been able to watch more than ten minutes of that.
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