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Anna Yolei

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Everything posted by Anna Yolei

  1. Oh my God, this thread was made for soap opera fandom. The pool of show killers is as incestuous as certain family trees on GoT, but top contender is Jill Farren Phelps. She was EP of Another World and ran that into the ground; she and her BFF tlBob Guza turned General Hospital into AsThe Mob Turbs Around Steven Burton until the low ratings got her sacked from there; and now, she's run The Young and the Restless further into the ground than its previous two Exec Producers could have ever imagined. Oh, and some speculate that her firing of soap actress Anna Lee (who was in or near her 90s) from GH is what led to her death several months later. Also, Steve Burton. ...otherwise known as Steve Farren Phelps in the Y&R thread, for good reason. He is not entirely horrible, but he is noy leading man material. I'm only surprised it took this long to tie him into the cast with Nikki and Paul as his bio parents, and JFPhuckup taking one big honking cow turd over thirty-some odd years of history to do so. Runner Up: Rick Berman and Brannon Braga for both Star Treks Voyager and Enterprise. Voyager was insipid and uninspired for it's entire run, but Enterprise....holy shit. And then once a show runner came in to do damage control in the last season and get something resembling good praise from critics and fans alike, they write that godawful "These are the Voyages" that shits on not just the few loyal viewers left, but on TNG as well. For those that are not Trek fans, imagine if the Angel finale starred Buffy as she's having a flash foward about Angel and co.'s future while Joss Whedon get nods to BtVS throughout. Flaws aside, I'm glad J.J. Abrams has revitilized Trek and help remove the sting of those two series (plus the TNG films). ETA: Second runner up: Ryan Murphy--Glee. *drops mic*
  2. KerleyQ beat me to it. When I think of "Playing the field," I think of characters like Samantha Jones, who owned it and didn't need to be in a relationship to be defined. But aside from the first few months of her SORAS before the Pose Wall Boink came out, Hope has pretty much been relationship oriented. And I do agree that at her age it wouldn't be out the norm for her to try on a few guys for size....in RL L.A., that would pretty much be expected. Hell, one of the things that pushed Liam and Steffy together to begin with was Hope shilling her morality on sex as a selling point for HFTF--without even discussing that with Liam. Waffle or not, no guy should have to find out his girl wants to wait for marriage through a press conference on live television. That said, having her eyes opened in recent weeks by the rest of the stupidity around her may prove interesting if TIIc actually follow through with it and have her stick with either of these two for longer than two weeks. Or God forbid, have some bonding time with Deacon and give her a storyline that has absolutely nothing to do with marriage or being the center of attention that taps into show history that dates back further than May Sweeps. I'm sure Ashley Jones may be willing to return for a few weeks if asked.
  3. As far as renewal goes, FOX could've still canceled had the show bled out move viewers and/or ad revenue fell? I'm sure there had to be some drop off point where paying Murphy out of his concract would've cost less than producing another season.
  4. Count me as another that liked Ezri, too. I never warmed up to Jadzia and it took me about three rewatches to realize why: until season four, hardly any of her stories dealt with her, Jadzia. Almost every story she had related to Curzon or one of Dax's previous host, the sole exception being Meridian (which was a generic Romance of the Week plot). And that revelation that Curzon was in love with Jadzia is right up there with the aborted Kira/Dukat romance the producers had planned for season seven, imo. For what little time she was on the show, Erzi was definitely her own person (she rebuked the nickname "Old Man" that Sisko gave the previous two Daxes), and the Jadzia comparisons were limited mostly to Worf after the first three episodes.
  5. Mileage varies because while Kitty did stick out a biut more than the others, I thought her SL was one of the ones that wasd the most over the map, and her development had more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. She went from Santana 2.0 to post pregnancy Quinn 2.0 with nary a thought and her school shooting confession of triggering Marley's eating disorder is swept under the rug and never discussed. Granted, the mean bitch archetype is easier to write for and engage the audience than a goody two-shoes like TIIc attempted with Marley, but I wouldn't say, on paper at least, that she was interesting to me. That said, Becca Tobin was definitely the best of the newbies and I wouldn't mind seeing her again in something not related to "Glee."
  6. If that happens, I may have to bump Ennterprise for Worst Finale to a Show Ever.
  7. Or, more fittingly, no different than when Katie and Nick fell for each other. I've never been one to harp on that one, since he and Bridget were so ill fated well before Katie and, later on Owen, came into the picture, nor has Katie been inclined to wreck a marirage since; but this whole situation with Bill the past year has been begging a mention about this. FFS, HOPE of all people has more self-awareness and has had her eyes opened up about, "Hey, maybe I shouldn't judge people so quickly or so harshly."
  8. Like the GH fans in the last few posts, my soap that spirled down was As the World Turns. 2005 saw the show's last really engaging umbrella story with Jennifer's baby being switched with Gwen's, the fallout from which was still there till ATWT'S dying days. Everything else after that? I don't know where to begin. Do I start blasting Lily and Holden's on and off marriage making more flips than IHOP and causing their daughter's eating disorder? Or Carly and Jack's equally turbulent "romance" where both were willing to use their children against the other? How about that sad sack Allison eating up the whole of the 2008-2009 season, or the female Chief of Police's oldest son becoming an attempted rapist, or Meg Synder eventually becoming more insane than Paul, for whom she pulled the typical Synder Sanctimony Shit upon? And let's not forget the one actual stable couple, Luke and Noah. Oh my goodness, Mistletoegate made for good TwoP reading. I can even forgive that cutaway, or the fact that it was two years before they were even allowed to have sex (albeit implied) and even after they joined the ranks of every toxic couple of this show, I could forgive the breakup. But killing off Lukevs new love interest to save Katie's? Fuck you, show. And then the parade of couples in the finale....fuck you again. I almost added the Bold and the Beautiful, but terrible as that show is, there's been some effort to not sleep at the wheel the past few years, including more screentime for the younger characters.
  9. I took that to mean "Not worth his mother killing the competition," but that's just me. The comment was aimed at Quinnsane to get her to back down off Liam.Besides, I honestly think he's better off taking a play outta Steffy's book and let them collapse on their own. It's kinda their thing to do at this point. He's been the Stephanie to her Brooke, to put it simply, pulling some underhanded tactics to keep her and Liam apart (like setting up roadblocks to keep her from getting married in Italy) He's been Steffy ' s biggest cheerleader, and some speculate that could be becausr he nearly banged her himselg and is trying to live through Liam.....and now, I'm wondering if he'll try pushing her on Wyatt if the powers that be were to recast the role, or maybe pimp Will out when he's SORASed to 25 ten years from now.
  10. Kitty, word on seeing these two as real brothers instead of rivals. Wouldn't that be an interesting twist for B&B to take? I think it took Jack's birth (and KKL's unwillingness to have Brooke go back again to Nick) before Ridge and Nick buried the hatchet, but then their screen time together vanished overnight. Ridge and Throne have always fought for Steph's approval and Ridge and Rick....I see a pattern here ;) So yeah, let these two be actually friends for a while, I say, and let Hope have some time to get to know Deacon. Lol, I knew that :]Someone ought to remind the writers of this, though. ;)
  11. You think that's bad, a British friend of mine avoided the 'Net for a week before the book came out, just to get spoiled by two schoolgirls on the subway that were talking too loud. :p
  12. I read somewhere that both Anne and Emily were written to be somewhat biographically....Anne represented the home wife LMM wanted to be, and Emily the writer she was. As an UO, my favorite Anne book next to the original is.....none other than "Rilla of Ingleside." This one gets shit for the lack of Anne and the pro-war sentiments that ran through Canada at the time (which LMM seems to have changed her mind on by the time she wrote "The Blythes are Quoted"), but no other book in the series besides "Avonlea" comes close to capturing the spirit of that original book and Rilla getting into scrapes. On that vein, I also don't hate Rainbow Valley, it's biggest sin being that it got lumped into the AoGG series instead of being its own thing...and I have the sneaking suspicion that was written as the set up to "Rilla." Jane of Lantern Hill is my fave non-Anne book, but I could not find this book on Amazon. No Kindle version, and the last time I looked, the only copy was a first edition hardback...which would've been cool if I had 200 spare bucks lying around. LOL!
  13. Wierder things have happened. Who would've ever thought Bill and Brooke would be a thing after the Dare fiasco? No pairing since Rick and Steffy has been shocking to me, just the ones that didn't happen (ie, Nick and Hope).
  14. Wyatt's only been around a year? God, did time drag its six inch heels this season. Even with fewer younger characters around, this show has far more focus and balance on the next gen than it did ten years ago, when Bridget was with Nick and Rick was sleeping his way the Hayes branch of women.
  15. Well, that explains why it was renamed "Two Giys and a Girl".
  16. Remember Charlotte who was always talking on the phone to her assistant Jonathan? No wonder Angelica was such an attention hog.
  17. And less maturity, guessing from the preview.
  18. They could've done that without shitting over Luna's memory anyway. But like others have said, I want Sam to have some sort of happy ending when all's said and done. I didn't realize how all his exes end up dead until now. Lol! The one good thing S6 had going for it was recircling the focus to one kind of magical creature (the vamps) instead of spreading focus so thin on Were-Everythings, fairies, witches, mediums, shifters, whatever the fuck Maryanne was...this show was going into season 5 Glee territory in focus, and I did like having just one main focus. Yeah, the show did gloss over what was pretty much a gangbang. I'm not sure to be glad for that because nothing good story wise would come of it, or disturbed at the trend on tv about male rape being downplayed at best, played as a joke or in the case of "the Young and the Restless" a few years ago, the victim being treated as a deadbeat for not supporting a baby conceived while drugged and thinking the rapist was his wife.
  19. This. In fact Brooke's sham wedding to Whip is the only nuptials Ridge hasn't interrupted or attempt to stop in this show's entire history. Real people learn from these things. Plus, didn't she and Ridge get married at City Hall the second to last time they got hitched? So what's the deal now? I wish someone would give this advice to idiot Hope the next time she gets married. :/
  20. Regarding why so many folks got dropped in season four, wasn't there some spinoff that RM was pushing for, then Fox said no and that's why we ended up with a split narrative?
  21. Every parent ever depicted on Secret Life of the American Teenager. I mean, every last one of them are terrible from Ben's dad (forgot his actual name since the TwoP lot called him Sausage King) telling him to date Amy as replacement for him dead mom to Adrian's dad that threatened to leave her mom if she didn't go through with having a baby at 17 (!) years old to Grace's mom letting her brother taunt her about sex having killed their father toALL the parents laughing ay Grace getting almost mugged to whatever made that psychotic cunt Amy the most unlikeable protagonist of any show since Enterprise's Archer was griping about his sick dog. Honorable mention to the Camdens of 7th Heaven.
  22. That was Thomas that blew up Rick's car, actually. But this. This show has the worst continuity, and Baby Bell seems to think that a recast will whitewash all of a character's past sins. Rick is a good example of this; as Kyle Lauder, he routinely blasted Ridge for the same shit he just pulled with Caroline. NuRidge is the worst for obvious reasons. I half expact a recast Steffy to return as a nun and for Nick to be an environmental hippie.
  23. Count me in as another that couldn't get into Firefly. I watched the actual premiere years later when SyFy had a marathon and just could not sit through it. A whole episode is still longer than I could sit through nuBSG, however. Ten minutes, and I was done, and hearing fan reaction to the finale hasn't done much to make me try again.
  24. Word to all of this. Low ratings aside, there are so many extra expenses that other shows do not have. Other shows with much better ratings have been canned just because it cost too much to keep certain actors around (one example I've been told of was Full House and how the Olson twins were fetching 300k each by the last season). Glee's got choreographers, arrangers, royalty fees and constantly changing costumes on top of whatever increases in pay Lea and Chris and the others have gotten. A lotta money for a show which loses out to the CW in ratings.
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