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Anna Yolei

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Everything posted by Anna Yolei

  1. The babyswitch of '05 was the last truly good Sl from start to finish that included nearlt every character on the show at the show, and still affected some for years afterwards. I too forgot why Mike left Jennifer, but with without spoiling anything for you what came after was a complete and total waste of time. Coincidentally, I got stationed in Japan myself about four months before the show ended and ended up missing the finale. That was four years ago and I've never been able to watch more than ten minutes of that.
  2. Star Trek-wise, my favorite would have to be Kira and Odo of DS9. Just great chem all around, and being together didn't detract from the other as human(oid....ish, in Odo's case) beings. The worst is a toss up between Worf/Dax and Tucker/T'Pol. The latter is a product of a general lack of vision for Enterprise, while the former seems to make a 180 to Worf to make the pairing fit 'cuz Dax was a Klingon ambassador in her previous life, so um. On the other hand, Curzon stopped getting storylines after that happened, so there's a plus.
  3. I've watched a few post McK eps of the show of season five, and I have my doubts that even with a full season of NYC that the show would've been that much better. Certainly what I did see was leaps and bounds above recycled ND shit, but it's not hard to clear a bar that's set at sea level.
  4. Agreed that Wyatt was a grade A dick from the get go. Even Nick waited till he thought Risge was dead to bang Brooke, but Wyatt was hitting on Hope in Liam's own house FFS! My feelings for Liam the Waffle aside, what absolute shit to pull. I still await the end of Lope, however. Liam is tolerable with everyone but Hope.
  5. I'm just plain sick of the metaphorical cock tease this show in general has become with Sharin's secret, whatever the fuck is between Stitch and Kelly, the music box crap/Katherine's will, that bullshit with Rose/ Hilary outing the Winters with shit that was already public knowledge, Mariah (who apparently came down with the same pigment disease Michel Jackson claimed to have) and now the Misterious Hand. And as I type this, I just realized ALL of those storis have taken place within the past YEAR. If MM didn't get sacked, I'm sure tiic would still be dragging their feet on Delia's kilker SL too. But to bring it back to Adam, I agree that getting the right recast is more important than just slapping anyone in the role just to end the story. They start the shit, they can end it correctly, especially when whoever ends up in the role will have an uphill battle as it is.
  6. Of all the Sookie pairings, I thought she had exponentially more chem with Eric than any of the other five (!) suitors. Her with Bill was always DOA and I kept watching this show in spite of them.
  7. That three months he was off the show in '08 when Sony wouldn't kiss his ass on contract negotiations was definitely one of the better three month stretches in recent history imho. This was when he and Michelle Stafford took turns eating up the show and every road in Genoa City led back to his ass. I didn't miss Braeden for one New York minute. But honestly, there should be more rotation of characters anyway. Back on New Years or Christmas, Y&R aired a rerun from the early 2000s or late 90s....someone at TwoP pointed out how the show would have an actor show up for one or two scenes and not appear again. Nowadays, they're featured for the entire episode whether they're needed or not. Seriously, does anyone need to see Lily bitch out Kneel three times a week?
  8. Having rewatched True Blood, I loved Lafayette's relationship with Jesus and Jessica/Hoyt were my two fave combos. Pretty much any Sookie-centric relationship usually loses my interest, but the one with Eric was the least irritating.
  9. Funny Terra Nova ended up on this list here.....producer Brannon Braga also co produced my pick for this list, Star Trek:Voyager. Here is a crew stuck on the opposite end of the galaxy away from Starfleet and sharing a home with folks that gave the Federation the middle finger and....we get Deep Space TNG instead, only instead of a Picard, we got Insaneway. Tim Ross as Tuvok was one of the show's few saving graces for me.
  10. Now that I think about it, I've never met anyone in real life that didn't find Michelle Tanner to be anything other than cloying, including the one open Olson Twins fan I went to school with. Which begs the question of why did the show last for eight seasons? Even by late 80s sitcom standards it was never good.
  11. I can't say I'm shocked. The past few seasons after they split have been the show's best IMO, especially season five with Eric and Bill fighting together instead of over Louisiana's Bella Swan.
  12. !!!! Oh myyyyyyy [/george takei] Speaking of his projects, I'm looking forward to seeing him in The Giver this summer. One of my favorite books and looking forward to seeing him outta Vampire Eric mode.
  13. Agreed with sjohnson about the Tara being turned thing being glossed over. But I'm just here for the pretty. I just want more Lafayette, more naked Eric and way more naked Alcide. And I want Bill and Sookie on opposite ends of the galaxy, but I'll settle for Sookie losing her fairy magic and Bill getting bored when that hsppens.
  14. Bill and Brooke weren't exactly bosom buddies either, especially after that epic smackdown Bill laid out after the Dare fiasco. So I wouldn't rule those two out just yet.....they still have more chem that Liam's ever been able tp muster with Hope the wet blanket. In Brooke's defence, this was just after Deacon used baby Eric's 2 percent shares in FC to force her out the company and Macy pretty much egged him on cuz she hated Brooke. But it is one of the rare instances of Brooke being hurtful on purpose versus the played out "following my heart" rubbish she pulls.
  15. Seeing Reba on Hulu this past weekend, I'd forgotten what a constantly entertaining show it wad. My biggest complaint was wondering who would be watching Henry in all the scenes when Barbara Jean and Brock would be at Reba's place! LOL. But the show ended on a solid note, showing everyone in different places than they began without anything too radical or left field.
  16. As an aside to fanfiction, I tend to agree. A lot of the more seasoned ones usually have some sort of guideline and with reviews may do only minor tweaks to the stories. Those are as rare as jade, however. As a soap viewer, I'm kind of sick of show writers catering to EVERY group. The best example is the Young & Restless when the guy playing Cane got sacked and some fans petitioned for him to return and even rented a banner to fly over the CBS studios. So he gets hired, but it involves some horrid story where Cane has to gaslight his wife with young twins to care for alone which the character....has never recovered from, to put it mildly. On the opposite extreme, you have nearly every supercouple that writers push on the audience, no matter how many times they've wish death on each other, shot each other in the head, caused their daughter to become bulimic with the stress of each fucking breakup or in the case of B&B's Ridge and Brooke bore the audience to tears.
  17. Binging is about the only way to catch up to a show that one hasn't followed since day one. I do prefer watching live when possible, though.
  18. I may start a thread in the Misc TV thread to cover this more, but this is a problem across all the big networks these days, taking ideas that are a miniseries event at best and trying to milk it. The New Normal was one of those, and while I enjoyed it for what was, I wasn't surprise or overly saddened by its cancellation. Bact to Glee, I can excuse them for not realizing what a phenomenon the show was gonna turn out to be, but some of the stuff definately lacked planning, like Quinn's entire arc. TIIC wait a whole season to do stories they should've done in season two, like her rebellion against the Cheerios and her Nicole Julian impression (aka, her cartoonish obsession with popularity like the Popular Glamazons). Just WTF? I didn't mind the side characters getting development, although I was sick of Becky by season 4.
  19. Are the writers doing that thing where one character gets completely trashed to prop up another character/pairing? I mean, I don't love Wyatt, but that doesn't make me forget what a weak willed flip-flop that Liam's been for the past three years and would still be if Steffy didn't decide for him to walk away. The reason it almost sorta worked when TIIC did it with Nick was because Ridge pulled out all the stops to get Brooke back and she still didn't care. OTOH, Hope has come across as just wanting to punish Liam, which would make anyone wonder why she was still staying. At this point I don't care which idiot is saddled with HRH Princess of Fails Hope, so long as the writers can wait six more months before yet another wedding.
  20. I'm no fan of Liam myself, but that's a good point there. In the Hope versus Steffy days, the only time he ever showed anything resembling a backbone was in his scenes with $Bill.
  21. Maya hasn't had a purpose since Rick went back to Caroline and she got engaged to whatshisface out of spite or desperation or whatever. Oliver has more history with a plate of Pam's lemon bars than he has with Maya. Who is Karla Mosley screwing to justfy her continued employment?
  22. God, I forgot about that. The show was already in a tailspin by the end of season four when the drug kingpin shit was introduced. Season five felt like a funeral march.
  23. As others mention, Quinnsane has gone full batshit in such a short amount of time, unlike Steph who took decades to where she was and Sheila, who had her vulnerable moments and formed real friendships, which made her decent into madness all the more interesting. But Quinnsane has been as kooky as Pam used to be from day one, alienating everyone around her. She wasn't even that fond of Hope either until she got $$$ for being paired with the HFTH line, and if that were her motive for being Team Hyatt, that would make some sense.
  24. So I tried to get into Doctor Who recently, beginning with season 1 of the curent series. Rose is rather....um, polarizing in fandom, and I find myself firmly in the hate category with her. After three episodes, I just couldn't, and I may just skip to season two.
  25. I never hated Friends so much as I thought it was way overhyped. It certainly was never ten seasons good, imho. Another overhyped show? Chappell. Except for the blind black Klansman sketch, I could never get into this show. Hell, I found Mencia to be funnier than him. I asl didn't mind that Roseanne won the lotto. For some reason, people thinking they'd won the lotto was a common trope in 90's sitcoms so I was pleasantly surprised that they actually no bullshit won. The last episode erasing everything we knew of the show was shit though. Eta: Tunia, both shows aired on NBC iirc. That network loves to ride out its winning horses, then beat 'em for so long after they die that you get a ton of glue....ie, SNL, Law and Order original recipe (tied for longest running drama in TV history), ER, Fraiser....does any other network have this many decade plus-long TV shows in its history?
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