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Anna Yolei

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Everything posted by Anna Yolei

  1. I couldsee Rachel jumping ship from an off Broadway show to FG. But FG to TV? It's been mentioned msny times she had no interest or inkling of Hollywood. This was one of the only consistent piece of canon left from season one and the iic have took a diarrhea dump all over that.The longer Glee runs, the more I think the WB did Popular a favor by canceling after two seasons before RM cpmpletely torpedoed that as well.
  2. Bridget is Brooke's oldest daughter with Eric. Nick is Ridge's paternal half brother who still had a thing for Brooke when he got with Bridget. That's the very shortest of summaries I can give on that, but it serves as the second best example of why few sympathize with Brooke these days. The best example is four years before that when Hope was conceived.....with Bridget's OTHER husband, Deacon. :/
  3. Wow. Just...what can be added to that? Even when UPN was around, I don't think any show, including Enterprise in its last season on Fridays, ever pulled those numbers. And to think this once knocked off American Idol for top show.But all falls on RM and co. I feel for the actors, but I wouldn't be shocked if the show gets officially canned in the next few weeks.
  4. He's one of the most consistently written recasts in B&B's history ;) Seriously, Ridge under RM had his major jackwagon phase for about two years after Taylor not-died where it was more pronounced, but the waffling between women is always there. But I can't feel sorry for Katie cuz she wants to stick it to Brook, too. Steph buying Brooke a gun and telling her to off herself back after Bridget married Nick will always top anything these writers could do with Quinn. Lol
  5. My biggest UO may be that I don't hate MCE. I honesyly don't get comments about her looking like a boy or mannish. I agree that she lacks the appeal that, say, Sharon had back before she went off the rails, but with a lessened role and better writing...well, it worked for Michelle Stafford.
  6. Hope was born in July 2002. Aly (guess that's the official spelling now) was born New Year's of '04. I dunno where that pre law thing came up, cause there's been no mention of tjat in the show that I can remember.
  7. That's so classic Ridge. Isn't that how he ended up engaged to Taylor the first time?
  8. If Mick Hazen (Parker from ATWT) is still acting, I would love him as RJ. He was good as the surly teen who was rightfully irritated at his parents' perpetual idiocy. And Bridge is nothing but that. And cast Scott Bakula as Ridge. While his acting on Enterprise gainef a certain notoriety, hecan pass for a romantic lead that TIIC still try to push Ridge as.
  9. Mileage varies because I found the whole thing super preachy, the way B&B always is when tackling their Very Special Episodes. That it was centered around Liam and Hope also added to the televised version of Ambien.
  10. Seconded on "Friends." I never got the big appeal of this show. Now when it was the thing everyone in my graduating class watched, and now now. The Chappell Show was another show that apart from the black KKK wizard sketch I could just never get into. I mean, it wasn't horrible, just overrated. I just didn't see it as the Bestest Show Evar.
  11. If that spoiler aboput Hope/Wyatt is what I think it is, it's about time.
  12. See, people look at the Duggars and think that everyone that homeschools their children are just pushing some whackaloon agenda. There is so many good materials out there to assist homeschooling parents that are based in things such as facts and knowledge (which, being a poster here, I'm sure you're aware of). that said, If nothing else, I respect the Duggars for being entirely debt free, which I imagine can't be easy with 18 kids living at home (soon to be 17?).
  13. I saw this show some months ago when I was home on leave...like the OP said, this show is not boring. It's pretty similar to Meerkat Manor, which I also enjoyed. My favortie was the one on the beagle puppies, especially the little runty pup of that group.
  14. Beat me to it. Although speaking for myself, what put it over the top was the new crop of bland rips off of the other New Direction kids. None of them wre interesting, with the possible exception of Unique and Kitty got a few fans down the road, but I attribute that to Becca Tobin's own talents and not one bit on her non-existant redemption arc (seriously, she drives lame ass Marley to bulimia and the story is dropped like a hot potato? whatever). If they are never mentioned again, it'll be too soon. 7th Heaven: not that it was ever must see TV, but the first few seasons were okay until Jessica Beil quit and Brenda Hampton took her butthurt out on screen by making Mary the most Evil of Evils that ever Eviled. Add that the Camden house became a halfway home for every new teen that came on the show and Ruthie turning emo after her crush got another girl pregnant. Then, the faux-nale. I hope I get off deployment in time to save that thread, 'cuz the reactions to the renual were priceless.
  15. Didn't Sheila take a while to go into Sheila Carter territory? I don't know much about her first stint on Y&R as the nurse that stole Lauren's now-forgotten son Scotty, but when she came to B&B, it took a long while for her crazy flag to really start flying. As mentioned , though, that gets pretty limiting and for this to be put upon a legacy child doesn't seem like the best decision. Not at the "Killing off one of the Tridge twins before they've had any time together on screen" leve of stupid, but it could get there. Also, are we able to direct-quote posters here without cut-and-pasting like on the TwoP board? The layout on this site is kinda off, and I dunno how much of that is the actual board, or the work computer that is probably at least two updates behind on IE.
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