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Everything posted by wilsie

  1. @voiceover I liked Tiffany Vasquez a lot. She was informative and likable. Dave Karger is meh for me but I really dislike Eddie Muller and I love film noir. I know he's written books but, for me, he tries too hard to affect a tough guy personality when he does his introductions.
  2. @ratgirlagogo Thank you so much for sharing about the ER marathon. I sometimes forget that I have this channel. I love seeing actors before they were stars.
  3. Tomorrow, December 8, ME has "Rally Round the Flagg, Boys" for anyone who has access to that channel and wants to watch. In my area it's on at 7:30 pm.
  4. @icemiser69 If you get METV "Wally's Practical Joke" is airing tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. I like it a lot, too.
  5. @BitterApple Mother Theresa was an evil wrong-thinking Catholic. She would have needed conversion.
  6. @Loves2Dance I hope you're getting good care and feeling better very soon. Taking care of two young children can be hard enough without being in pain.
  7. Giving out tracts is just another hypocritical thing the Duggars do. No way would they being taking tracts from TLC or suing for a millions tracts instead of money.
  8. Arwen, there's a lot of love and caring on this forum for you. It sounds like good news and hopefully it will even get better. I am so very happy for you and for all your family and friends. Blessings for all of you.
  9. I've been on other forums for a few years now but this is my first post here. I enjoy reading your posts and learning about new gadgets. I have a chance to get a 12" ceramic-coated electric skillet. My main uses would be making eggs, pancakes, and other breakfast items. Also, I would probably use it for browning ground beef with onions and peppers. Does anyone have any advice about whether it's worth the space having this appliance? I usually just cook for one but I do cook every day. I appreciate any help.
  10. Praying right now before I go to bed. I hope you have good news and peace for you and everyone who loves you. Blessings Arwen.
  11. @Arwen Evenstar Love, prayers, blessings, good thoughts and whatever else there is, dear Arwen, for you and everyone who loves you. May you know peace, healing and get kind and compassionate care. May your loved ones know incredible peace.
  12. @bigskygirl That's a show I would watch with pleasure: Sassy Bigskygirl Hit Cat for the CIA, So much better than any of the Duggar family shows.
  13. I just can't get past Jessa took a picture of the diapers and posted all twelve of them piled up on sm like it was some weird badge of honor for her being such a great mom. Just so clueless and nasty.
  14. @Churchhoney I think JB is the main reason his daughters have the husbands they do. Gil Bates may be as fundy but he doesn't appear to be as obnoxious. I can't imagine dealing with him in any circumstance, particularly something that is as life-changing as marriage.
  15. I'm so glad that I'm not the only person who likes Christmas movies a lot but hates the saturation of them from right after Halloween to after New Year's Day. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Relentless. And the loss of the shows they supposedly replace makes it so much worse. I didn't watch any Christmas movies last year and I won't this year.
  16. If Ben is an allergic germophobe he is certainly able to dust. And with not throwing away soiled diapers, I'm beginning to wonder about Jessa's state of mind. There's a lot of thought about Jill being mentally fragile but maybe Jessa is suffering from depression. She could have untreated PPD. And like floridamom wrote she hasn't had any good example of how to manage time or take care of a home. I'm not surprised that their home, cause this is Ben's mess too, is in this condition. I'm just fascinated by posting pictures of it.
  17. @Churchhoney Thank you for sharing that article. Michelle and Jim Bob failed all their children but especially their daughters. It's like they saw this list and either neglected or did the complete opposite. Their leghumpers really have no clue about these people they defend.
  18. @tabloidlover There are no dates, proms and dances, and a whole lot more things that most fundies don't indulge in. They court, get engaged, married and reproduce. This is all they have. They don't seem to be able to be allowed any privacy until they marry. And I imagine, with the fundy family on tv, they often get paid media attention.
  19. @Vaysh I don't think a good mom would stay with Josh. I understand her beliefs dictates staying but I think a good mom looks out for her children above all and being with Josh, even with Anna's delusions about his repentance loses the good mom status for me. YMMV
  20. I love myself enough that I haven't watched any of Jeremy's sermons or listened to or read Derrick's ramblings. Do either ever mention any other sin that is not related to sex? I always thought the idea of not doing something is because it can be hurtful to yourself and others. Are big corporations, big pharma, and other entities who take advantage of the most vulnerable ever even mentioned? They seemed so obsessed with sex and really don't do anything good for anyone other than maybe the like-minded. And that's not even very much.
  21. Michelle was never a mama bear. Her poor little cubs were always on their own where she was concerned. It's a low bar Michelle set but I hope Jessa continues to do better for her little ones.
  22. @Maharincess I thought it was interesting.
  23. @MissBluxom I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I really love it. I thought George Sanders was at his most charming and there were so many fun things in this murder mystery. I'll try and think of some other movies. The people who post here are great at finding and sharing movies that are worth giving a look.
  24. @MissBluxom and anyone who watches Lured notice Lucille clothes. I thought the gowns were just beautiful and her other outfits were really stylish. She was a very beautiful and talented woman.
  25. Happy belated birthday @LittlePeas3. I'm glad Little Peas 3 made your week special. I wonder how many Duggar birthdays would be remembered or celebrated if they weren't on tv. That's a lot of birthdays for people who don't really pay attention to their children any other time.
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