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Everything posted by wilsie

  1. Keeping with Lucille Ball movies, TCM just showed Lured that is a fun mystery watch for her movie fans. It also stars George Sanders in a most charming role and the always wonderful Charles Coburn. And that's just the beginning a really great cast including Boris Karloff, Cedric Hardwicke and George Zucco.
  2. @Absolom The Duggars really play fast and loose with the truth. Deceit doesn't seem to be on their sin register. Or maybe it's just by-passed by their greed.
  3. @Nysha I knew I had reservations about donating to the Red Cross so I checked and found that after 1/2 billion dollars had been donated for Haiti in 2010 after an earthquake only 6 permanent homes had been built and as late as 2016 the people were living in rusty shacks with no access to safe, drinkable water, electricity or even sanitation. When it rains and their homes flood they have to dig out the mud and water. The Red Cross has never answered what happened to all the money. When the World Trade Center was destroyed in 2001 the Red Cross raised over 1 billion in donations. The victims of this disaster never saw the money.
  4. @MaryMitch I shared this on Retro TV Channels. Thank you for sharing it.
  5. The very wonderful Richard Anderson has died and MaryMitch graciously posted this "In Memoriam" for anyone who would like to see him in these shows.
  6. I want to like this a million times. The Duggars just don't seem to get this for all the mentioning of Jesus first, others second, yourself last. Just words. And talk about an abomination to God. spending money that should be used for the many less fortunate who they have seen live and in person. Always being so ready to condemn people who don't agree with their exact beliefs. Shameful people who have no shame.
  7. Sometimes you just reach your limit and 18 months is a long time to be annoyed. And like crazycatlady said, you might have shocked them into rethinking their direction. I hope you find some place that meets where you and your family are in your lives now.
  8. @Marigold. I have read so many of your comments and you are usually the voice of reason. I can't imagine what was said in your group chat to push you so far. I hope you can find peace with whatever the fallout is. I think you are a remarkable and thoughtful person. And I laughed too because it was unexpected.
  9. Spurgeon is adorable. He is one of two wanted children born to parents who still give him attention and guidance in the proper way to eat. Josie has broken my heart since the episode where she was having a seizure while her waste of space breeders were off at some conference or doing something that would get them more attention than taking care of a child/blessing that they so selfishly brought into this world while going for number 20. This was not her first seizure. I think it was Jackson, but it might have been another of the younger Jboys, noticed she was showing signs of an upcoming episode. Jana told the paramedic the seizure had lasted 10 minutes. Who knows what else is going on that causes her to have delays. She was a micro-preemie with most assuredly little to no follow up care. And no one has taken the time to show her the right way to act in so many areas of daily life. These children deserve so much better. The show was season episode 16: "Nesting and Room Re-do"
  10. So happy for your good news @Arwen Evenstar. I hope you feel better and are healing more every day. Prayers of thanksgiving and continued prayers for your good care and peace of mind for you and all those who love you!
  11. @Arwen Evenstar You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you feel better very soon.
  12. @Arwen Evenstar Happy Birthday! May you have many more happy healthy birthdays full of everyone you love.
  13. @88 keys Both families are driven by two very patriarchal men who can't or won't see the damage they're doing to their families. Check out Meet the Putnams forum to find out more about this very disturbing family.
  14. @humbleopinion When I first saw this show I was hoping there wouldn't be another show/series but this is TLC and they really embrace the bizarre. The son-in-law intern changed his name to Putnam so all the children would have the same last name. I think the father said it felt like a death when they were voting on whether it was worth the safety of this son-in-law, his patients, and anyone he might meet on the road while driving back and forth from work exhausted. So much dysfunction. They will get people watching out of curiosity.
  15. @Arwen Evenstar I hope today went well for you and you are able continue your treatment so you can feel better soon. You and your loved ones are still in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. Continued prayers and good wishes for you and every one who loves you @Arwen Evenstar. I hope you start to feel stronger every day and your treatment is completely successful. Also, that your neuropathy will go away very soon.
  17. What wonderful news Jynnan tonnix for all of you! Congratulations!
  18. @doodlebug Thank you for always answering our questions. You remind me of my doctor who is really intelligent, patient and kind. Your patients are lucky to have you to look out for them. And I hope, so much, that Jill and Derick start to care about Jill and their babies' health as much as we do and act accordingly.
  19. @zoomama Happy Birthday to your son! I hope he has a wonderful birthday. I know he has a wonderful mama. Good luck to Samuel Scott Dillard.
  20. And that reminds me of: "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants." So much better.
  21. Happy Birthday bigskygirl! I hope it's full of things you love, especially family and friends!
  22. Golden Girls had a Jeopardy! episode.
  23. Continued prayers for you and everyone who loves you @Arwen Evenstar. I hope everyone who is in charge of your care has great wisdom and compassion. Praying your treatment will be completely successful.
  24. What wonderful news, @Arwen Evenstar for you and everyone who loves you! I hope you continue to have success with your treatment. Prayers and good wishes.
  25. Arwen Evenstar, I don't post often but I just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers for your strength and healing. I'm so glad you have your husband with you for love and support. Prayers/good thoughts for any one who will make decisions regarding your care. And for you and your husband's peace of mind.
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