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Everything posted by wilsie

  1. Marge forgot to salt the glass rims.
  2. I love this whole post. Two hours when it could have been easily done in one and still been too long.
  3. I recorded the show and stopped watching and deleted the show when I saw that JB and Michelle were lighting the sign. Such a selfish but unsurprising thing for them to do. I really can't watch or listen to either one of them.
  4. @Tom Holmberg Thank you for keeping up with these, you really do the best reviews. They're concise, informative, including info about not only who was on the show but in the case of Celia Lovsky, who she was married to. More than a little bit of humor. So many times, your reviews are as good as the shows.
  5. @bythelake http://www.latimes.com/business/lazarus/la-fi-lazarus-drugs-country-of-origin-20180515-story.html This article shows how frustrating trying to find the source of a medication can be. It's intentionally obscured. This is from the article: "The drug industry has spent nearly $4 billion on lobbying over the last 20 years, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. No other U.S. industry comes close." It's also frustrating when you have a prescription that works well and your prescription plan changes the tier that med is so it costs triple or more for a smaller amount. I'm grateful to have medical insurance and a prescription plan but it gets tricky trying to work through who and what's available. I hope your prescriptions from wherever you get them are safe and priced so they are affordable. I wish that for all of you struggling with meds, prices and side-effects.
  6. @Tom Holmberg I'm sorry I missed this Suzanne-centric episode. I've probably seen it but it doesn't ring a bell. Kookie calling Suzanne "The French Wench" and Jeff's romantic interest in her is just part of them figuring out where they're going with the show. Like you wrote, thankfully they went in another direction. I watched "The Secret of Adam Cain" and really enjoyed the end. It was Stu in another country but I liked the characters better in this.
  7. @jcbrown I try to avoid anything made in China that's ingested, absorbed through skin, used for cooking or food storage. I was completely clueless that a pharmacy with Walgreen's reputation would be getting drugs from a company that got meds from China.
  8. @bythelake https://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm613532.htm I take valsartin and have gotten it in the last year from cvs and walgreen's. CVS was fine but the Walgreen's meds I had taken were affected. Solco Healthcare was responsible for getting the drugs from China. Walgreen's sent a letter.
  9. @Tom Holmberg Another great review! I love that Kookie and Sue Randall were in this and Stu was a great support for Kookie but boy was it heavy-handed in the woman's beauty being the most important aspect of what had happened. What a despicable person she was, too. Hit and run, she caused her own injuries when trying to cover that up, and knowingly letting someone else take the blame. Her husband was a real piece of work, too. He was far from being attractive but he wanted this beautiful reflection of his value as a man. And was willing to put the blame on Kookie. They deserved each other. And I realize it's almost 60 years ago but for the police to treat Kookie the way they did. Shameful. Sue Randall was so cute with her cat's eye glasses. I always loved the way she treated her students on LITB.
  10. @Tom Holmberg "All Our Yesterdays" is one of my favorite episodes. I like the story, the old actors and how Stu treats Lucinda with kindness and respect. For me, it would have been better, if Lucinda would have disinherited her greedy family and left her money to a home for retired actors. "The Well-Selected Frame" was alright. I was so glad when Jeff outsmarted Valerie who couldn't imagine him passing up $10 million. And I'll tell you, I flinch every time a tv detective gets hit on the head with something. I do a lot of flinching,
  11. Don't feel too bad, I recorded those two. I started watching and will finish later. I can get pulled into a lot of shows I really haven't planned on. watching. I'll record shows sometime just in case. I look forward to another Bellem episode.
  12. Please hear the applause and laughter. From the first lines, I was hooked on your review. The way you described Harold J Stone, Nancy Malone, Ted de Corsia and their semi-noir language was hysterical. It's hard to believe Bellem came up with the "Phycho-Functional Institute" "Cinderella" project as a way to blackmail Dorn to have to effect needed for Denny's case. It's clever in a bizarre way. This episode was unnecessarily grim. Roscoe, Suzanne, Jeff, Kookie, or even J.R. are missed. It's just so odd to change everything but the name. And that was Frank Adamo as a shopkeeper. Thank you for a review so much better than this episode or season.
  13. "Deposit With Caution" one of the Bellem written episodes will be on Thursday July 12. I'm going to check it out to see if a good writer can help a not so good series.
  14. Thanks for the link. It's a very interesting article about someone I'd never heard of before. I checked on IMDB and was surprised how many different tv shows he had written for. The shows I remember from "Perry Mason" and "Superman" were good. From the article he seemed like a prolific writer of books and scripts.
  15. @Tom Holmberg Thank you for taking one for the team I liked this episode a lot, warts and all. I thought Juanita Moore seemed so much like Annie from "Imitation of Life" but I loved that movie :) And I love me a happy ending even if it's a bit heavy handed. I'm done with season 6. I don't think there's anything else worth an hour/45 minutes. It really is puzzling why they went in this direction while keeping the name of the show the same. I hope you have a great 4th of July and summer. I appreciate your perseverance.
  16. My thoughts exactly. If you're going to end a show, which they certainly did when they changed or got rid of everyone who had previously been on the show except Efrem Zimbalist, it seems disrespectful to the viewers of this 5 year old show not to end with the whole cast. Just so odd when they had "The Checkmate Caper" to use for the end of the original show. I'm going to watch "White Lies" which will be shown tomorrow morning on ME TV.
  17. All your recaps are good but this one is my favorite. Cuthbert -yest, Cuthbert will be in my head for days. It was a really great episode, a lot of humor. And you're right, Tom Holberg, it is kind of sad to have the whole cast appear for the last time. Thank you for helping make watching this show more enjoyable.
  18. @Tom Holmberg again such great recaps! I didn't see one for "Flight 307" with a very young in age and career Gena Rowlands. When it ended I was thinking it looked like a pilot and I found on another tv site that to be true. It also had Jack Warden who was in "Crazy Like A Fox" and many movies, Philip Carey who was Asa Buchanan on "One Life to Live" for over 20 years. Bill Williams who played "Kit Carson" and was married to the beautiful Barbara Hale aka Della Street was also on and very good. Stu was pretty limited which I didn't mind. The last several episodes have been Stu centered. I like Efrem Zimbalist a lot but Stu's character just got to be used too much. ME-TV will be showing the "5" episodes July 3. I think they did this last time and maybe because they wanted to show them in sequence. "White Lie" was a season 6 episode I liked.
  19. @Tom Holmberg I really enjoy your recaps with the added backstories of the stars. When you recapped "Escape to Freedom" I understood what you were saying about it. The funny thing for me is the first time I saw it I gave it a 10. I wasn't even going to watch it this time because of another Stu in Europe episode. I'm wondering if MEtv will show season 6 again. I stopped watching after a few episodes.
  20. @Mindthinkr You are very welcome. Since you only use, at most, 3 TBLS, use really small containers so you can thaw out what you want in a short time. I thaw mine in the fridge. I freeze them in quart plastic bottles and it takes about two days. I think it's worth a little time and thought to save a bit of money.
  21. @Mindthinkr I checked to see if you could freeze Lactaid since your kitties don't use it very quickly. On the Lactaid site it said you could but it wasn't recommended. But I found this from another google choice: "Freeze lactose-free milk in an airtight container and leave at least 1/2 inch headspace at the top, as lactose-free milk will expand when frozen; thaw in refrigerator. ... The freezer time shown is for best quality only - lactose-free milk that has been kept constantly frozen at 0° F will keep safe indefinitely." I always freeze milk since I'm the only one who drinks it and it costs as much, if not more, for 1/2 gallon than a whole one. I usually just cook with it and it works fine for me. I hope this is a help.
  22. @MyPeopleAreNordic I haven't posted in a Duggar Forum since Thanksgiving but I wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sharing with some other prayer groups. I hope your doctors and caregivers are wise and compassionate. That everything goes well and you heal quickly and completely. Peace and blessings for you and everyone who loves you.
  23. For anyone who gets Decades there will be a marathon this weekend starting at 1:00 pm this Saturday April 14th. It starts with season 2:episode18, "Ten Cents a Death" and continues until 7:am Monday the 16th.
  24. @ratgirlagogo Mine is fine. I get cable through FIOS if that's a help.
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