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Everything posted by wilsie

  1. I find this appropriate for so much of what the Duggars and their friends do.
  2. Surprise emoji doesn't do the trick on this one, really no surprise. What a poser Jeremy is and what a sycophant Cade is! To take something so supposedly personal, take a picture, like why is anyone else there, and post is as top of the line quality. Ugh! Churchhoney is right about Jeremy and this group.
  3. @Mindthinkr Your friend is very lucky to have you as a real friend ๐Ÿ˜Š
  4. Whether it's true or not it sounds really interesting! Thanks for sharing.
  5. Even if you looked like a gargoyle, and I know you were cute, no one, especially some one so important in a child's life should ever say such a thing.
  6. Liking this a million billion trillion times. Possibly to infinity and beyond.
  7. @Barb23 Please know my prayers are with you. I hope your medicine helps you feel better very soon.
  8. Not. Going. To. Happen! Way too logical.
  9. I think Lauren's father was there because TLC was filming and he has his own fame-whore issues.
  10. This a thousand times. Too much of these two.
  11. What a kind explanation. Lauren can be annoying to watch but we don't ever know what someone else's loss or grief is. This was a big setback in any family but in a family whose business is birthing babies this must have been so much more difficult. And like you said, she is so very young/immature.
  12. I understand completely! I miss a lot of the shows Decades offered. I still have a few Bob Newharts from there and they did much better edits.
  13. The thing that bothers me the most about Jim Bob and Michelle's tribute to Josh is that it's so much more and so much better than anything they posted for Jana or any of the others. No wonder he feels superior. I think they are both despicable.
  14. I know that. You always do. You're very kind and understanding. You have family history that makes you empathetic.
  15. And now I know what doxxing is๐Ÿ˜Š I, too, am grateful for your ratings updates. Thank you!
  16. With the amount of pictures Jingle and Jessa take I think we would have seen a lot of pictures๐Ÿ˜Š
  17. Churchhoney please imagine a standing ovation.
  18. @VCRTracking Thank you so much for sharing the Stanley Donen acceptance speech. It was awesome ๐Ÿ˜Š
  19. No hell for you! Thank you for your true example of a servant's heart.
  20. Just enjoying another of your great reviews that I missed the first time. This was directed by the actor Francis Lederer. This is the only time he directed. He lived to be 100.
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