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Everything posted by wilsie

  1. Just watching the first few minutes is heart-breaking. What a disservice Jill and David are doing to these children. If you watch from youtube you can see the comments for now. Someone said it looks like a hostage video and it does.
  2. You are very welcome. Bo Barkley certainly a cutie! Loss is so hard and with a sweet little dog, they're just so much of a continual loving presence. I hope more time will be a help.
  3. Aw I got credit for the puppy picture😊 I just shared the picture from @AUgirl. It's her grandpuppy. His name is Bo Barkley and he's a shipoo. She says he's really sweet and doesn't shed. I live with my grand dogs and cats and everybody sheds but I love them a lot. How are you doing?
  4. Well, to an atheist like me, gathering on social media with fellow acolytes of your favorite celebrity looks quite similar to being an ancient Greek gathered with others in the Parthenon or any modern believer congregating in their faith-specific church/temple/other venue...... You're feeling solidarity and a link to the greater world beyond as you share with others the feeling of proximity between your gods and your earthly day-to-day existence. The proximity that you only really feel in the holy places like churches and Instagram that act like semipermeable windows and doors between ordinary human life and the greater life somewhere beyond. And in none of those situations do the gods literally speak to you -- at least not in about 999 out of 1000 times you visit and pay homage -- but when you speak to and about them and share your devotion with others of the faithful, you very often feel as if those gods are seeing you, little old you, and speaking back.... Celebrities as gods. That's how it looks to me, anyway! 😁 (Devotees of these particular gods have set a very low bar for divinity, I must say....but they're not the only ones who've ever done so.....When you look at history there have been plenty of gods out there who seem pretty low rent, if you ask me....) Thank you! When I see Duggar and their adjacents' pictures thinking of low-rent gods will make me smile.
  5. I'm glad your son will be with you. I hope the time passes quickly and you can get your good results soon. Thank you for letting us know.
  6. You have been in my thoughts and I hope you got good news today and are just too tired to update. Blessings.
  7. It's utterly fascinating to me that this and many other similar pictures are on sm. And people comment and engage with each other. Have separate conversations from the Vuolos who don't seem to respond. What do the commenters get from this? What is missing in their lives that these pictures are important? And why in the hell do I care?😏
  8. This is a good link: https://www.kark.com/news/josh-duggars-jury-trial-set-for-april/
  9. This is when I need an angry emoji. She's worse than useless to her blessings
  10. I don't think you're a mean old woman. I think a lot of us just got tired of the outright lying and the pretense of being the right kind of Christian/person. While hiding some of the most heinous things a person can do to their family. Josh is awful. Jim Bob and Michelle are reprehensible .
  11. Especially with Josh's upcoming April 2020 fraudulent "quiet title" and breaching a contract lawsuit. The Duggar's are quite deceitful for professed Christians.
  12. I won't watch if Michelle, JB and Anna are on. And then there's the fact that the shows are the never ending hour.
  13. I was wondering in odometer tampering would be in Homeland Security's jurisdiction.
  14. See @doodlebug's response. It's better and more through than mine. The key phrase here with the Duggars is that "they're taking advantage of having it paid for." No one goes out of their comfort zone for free and when they're around some new place with new food, they don't put forth an effort to enjoy the experience.
  15. I think getting paid to travel makes the difference. They don't make these extended trips on their own dime. It's for the show with all of them. And a lot of them, especially Jim Bob and Michelle are joyfully ignorant.
  16. I am so sorry that all of you are going through this, from your godmother, your mom, you, and anyone who loves this special woman. I pray that your godmother gets excellent care and that your mom and all of you can find peace while you go through this really sad and difficult time. I hope your mom knows what a wonderful human she put into this world. Prayers and blessings for all of you.
  17. I think Tim got busy living his life and forgot Mama's birthday then played fast and loose with the truth like his Mama does on Facebook. The flowers and teddy bear are guilt gifts.
  18. This is a picture of Anna and Nathan's parents, since it mentions Priscilla maybe it's her wedding.
  19. This is just so kind and lovely. I hope Anna does this. I can understand not wanting any part of Jill R and David but these children are really victims of their parents' bad decisions. I hope Nurie has a great life with Nathan. She certainly hasn't with Jill and David.
  20. https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2019/11/12/frozen-berries-sold-at-aldi-recalled-potential-contaminated-with-hepatitis-a/?fbclid=IwAR11KoymE0BpzmNBA5d4c2JJkqRe6aMJ4GQa8XOpbwaJfYjibuIPIjDHK-8 This is info from WHO about hep a: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/hepatitis-a
  21. I think they probably can get tires from other Costco's but it might take a day or so. It all depends on if the price would be worth it to you. You and the beautiful Miss Polly are very welcome.
  22. I think Jill looks pretty and natural in that picture, not because of the make-up but her face doesn't look so posed. Her friend looks kind of scary with the exaggerated smile.
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