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Everything posted by wilsie

  1. @Mindthinkr That looks delicious!
  2. I hope this sweet baby gets good care and her health is better. I can't imagine filming the things that they do when they're in the midst of some really serious health issues for Layla and Carlin. And I agree the montage of Carlin flinging her hair around is so inappropriate under these circumstances.
  3. So true. It's right in line with her parenting, make-up and hair choices.
  4. It's easy enough to not include someone in your post. I've done it a lot since 2016. There are people I love very much who have been incredibly kind to me that I just don't want to see their response.
  5. The refreshing amish wink emoji is because Jill R is a pretentious humble braggart. And it also helps that she's an idiot.
  6. @Sew Sumi and @Barb23 Anything any of the children wear that says Daddy is so creepy and disturbing. Anna is so clueless.
  7. When you have a child who is going through what your dear son is going through it's anything but minor. Cancer at anytime is a real struggle when you love someone with it. When it's your child it can up the worry. You know and are grateful for what you have but miss the loved ones you can't be with right now. I think you're an amazing and loving mom. There will always be someone who has was seems to be a more difficult life. It doesn't lessen what you are going through. With St. Jude, I grew up Catholic and St. Jude is a great comfort to be able to pray to. I also pray to Mary. She a mom. When I have struggles with my children Mary is my go to. I hope you find comfort in knowing what a loving gift you are to your family.
  8. Anna can put any spin on this she wants but these girls aren't anywhere near best friends. Mac has been Meredith's sister mom since she was born and Mac was only 6.
  9. If I didn't know what a scumbag Josh was I wouldn't think that he looks bad but it's hard to look at him without the judgment that goes with his repulsive actions. And the pretense of being holier than others makes it almost impossible. I think the children are all cute and I also think that Anna and Josh look like they could be related.
  10. Happy Birthday! That's one of the good things about working on your birthday, even during a pandemic, when you have good coworkers. I hope it's awesome!
  11. @Ijustwantsomechips I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
  12. @Nysha I wish I had words that would bring you comfort. You did the best you could.
  13. @Jynnan tonnixThat picture will mean more to him, especially in years to come, than any bought card ever could. Happy Birthday to your son-in-law. And good wishes to your mom that she'll have some good relief from her pain. I hope you know what a wonderful person you are.
  14. This was posted around 12 weeks ago. I couldn't believe that they posted this. The little one looks so distressed. This looks so cruel. These people lack empathy along with good sense.
  15. @doodlebug Thank you so much for all your great explanations. You are an amazing help dealing with this really different time.
  16. Thank you so much for sharing. This was sad but awesome. The musicians are great. I hope that a proper vaccine is found sooner than later. Or a successful treatment. And that at least we can feel safe around each other again without the fear of giving this awful virus to someone we love.
  17. Streaming wouldn't have given him the attention and the opportunity to accuse the police of persecution of his extra holy christian self.
  18. @ChiCricket I'm so sorry for the loss of your nephew.
  19. Congratulations on your granddaughter! I'm glad your son was able to be there. I'm so sorry you won't get to hold her right now. You are a loving and unselfish person. Jill R and company's behavior really is infuriating. @Temperance mentioned she seems to be baiting people with her posts.
  20. Happy Birthday to your wonderful mom!
  21. Jill R is really a fame-whoring idiot and the people she's with are exceptionally stupid. To take a chance with your child for a photo op with this miscreant is appalling.
  22. @Jynnan tonnixWhat beautiful gifts and so much talent! Happy Birthday to your granddaughter! Your gift is a real treasure.
  23. You are so very welcome. So many times really good people are so humble in what they do without thinking about it they don't realize the impact they make on those they affect.
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