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Everything posted by wilsie

  1. You are very welcome. I checked Michelin since you have those on your car now. Michelin X-Ice Xi3 are $220.99 each with a $20.79 charge for installation and tire disposal bringing them up to $246.78. It says on the Costco tire site that the car uses different tires for the front and back. With the Michellin and Bridgestone the tire numbers are 235/50R18 for the 18" rims front and rear. With the 19" the numbers are 255/40ZR19 for the front and 275/40ZR19 for the rear for the Bridgestone. The Bridgestone only shows three 18" front/rear tires and one 19" rear tire. They might have the tires in another location but this is what White Marsh showed.
  2. @sixlets I wasn't sure if your husband's car was from this year or not and they also wanted to know the number off of the tires. What I came up with was 242.78 per tire after the instant savings of the 70 plus 80. That was for Bridgestone BLIZZAK WS 90. Right now, until 11/21 there's $70 off 4 tires and $80 off installation. The price includes app $20 per tire for installation and $1 tire disposal. (I don't know if the $80 rebate will come off here or not) If you have an 18" rim there's 3 tires available at White Marsh. With the 19" rim staggered front and rear they only show one rear tire. I hope that's a help
  3. @Rescue Mama You are in my thoughts and prayers. My simple prayer for those I love it that they get wise and compassionate care. I hope that for you. I hope you feel the great love that comes from this little space in the world. @Jeeves To lose anyone or anything you love is so hard. To make one of the most unselfish and loving decisions to let your little guy go is a real gift to him. Second guessing ourselves is what we do as humans. I hope remembering good times with him can give you peace.
  4. “We draw people to Christ not by loudly discrediting what they believe, by telling them how wrong they are and how right we are, but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it.” This quote is from the writer Madeleine L'Engle. The Duggars, their family and friends don't seem to realize this. Or maybe they just don't care.
  5. @latetotheparty Like others have said you are a wonderful sister and with all my heart I believe that your Katie heard every word. I can't imagine a better song to say an earthly good-bye with. I hope you and your family find comfort in remembering the times that bring you peace. @Barb23Joining you right now. This forum has the kindest people💗
  6. @Jynnan tonnix I'm so happy for all of you! Your son will be fine no matter whether he gets his promotion or not. You've mentioned he's well set up for a career in the civilian world if he leaves the military.
  7. This sounds so promising. That his lawyer is honored to represent him says so much about who your son really is. I hope everything goes well for him and you all have peace of mind that this is behind him. Good for him on those great test results.
  8. Jill learned from the best MOTY ever how to react when your child is in distress. Filming Jason when he fell through the stage. Laughing at the little one, I can't remember who is was, that got her head stuck in the banister. Even Jim Bob didn't laugh at that. Some people shouldn't have children.
  9. This is so lovely and thoughtful. Please light a candle for me and my family. I will be praying for you and your friend to have safe and blessed travel.
  10. Thank you for the update. Everyone makes mistakes. The way they handle them shows their true character and your son has great integrity. I hope the Marines realize what an asset he is and he's allowed to continue in his career.
  11. I understand your worry and concern for your son. He has accomplished so much and this could affect his future. Seeing an attorney for something like this is such a good idea. We all cry when our kids hurt no matter how old they are or we are.
  12. These are the best people you can imagine to vent your problem to. So very kind and compassionate. I hope you're getting good care and it's been caught really early.
  13. No matter how foolish or foolhardy Andrea and Tom Mills were with her life, I feel for their family's loss. But boy @doodlebug the snake handling Baptists needing anti-venom just cracked me up😊
  14. I think it looks fine, too. Sometimes people, especially those close to us, don't realize how hurtful their words can be. You have some flower beds that look nice. Your driveway is really long and looks great. That should have been what was noticed.
  15. She really touches the heart, doesn't she? Such an old soul with that sweet little voice💗 It really is wonderful to share.
  16. @GeeGolly or whoever needs to cleanse their brain. I love this so much:
  17. I have something sweet I'll share in small talk.
  18. https://www.google.com/search?q=is+there+a+streaming+service+that+offers+tcm&rlz=1C1KMZB_enUS519US588&oq=is+there+a+streaming+service+that+offers+tcm&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.13927j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 I found this when I was checking to see if TCM was available through something other than Comcast or FIOS since I'll be cancelling FIOS in a few days. I hope this is a help.
  19. Like @latetotheparty I had no problem with the shingles vaccine or the pneumonia vaccine. My doctor told me that even if I would get shingles it would be less severe. I found this about it from health in aging: "Zostavax vaccine reduces the risk of getting shingles by about one-half, and lowers the risk of post-herpetic neuralgia by two-thirds. If you have had the vaccine and still develop shingles, your illness will be milder than if you never received the vaccine."
  20. @doodlebug He is such a handsome boy! And sitting still long enough for a picture😀
  21. @Churchhoney is really awesome. I hope Jana is fulfilled. I hope all the Duggar kids are. I wish so much that in their fulfillment they would leave people who live and/or think differently alone.
  22. @lookeyloo I haven't posted anything because I was just at a loss for words. When it's your child, no matter what age, it is heart rendering. I have two grown children and the thought of them being seriously ill is frightening. Every time I see your name posted I say a prayer for your son, you, and everyone who loves him. I pray that his treatment will be successful and you all find peace where you can. You are a wonderful mom.
  23. @galaxychaser You will be missed. I hope you can find some place and/or real friend who will appeciate you for the wonderful person you are. And I hope until you do that you find the loving person in yourself that you share with us.
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