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Everything posted by legaleagle53

  1. And his borderline nauseating mancrush on Michael Phelps!
  2. Part of me still hopes that we'll see some references to it on Superman & Lois or even Supergirl at some point.
  3. Legally, he's entitled to up to 90 days of paternity leave under the FMLA.
  4. Whether metas can have kids or whether Iris can carry a pregnancy to term are moot questions now, since the demonstrated future existences of Nora and Bart clearly prove that the answer to both is YES. The only remaining question now is "When," and that, too has already been answered now. Nora is 26 and Bart is 19 in 2049. That means that she will be born sometime in 2023 and he will be born sometime in 2030. So next year is when Iris will get pregnant with Nora, unless the timeline gets altered again as a result of the Godspeed Wars.
  5. That synopsis is so vague, generic, and cliche-ridden that I read it as applying to the entire final season, not just to the back half. I wouldn't read too much into it regarding anything specific planned for the show's return on August 24.
  6. I was just coming in here to comment on this, since we now have (ahem) a timeline for Nora and Bart's births. Nora will be born sometime in 2023, and Bart will be born sometime in 2030. So you're right that Iris can't be pregnant with Nora until 2022, so either she's not pregnant at all now, or she is and will have a miscarriage sometime between now and Nora's conception in 2022. OR, this show being what it is, the resolution of the Godspeed War will somehow alter the timeline just enough so that Nora is actually born a year earlier.
  7. Oh, I loved that reveal, especially Lita's amused reaction. I could see from the not even barely suppressed smile on her face that she wanted to burst out laughing at the news that her father, who had gone nuclear over the news of HER pregnancy to the point that he had actually planned to kill her baby daddy without so much as a second thought, was himself pregnant after having had unprotected sex -- and with an alien, no less! Mick can thank his lucky stars that LIta's boyfriend was able to talk him down -- he'd have lost her forever if he'd gone through with his plan to murder him in cold blood. Now he just has to live with the embarrassment of being in the same situation that she's in because HE got careless!
  8. That is marvelous, considering that their first wedding was interrupted by Nazis from a parallel Earth and the second was a literal quickie ceremony involving Diggle that Oliver and Felicity decided to shoehorn their own ceremony into at the last second. And how cool is it that Nora and Bart both get to be witnesses at their own parents' "romantic" wedding? Not many adult kids can say that they watched their parents get married before they were born!
  9. The show gets nominated, but not one nomination in any of the acting categories? How is that possible?
  10. She and Barry believe that their combined energies created him and the other three forces, so she is his mother in that sense. That's why he called her "Mom."
  11. A little thing called Crisis on Infinite Earths happened after we last saw Nora. That event not only merged some of the earths, it also reset the timeline and altered history in the process, which means that it also affected the future. In the new timeline, Nora is no longer an anomaly and never wiped out her own existence, so she and her brother Bart both exist on Earth-Prime in 2049.
  12. legaleagle53


    Aesthetics and/or personal preference. Some people find armpit hair (and body hair in general) gross on men, and some people don't.
  13. And here's what the response would have been if they'd gone that route: "Congratulations, showrunners and writers. You've just pissed off the entire LGBT community by invoking the 'bury your gays' trope that we've hated and protested against for years because it reeks of homophobia and the implication that death is the only fate we're worthy of." As I said, the showrunners and writers were screwed no matter what they did.
  14. Exactly. The only other way to write Kate out permanently without having to explain why she (like Bruce) had suddenly abandoned the very city she had sworn to protect as he had would have been to kill her off altogether, and that would have infuriated the LGBT community as an example of the homophobic "bury the gays" trope. Let's face it, the showrunners and writers were screwed by Ruby Rose's decision to quit no matter what they did in response to it. I feel sorry for them.
  15. And on that note, the official 2021 Olympic Games forum is now open, and since we don't need mod permission to create threads as needed, I don't think it's too soon to start an official 2021 Olympic Hotties thread there! ;-)
  16. Just wait until the Olympics subforum opens up on here next month. There's always a thread dedicated to the hottest Olympic athletes of the current games, and while the conversation is mostly dominated by gay men and straight women (hence the majority of posts are about the various male athletes), rest assured that praise about the female athletes will also be welcome! )
  17. Now, this one really hurts. I remember him from both shows. Thank you and RIP, Stuart!
  18. Besides, it would be far more interesting to see how Batwoman handles some of the classic Batman villains such as the Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy!
  19. legaleagle53


    And Heaven forbid we should ever get to see competitive routines from other countries' athletes in a, you know, international competition!
  20. legaleagle53


    Hello, Still Rings. It's been so long since I last saw you that I forgot you were a men's skill event!
  21. legaleagle53


    There's a reason for the heavy makeup. It's so people in the nosebleed sections can make out her facial expressions more easily during the floor exercise. Professional dancers do the same thing, and for the same reason. What looks over-the-top on TV where we can see close-up doesn't look that way at all for the spectators attending a live competition or performance where they can't.
  22. legaleagle53


    Hey, SOMEBODY has to be the new Michael Phelps!
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