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Everything posted by legaleagle53

  1. Michael Phelps has really grown into his looks. I'm really not a fan of facial hair on men, but he somehow makes it work. Oh, and a 1-2 sweep in the 400M Individual Medley! Yes!!
  2. And I already admitted that I was wrong.
  3. That's because Terry Gannon knows that they're the experts and he's not, so he just keeps quiet and lets them do their thing. It's what he's been trained to do after so many decades of covering figure skating. Now, if he were doing basketball, it might be a different story, since that was his sport back in his college days.
  4. You forget that while Cortina has hosted before (1956), Milano hasn't, so this will be uncharted territory for them in 2026, and it's yet unknown exactly which city will be handling what events or even where the Olympic Village(s) will be located,
  5. Who did the anchor coverage for today's afternoon broadcast? I noticed that she had a delightful British accent (and I loved her gorgeous pink dress), but I never got to see or hear her name.
  6. I had a hard time remembering the order of the Japanese syllabary, and then I noticed that the entrance order was slightly out of the order as I remember learning it. One thing that may help is knowing that Japanese actually uses three different sets of characters in writing: Hiragana (used for spelling out verb endings), Katakana (used for writing foreign words phonetically), and Kanji (Japanese pictographs that were imported from Chinese centuries ago, each with one or more different "readings" or pronunciations that are usually also spelled out alongside the Kanji in writing). The Japanese-language placards last night were mostly written in Katakana with a few Kanji mixed in. That was the case with North Macedonia.
  7. From what I'm hearing, the men's qualifiers have been a huge splatfest, to borrow a term from Figure Skating. Evidently all the top names are already OUT, which would leave the door open for Sam Mikulak if it weren't for his history of choking at this level of competition.
  8. I again have to ask: Canada, what on Earth were you THINKING?
  9. There must be something in the water (ahem). Spain similarly destroyed South Africa 29-4 just a couple of hours later. That's an Olympic record,
  10. You're right; I had forgotten about that part. Once again, i stand corrected!
  11. There isn't a Parade of Nations for the closing ceremony as there is for the opening ceremony. The athletes all enter the stadium as one body instead of formally marching in by country, in order to emphasize the concept of world unity. So there would be no need for individual flag bearers for the closing ceremony.
  12. I agree. Besides, I HATE "Imagine." I'd much rather they'd used "We Are the World."
  13. It's hilarious that they cut to commercial just before Team USA!
  14. I would say that the best word to describe the opening ceremony is "subtle." That's a good word because it fits with the Japanese mode of expression. There's a saying in Japan: "If you say 'one,'' you must understand 'ten." What makes Japanese such a difficult language for non-natives to learn isn' t the grammar or the vocabulary. It's getting a feeling for the subtle nuances of the language that aren't always overtly expressed. It's the Japanese way -- nihonjin no michi. Nihon e irrashaimase -- Welcome to Japan!
  15. I remember watching London's and thinking, "Two thousand years of history, literature, and culture to choose from, and they went with THAT?"
  16. My thoughts? Japan nailed it, the USA -- meh; and Canada? What on Earth were you THINKING?
  17. Which is exactly what Lois told Chrissy. Chrissy forgets that Lois has the reputation that she does as a journalist because she's had over 20 years of experience in earning that reputation one news story at a time. And she does that by exhausting every possible source she can until she can tell the story that needs to be told. Instead of questioning her, second-guessing her, and nagging her, Chrissy should have trusted Lois to know what she was doing and that she'd get the story told one way or another whether she had cooperation from the Department of Defense or not.
  18. That's not why they were arrested. They were arrested for trespassing on private property.
  19. That's as long as you can get Kara on board -- but she should definitely be made aware that those weapons exist in any event, since they could destroy HER as well. So how about giving your cousin a heads-up at least, Clark?
  20. Yeah, that's exactly how it would play out. About the only people they'd be able to trust not to screw things up would be Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, and J'onn J'onnz -- if they'd ever remember that Kara, Alex, and J'Onn even exist! And speaking of non-existent relatives, it dawned on me recently that there's a close relative on Lois's side of the family who's never been mentioned yet -- her younger sister Lucy. Evidently, the boys have never met their Aunt Lucy, either!
  21. Jammer. Beder worden, Sharida!
  22. Before. Sara hadn't even met Ava yet when she and Alex hooked up during the Allen/West wedding.
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