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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Abe+Sasha=okay I believe that Sasha is being sidelined and diminished by both viewers and Show Staff. Sasha has been through shit and other vile, tenterhook situations with CDB for a lengthy time, yet she's being routinely dismissed IMO. For instance, recently, upon listing 'important' second-tiered(Rick, Carl, Michonne, and one or two others) Group members, Sasha is routinely omitted, but Rosita is listed(?). Apparently, and, to me, unfortunately, quite a bit of this...is seemingly due to Rosita Fascination by...* ...despite Rosita being most definitely no more competent (*and no more attractive* ) than Sasha.
  2. spinxella, thanks. Okay, that scene reduced The Show to 70minutes. Okay, thank ye, thank ye, Carl is safe! Okay, Negan battered up and knocked someone's head outta the park. Geez. Okay, really,we have to wait frackin' 6MONTHS to...to find out shit ?❕ ... ETA: ( i hope rick AND carl kick. negan's. ass. )
  3. Since, nowadays, there exists pathetically few episodes within a season of most programs such as in THE WALKING DEAD, I fervently hope that next season the Neganacker Storyline gets resolved. I canNot abide another trying drawn-out Tyrant-Overlord Tale regardless of its' potent 'mainstay' in the Graphic Novel.
  4. To emphasize my previous thought(s) about Amanda+Sydney= Boring and Irritating, Sidney needs to back-off, also. He, too, is at fault for fostering this mess. Amanda should focus on her marriage and sundry activities, jobs,... without associating with Sidney. And, Sidney needs to focus on his job, HIS SLEUTHING and MYSTERY SOLVING, and other relationships(fraternal, romantic, platonic,...), BUT emotionally and physically remove himself from Amanda. (Hey, GRANTCHESTER Creative Staff ! Get that !)
  5. Personally, I enjoy the show more so when Beckett is either very limited in episode appearance or actually absent from the episodes.
  6. Where is DCI Banks playing, now ?
  7. I wear many a cardigan and luv it (!). BUT, that doesn't mean that I don't watch other types of mysteries, dramas, genres,... as well. No unraveling here ! :-) ... GOOD series.
  8. Wendy holds minimal knowledge in quite a number of arenas and in most of what she discusses on her show and HSN.The exception being 'Hip-Hop' matters. However, amazingly, this lack of 'intelligence' as with many others hasn't hindered her accruing a fortune. She's more The Face of her whatevers not the brains or the talentED. ...
  9. I know (ha!). I rewound not jus' one, not jus' two, but several times to LOOK at Rick in that morning bed scene. D_ _ _!
  10. It will. It will be 'verra verra' awful (gasping!).
  11. The plotline was sad, the cultivation of it was somewhat weak, and the exploration of The Mystery was superficial. I'm sorry(not), but the lovelorn angst betwixt Sidney and Amanda is tiresome in its' isolated role storyline and bewildering as to its' benefit for the overall storyline. I appreciate and enjoy character and relationship development in my programs, however, I would appreciate and enjoy a cozier, more expansive murder mystery aspect to The Show as well. I think James Norton to be generally good-looking, but not particularly attractive. Also, hopefully, his 'acting nuances' will improve with experience from his, apparently, in demand opportunities. On the other hand, Robson Green as actor and male specimen is talented and appealing. I luv British Murder Mysteries of this ilk and others--Midsomer Murder, Rosemary and Thyme, Miss Marple,...Endeavour, Inspector Lewis,... Therefore, I will continue to view GRANTCHESTER despite a wee bit of disappointment. ... ETA: *(just began and completed viewing Season 1 three days ago.)
  12. Shit❗ Aargh and Damnit❗ Feckin'...❗ It's gonna be Darryl isn't it? Isn't it ⁉ The virtual non-storyline all season, the shockingly pointed 'death may come upon you at any time' of Darryl's somewhat buddy--when that death was meant for him, his REAL-life moving hearth and home, Norman Reedus' NEW tv show,...!!!! _____ ...or will it be RICK !? Rick in the finale recalling all of 'his people' who have died (*me* SCREAMING[!] in horror)[?].
  13. ^ For me, also. ^I do possess a decent awareness of the content of Kirkman's extremely graphic Graphic Novel. The Novel's setting is a vicious slaughterhouse virtually devoid of literary aspects never mind any deeper broader reflections. Superficial plotlines, caricature of character, over and beyond many-formed violence is not simply inherent within the novel, it IS "the walking dead" novel. So with THIS⤴ awareness, my desire for The TeeVee Show to present a more expansive Character and World Development and, admittedly, a certain amount and level of creative violence is always wanting. Therefore, my participation in the program has fluctuated and continues to do so. Despite feelings of disappointment and 'if wishes were fishes' many a time, I lobby minimal criticism because for American network television it's better than quite a few programs. And, because... However, should Rick, Carl, or Michonne 'disappear' then, sadly, I guess it's too bad for me. ... ETA: Many lead television series actors wish for a definitive glorious death upon exiting(willingly or not) a program. It usually forestalls another actor supplanting the role with possible increased acclaim, and, oft times, renders a bit of legendary status upon the outgoing actor.
  14. I agree with ALL of your comments. This Story is Rick's Story. The Story is Carl's Story as well. And, during this surrealistic process, Judith and Michonne, also, have become intrinsic materials used in constructing the threads of this Tapestry. I may like(some moreso...) other members of CDB, but ridding TWD of Rick, of Carl, of Michonne ❔ Nuh Uh.
  15. Well, Jennifer Lopez may be able to facially express better than some actresses, but her face definitely does not 'move' with the freedom of non-botulism and non-fillers. And, that's excluding her rhinoplasty. 'Natural' face--it is not. ... ETA: It's all good. Lopez has certainly excelled in her career. She simply has availed herself of the 'anti-aging' cocktails just as (have) many of her peers.
  16. Wendy makes an extremely lucrative career out of making fun of others, denigrating others, and, thusly, negatively affecting the self-esteem of quite a few. So...just sayin'.
  17. I know, right(?). Didn't Wendy recently tell Suzanne AS IT WAS HER BIRTHDAY, she would 'GIFT' to Suzanne the outfit ( from the Wendy Williams' Clothing Line) that she was currently wearing on the show. Ha! that darned Wendy.
  18. Yeah, I am dropping(ish) BLINDSPOT. And, I could never tolerate the ridiculous QUANTICO. However, I am surprised that I 'like' SHADES OF BLUE thus far. Really, really surprised. The Show is still a bit dumbassery as illustrated by the myriad of crazy storyline contrivances and damnable debacles in this episode alone such as that crash in which Woz and *Harlee* emerged unscathed and mighty lively. But, as stated, that's(ABOVE⬆) just ONE among many and much. *...wherein one could see Jennifer Lopez's enlarged temple/forehead veins due to her large amounts of facial Botoxing and facial Restylane-ing.*
  19. Yeah, Sasha, you, too, are mighty fine, Abe--he came for ya with a whine. Use him real good and, Oh (❗), very rude Then CURB that mo'fo' dude So, he will no longer be thine.
  20. In earlier seasons, weren't The Walkers 'smarter'❓ I realize that the region hordes were fresher back then; however, now, the newly turned Walkers don't appear to be quite as...adept as their 'predeceasers'.
  21. Exactly! That's why the article is barely worthy of contemplation or comment. It's ridiculous.
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