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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. I was talking about Bellamy being held to the same level of disgust as other atrocious Arkers. That's it. _________ I was not casting aspersions upon any poster. I rendered my outlook on a character. I agree. We all have the option of ignoring posts.
  2. It is a statement as are the many others not a call-to-arms.
  3. Certainly. And, no pass for Multitude Murderous Bellamy, either.
  4. Who has Jaha killed ❓ On the ship, Kane was no more innocent. And, on the planet, well...❓❓ However, Bellamy has proven to be quite The Reaper. ________
  5. I stopped viewing The Show in real time a couple of months ago. Instead, I DVRed it because I was afraid something like this would occur, and I needed that advanced knowledge to determine if I would continue watching. I'm glad that I did that. The anger that I would have felt if I actually viewed this ridiculousness, well... Needless to say, I will be deleting my UNviewed episodes and will not be a next season viewer.
  6. If Jaha and Pike meet their-- Arkers/Skaikru/City of Light /13th Tribe--Maker, then BELLAMY needs an ardent introduction, also.
  7. Yes, definitely parody-- The characters involve themselves in a case, and instead of the usual verbal exchanges,..the cast conducts the ENTIRE investigation/ show with mostly (a) somewhat brooding, somewhat intense, somewhat placid 'SAMENESS' look(s) . Dirges will be the basis of speaking and instrumentals. Utterances by the characters will only consist of periodic bursts of keening and some lamentations. And, continuing this atmospheric vein, the 'musical' score will be comprised of the dour, sombre, and depressing.
  8. I like Hinterland, BUT ..really, sometimes, this show and the very very many long unmeaningful looks...
  9. What❗ Abby❗ The 'zombie-horde'❗ ...and, and, ALL of THAT OTHER stuff ⁉ This frackin' show!
  10. My mom use to eat that combination and thought it was great. ______
  11. I don't condone violence-- I was very disturbed about Geordie roundly slapping that widow. I certainly hope that spurt of hitting doesn't indicate something disturbing about his personal life. If Guy is beating Amanda then she should be protected and he should be punished. And, yes, I am cognizant of the era in regards to spousal abuse against women.
  12. Y'all, I'm sorry(well, not really), Sidney deserved that punch in the face. He IS tacitly encouraging Amanda. He is complicit in the flirt-like dance in which they are both engaged. Luv the housekeeper's biting, sarcastic, and truthful remarks about and to Amanda. I canNOT stand that squinting scrunched facial distortion constantly expressed by Sidney. I agree with an earlier poster. Geordie's heavy-laden looks and almost manic manner of exercise (pushups) seemingly indicate negative news/ knowledge. I don't find the police station secretary to be off-putting at all. Sidney needs to DATE quite a few women with varied personalities and outlooks including bold, non-faux-self-effacing SINGLE women. _____
  13. I dearly like Richonne--the way that he looks at her when they are clasped together... However, if Darryl's storyline dimensions had been properly deepened and expanded, Once Upon A Time, I could have seen Michonne with THAT Darryl. He was a bit of a fan fantasy--in aura, looks, and acts. Yup, he was, indeed. But, Now--(fine)Rick is most definitely (gorgeous)Michonne's and Michonne is Rick's. Lennie James is a true actor, but, IMO, doesn't have that 'heat' as MORGAN which is possessed by Andy Lincoln as RICK and Norman Reedus as DARRYL. ________
  14. It really does seem as if they are preteens, sometimes--exclaiming, hootin', hollerin' when there's abounding gore and not much more. However, when attempted storyline/plotline complexities are introduced, all we hear is "...Mom! Mom! This is so boring. Can we watch something else !?"
  15. Will THE WALKING DEAD (tv) World award horrific megalomania and cruelty with ongoing power ❓ ... Or, will the RICKers prevail ...❓
  16. Why do some consider Rick to be near psychopathic and broken but not Carol ❓ Carol, who for quite some time, has truly slayed, slaughtered whether it be planned or unplanned, and, also, exhibited depressed 'breakdown' behavior. Also, why is Rick blamed for EVE-RY-THING. The Group is not a Ricktatorship ; it is a Rickocracy
  17. I think that without the backdrop of war, getting critically shot has made Geordie more conscious of his mortality and the ease with which life could end. Having a wife and young children just amplifies that awareness and concern for not only himself but also his family. Once again, Amanda's ODDLY incessant 'Seeing Sidney' is annoying. However, is it based on more than infatuation and curtailing any probable Sidney romances with others(❓). Once again, Sidney, ALSO, is to blame for 'Amanda Amour' luring. He's not some romance novice. And, he knows that Amanda is, now, a married woman. For whatever reason(s), romantic,financial,..., Amanda CHOSE Guy. Sidney is quite aware of this. So, Sidney needs to 'butt out'. Sidney often deliberately places himself within Amanda's purview-- chasing her. I don't mind that some episodes are a tad or so gritty. But, I do mind boring irritating romance plotlines, miniscule humorous ancillary character plotlines, diminished mystery and mystery-solving plotlines, and other(hey, Geordie! ) curtailed relevant plotlines. In addition, must Sidney always have drink in hand. Yes, he's 'coping', but some of the alcohol reliance/alcoholism could be implied. ______
  18. Yeah. The Negan/Lucille death blow sound effects without any plans to actually 'illustrate' the gory body. If so, the ACTORS may not know WHO has been Lucilled.
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