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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Can someone explain the history of Polaris and its connection to the space Ark? What's the connection, historically, between Lexa's crew and Skaikru ?
  2. To me, SHERLOCK has been spooling away from usage of his 'special skills' for a while now. Many of the subtle intricacies in plot, ancillary devices, and complex Sherlockian characterization and acts have diminished. And, I agree about the volume. Sherlock, especially, is becoming prone to duller enunciated low sounding murmuring speech.
  3. I would not mind one or two episodes with the plot being based city centered.
  4. I must reiterate the expressions of so many. It is, indeed, rare to see a T.V. actress who consistently displays the depth of talent and level of commitment as does Tatiana Maslany. Fabulous.
  5. Vernacular diffferences are quite interesting.
  6. What the.... I certainly do not 'know' that my wording was condescending because it was not. Once again, I was referring to my experiences . Wow. The end.
  7. ??? Okaa-ey. Well, I am recounting MY experience just as many others have done. That is what is meant--I(me, myself) have never encountered this particular occurrence. I never stated that my experiences discounted those that differed. Nor are my statements criticizing anyone. No need for confusion.
  8. Sorry, wonky phone. Please, disregard ...
  9. Uumm, I 'grew up' in The South, and I have nevuh evuh heard of nor encountered anyone who has used the brandname slang, Coke, as an universal/common term for soft drinks. I'm familiar with utilizing the name of the drink-- Coke--ONLY when one is 'quaffing' Coca-Cola. ...
  10. ...if your kid goes to an UBER costly deliberately EXTRA exclusionary private grade school, that means your kid is smart and or will be smart. Okaa-ey. Wow. I'm sure Paris Hilton,...will be glad to know that. And, I am really sure that Michelle Obama,...will love to know that. Wendy. Wendy. Damnit Wendy! Geez! ...
  11. Oh, CarpeDiem54, you really should have watched Sunday's The Taking Dead. Danai Gurira was smashingly gorgeous(!).
  12. Alright, alright, just 'cause Michonne and Rick had one, two,...fantabulous (sigh) moments, doesn't mean that The Show is going to become relationship/romance maudlin riddled. Those two bad ____ know how to 'rock 'n' rolla'--hard. They already had a solid caring 'got your back AND heart' Relationship. Now, they have a deeper caring 'got your back, great a##, ...and heart' RELATIONShip. I'm sure that both Michonne and Rick will continue to WHAM❗ BAM❗ thank you... uh, I mean, definitely body slam (anyone and all things) anywhere, anytime... ...after all, they have Jesus on their side...
  13. Boofish Yest. 2:21 am Finally got the answer to the question of the century - what would Jesus do Edited by Boofish, Yest. 2:23 am. ⬆ haha! Oh. My. 'god'❗ (lol‼)
  14. Raven1707 Yest. 2:28 am Ah, how I love watching Rick Grimes run! ⭐ ⬆ Uh, huh. Yaaas. I rewound and rewound to watch THAT. (lol!)
  15. EllenC Yest. 2:39 am I MIGHT be bored, if I weren't busy imagining myself in a truck with Darryl, Rick and Jesus. Or somewhere. Is that bad? ⭐ ⬆ No. Most definitely, no, it is not. :-) ...
  16. I have viewed the House Hunters programs for a few years(...more recently, Property Brothers,...) and, until my recent foray into this forum, I did not realize the wide-ish range and high-ish level of their mendaciousness. ⤴Thus, my following query[ies] ⤵. What exactly is the structure of The Show ? The characters have already purchased homes and have been living 'there' awhile AND it's ALL reenactments of decisions from 'back when' ? Or The 'buyers' have no connections to the presented homes whatsoever and are fabricating The (entire) Wild Hunt ?
  17. *Petty Notice(s) and Irritants: For PARTICULAR MALE and female castmembers, The Show stylists need to procure better quality wigS.
  18. ...I guess Executive Director Cuse and assorted showrunners killed off Phyllis due to her awareness of Lori-Kate('s) role as an semi-intrepid spy, the completion of her role in giving the tip-off/heads-up to Sawyer-Will about the li'l woman and, also, to introduce Broussard as member-killer par excellence dans La Résistance. However, Phyllis was the best developING and the most well acted character THUS FAR(Broussard is not shabby but...). Golly❗ C'mon Show‼
  19. ...i still do not get the following: Why are some(former leaders, scoundrels, semi-madmen) so special as to be redeemed following awful stunning 'for the good of our society' and this is your punishment due to...' Redemption by fellow citizenry. Redemption by viewers. ... EXCEPT for Jaha. What acts have Jaha committed for him to be dismissed, insultingly disregarded, and reviled by viewers to such a degree? Abby, Kane, (Jaha), Murphy, Bellamy, Lexa,... have all personally directed and/or been complicit in acts running the gamut from➡betrayal to injurious plans and acts to horrific punishments to heartless crazed scenarios brought to fruition to out and out deliberate murderous purging of a people↪their own allies*. Why do ALL of these people get praise, forgiveness, pats on the back, giggles, "Ah, he/she didn't mean it'', "Yeah, he/she did it, but..." Why are those Arkers the recipients of redemptive thoughts/acts but not Jaha ? Are not his thoughts and actions--drinking and pouring The COLaid-- being performed in the BELIEF of helping his arkmates just as some others have done? What is the difference? *( Allies are always at risk of betrayal by one another even in The Real World militaristic, political, economic realms. And, at times, these alliances have been/are created with former/currentish antagonistic( from Cold-Shouldering to Killings) parties. The alliances may be short-lived or long-standing. Not cause for ensuing ill considered xenophobic preemptive death strikes-- otherwise alliances would never be formulated/formed.)* ...
  20. How can Bellamy be redeemed? How? He was actively complicit in slaughtering 300 resting willing Protectors of Skaikru/Arkadia. Yes, he slayed without excitation. BUT, slay he did and with a strangely ruthless combination of methodicalness and eagerness just like Pike. If Pike has to endure The Neverending Flames, then so should Bellamy. Pike's trepidations and fears were/are as real to him as Bellamy's. So, once again, as Bellamy stands(with company aplenty) in the viscera of his self-made Grounder abattoir, how is redemption evitable? How?❗
  21. . Rothenberg been talking endlessly about it all being about perspectives, so I am starting to place money on us learning that Lexa pillaged villages when forming the Coalition or something like it. The writers have been paralleling several characters this season, and I can see them doing it even more so with Bellamy and Lexa. Especially as it is guaranteed to cause a major frenzy on social media. I am so fearful that the writers will make the narrative validate Bellamy's xenophobic crap and his trash behavior towards Octavia, Clarke and Lincoln, or they will chicken out and claim PTSD like with Finn. Because it is not like most of the kids probably suffer from PTSD. Also on top Bellamy continuing Pike support and atrocious actions, he also helped put sick people in a cell and away from any care. Oh yeah, such a good guy thing to do. But hey, at least he didn't want to directly execute the wounded after having shot them up while they slept. Bright side eh?! Guess he didn't feel like killing people when they had their eyes open and looking at him. Bellamy's xenophobic controlling woe-is-me ass? Pffff... Bye Felicia. THIS⤴. IS. WONDERFUL.
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