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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. The Walking Dead is rooted in Comic Book/ Graphic Novel so, hard suspension of reality is a must. However, the program's reiteration in television format has to incorporate more credulous multi-faceted designs. Once again, fuller depictions may be excluded in its 'novel' form, yet not here--in teevee. This medium demands that difference.
  2. I dunno. They've(Negan et al.) surpassed loutish[ness], boorish[ness], brutish[ness], and other 'ishness'. And, obviously, Negan is not inclined to cease slaking his thirst for demented power as evidenced by his numerous gulps of incomprehensible atrocities. So, now, that we have ascertained Negan's thoroughly sadistically riddled psychopathy--his state of being, I hope the RICKers enact the, deservedly, roughest of justice, regroup, then ably formulate a schematic for Living within their mad, bad, awful, and 'awfuler' world.
  3. ..."We are Negan--and Nackers. Lower your weapons and surrender your will. We shall add your physical, technological, and apocalyptic viral distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
  4. I like several of them Rickers, BUT I LUV--Carl*, Rick, and Michonne.
  5. THIS would have been Excellent directing❗
  6. Agree. *Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Negan WILL BE one (so very) sorry mo'fo'.
  7. ... Maybe, for tyrannical Negan, easy-peasy "lies the HEAD that wears a crown"... but righteous is the katana that severs it.
  8. Oh, Negan and Nackers. You done fucked up real good-- Fools ❗❕ Rick is gonna kick, whip, and hunt yo' ass unto death and beyond. ...I hope Rick picks up that barbed wired cudgel, tells Negan that Lucille says, it's "a fine time to leave..." then allows Negan one LAST kiss from his girlfrien' . I want The Rickers to be--insatiable in their retribution while remaining unflappable during the ensuing mayhem. * [venting, juuust venting.]*
  9. Here be... Assholes-in-Arms, Fiends, and Soliloquies.
  10. ...a TIPPLE, some PLONK, a WEE DRAM, ... I need all of the above ⤴❗
  11. Thanks, DittyDotDot ❗❗❗ *And, I do, indeed, want more information on *
  12. Did Geilles/Gielles(sp?) know about Claire before she, Geilles, travelled to the 18th century❓
  13. ...wait ! You mean Claire and Jaime do NOT see one another for TWENTY YEARS ❗ Where/what is the best avenue (other than The Novels) to get sound summary, synopsis,... of the ENTIRE storyline❓
  14. Perhaps, Frank's WWII interrogating techniques were in similar vein to that of 1740s Black Jack. And, at this time, this 'other' aspect of Frank rests beneath his usual psychological demeanor.
  15. I'm glad that I visited this forum because as I watched the episodes, I understood that Jamie was supposed to be The One, but I was riveted by Dougal. Actually, My initial impetus for my forum visit was to read comments about Dougal.
  16. ...Just binged-watched. Graham McTavish is fabulous in the role. And, 'Dougal'...well, he's DEFINITELY fabulously...
  17. How surprised do you think JRoth was upon Ricky getting that role on American Gods (?).
  18. Golly. Oh, golly. Oh, golly. Oh, golly. (inhale deeply...)
  19. I thought that Carl was the one who Negan contemplated then referenced...'being put out of misey' (?).
  20. Ye Gads ! That sweet Jiffy and Jiffy-like 'conebread' -- yuck!
  21. I understand your perspective and point.
  22. ...perhaps, the term 'good-looking' is more appropriate than 'attractive' as women (and men) often use that description and other similar vocabulary upon describing other women whenever whoever deems it apt since the determining basis on looks is more subjective than objective. And, also the use of 'good-looking' doesn't necessarily imply that physical looks, charisma,...has to ' 'do something for someone' sexually or otherwise. I do gree that Rosita's outfits use to be very deliberately cartoonishly 'revealing' adhering to the Graphic Novel portrayal just as Abe's look is based on that same cartoonish matrix. In addition, I do understand that some desire a Rosita Backstory Telling and a Rosita Character Expansion. _____ ETA: (...however, the prime focus of my ABOVE⬆ posting is my view about Sasha.) ...
  23. Well, my family member repeatedly listened to the track and stated that Glenn's name was screamed clearly upon listening each time. No information about the track was given prior to listening. Possesses no knowledge of The Novel and not an avid Show viewer( as matter of fact, has watched only ONE episode this season.) So, $#!+(❗), it's Glenn
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