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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. If Butcherin' Bellamy is not 'done in', I will not understand Jaha's demise should that occur.
  2. Oh, well, Pike is on his way out... just hope Jasper and Bellamy accompany him.
  3. I don't understand Big TV Media[i.e. JOE + mika]. Trump is fêted by these 'journalists/reporters' and political analysts at every turn rather than legitimately investigate, question,... You know the things that journalists and analysts should do. Why are they standing around like groupies and issuing repetitive shallow faux analyses and critiques ? What about Trump's arrogant adamant refusal to proffer his tax returns,...(?) No matter if one supports Trump, surely his platform and planks need dissemination, analysis, and discussion. *Aaand, if Trump❕❗ and T.V. MEDIA can delve into Clinton's personal life ( to no apparent end ), why is the T.V. MEDIA not doing the same about Trump ?*
  4. Landon does so *want Thomas* (and Shep).
  5. Hallooo, Ramsey ! Your suffering and demise is required. NOW❗ I do believe that it is time for all to call: 1-800-save-a-STARK Ah, Ser Aliser. You, suh, exemplify the rigid sureness of the deliberately intellectually stunted and weak-witted. It would behoove The North to ingest some Gingko Biloba then rally around Jon/Starks et al.
  6. I hope the Sparrows peck to death Cersei's smug, sadistic, selfish, sorry-ass (and, Jaime's selfish child-abuse[ing] sanctioning self can join her). .......... So, I shall, indeed, ?"...keep my eyes on the Sparrow...yeah, yeah, yeah."? I do believe that it's time for all to call: 1-800-save-a-STARK. Hallooo, Ramsey, your suffering and demise is required. NOW❗ Ah, Ser Aliser, the rigid sureness of the deliberately intellectually stunted and weak-witted. It would behoove The North to ingest some Gingko Biloba, and, then rally around Jon and The Starks et al. Please ignore the HORIZONTAL lines crossing out the statements in my ABOVE⬆ post. Don't know how that occurred.
  7. The Flashbacks are both informative and fascinating (that swordfight choreography was aces❗). I enjoy Sam and Gilly's Tale. A GIRL is still one of my favorite characters. However, A Writer and A Director/Showrunner desperately need to get to steppin' UP on the Arya Storyline. With the exception of several episodes in Season 1, Danaerys has bored me. She really has done so. Notwithstanding the dragons, the only aspect of interest is in showing people who possess something other than the considered stereotypical Westeros 'look'--physically, culturally,..
  8. I enjoy Sam's and Gilly's Tale. The Flashbacks are both informative and fascinating (that swordfight choreography was aces❗). A GIRL is still one of my favorite characters. However, A Writer and A Director/Showrunner desperately need to get to steppin' UP on the Arya Storyline. With the exception of several episodes in Season 1, Danaerys has bored me. She really has done so. Notwithstanding the dragons, the only aspect of interest is in showing people who possess something other than the considered stereotypical Westeros 'look'--physically, culturally,... I hope that the Sparrows peck to death Cersei's smug, sadistic, selfish, sorry-ass (and, Jaime's selfish child-abuse[ing] sanctioning self can join her). So, I shall, indeed, ?"...keep my eyes on the Sparrow...yeah yeah yeah.?
  9. I am SO frackin' tired and ticked that the Direwolves are continuously slaughtered(!).
  10. Fantastic program ❗ Excellent Name for a Show ❗ Nifty Thread title ❗
  11. Yes, Season 2 is on Acorn, thank goodness.
  12. Do NO synonyms exist for the word 'presumptive' ?
  13. ⬆ Oh,geez ❗ I was screeching the same thing--"Please, just shut it and do it. Stop gloating and giving away your game plans/strategies ❗"
  14. Oh, I don't know about CNN being free of azz kissing. Not as overt...true(ish). But, it is there--Wolf Blitzer. However, admittedly, their coverage encompasses wider presentations, analyses, and discussions of News.
  15. A bit too Tongue in Cheek and, at times, Audience Aware but easy simple viewing.
  16. ...and drive the ratings they did. Mainstream Media has been Trump's Stairway to 'Hevun' . Where were the investigations into Trump's pastor, his wife's university thesis paper(s), his senior year high school activities, his parents' birthplaces, HIS birthplace, his community, civic, and business associates, his 'li'l chilruns' lifestyle and fashion,... Ooh, right, none of that ⬆ matters in THIS election, huh, Jabbering Joe and The Jammin' Gibberish Brigade.
  17. It Has Begun... ✅ The "I wuz right" ✅ The lengthy Monopolizing Monologue of Clinton-bashing (of course, JUST to make a point in support of Trump).
  18. ...Or, as OakGoblinFly stated, Jon UNintentionally warged into Ghost then, later, out of Ghost into his own body.
  19. ... I don't believe that Melisandre had ANYthing to do with Jon's resurrection. I think his rising is something heretofore not seen nor even discussed in The Story hence the delay. Furthermore, I doubt Jon will lose any aspect of self, but he will gain some abilities/powers to actually Combat the oncoming 'Wight Winter'.
  20. Hodor=Other(?) I thought that Walda died of starvation ?
  21. We did learn that extensions, weaves and, mad coiffing skills exist(well, for some) in this here ZA .
  22. Uugh. I dunno about this AFTER show. ( Perhaps, it should be renamed: "Fade to Black" ).
  23. I quite enjoy the show. However, it is irksome to no end to see Kira's constant open-mouth, jaw(s)-agape, blank-face countenance. Also, I wish for the cessation of the Kira moniker, "Monkey", as it is most tiresome, annoying, and verging on maddening.
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