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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. I fail to understand the lackadaisical reactions to Danny's situational alarming symptoms, also. As stated by those above, based upon his condition, either the cause is contagious which could run rampant throughout the close quarters of crew and guests, or it is a contained illness possibly borne from a serious malady. Notwithstanding the overall Danny Dislike, one would think that they would have a care for their own health, and, perhaps, to a lesser degree, the health of the paying 'clients'.
  2. ⬆thelonerafter, were you in grade school when penalized for absences by negative grading. I do not believe that to be 'legal'.
  3. Cap'n Mark's awareness of being on television may be causing modifications to his disciplinary mode--perhaps, curtailing drama by softening (not alleviating) crew punishments. He appears calm and BRAVOtv thoughtful enough THUS far. Danny seems to harbor some psychological trauma from his home life as a child. This need to curry favor alternating with the desire to inappropriately rebel then break-down is tiresome and grating. He displays low level petulance, provokes feelings of middling annoyance, and is a mild irritant. At the onset of his illness, I believed Danny to be manipulating his rising temperature by deliberately tightly ensconcing himself in both his sweater and duvet. Still unsure of this but willing to acknowledge illness regardless of the contempt and unsympathetic actions shown by many of the crew. However, he is not the villain that some of the others make him out to be (a WEE bit o' jealousy is held by Bryan and Bobby). Hope that his health improves. Based on early season high boasting, Jen should have manifested 'Yachtie' majicks aplenty, yet... However, Jen is being subjected to on-the-job sexist misbehavior by Bryan AND Bobby. Indeed, Bryan unduly monitors and chastises her. Good luck to her with tying then retying then Re-retying then RE-RE-retying...those knots. Cannot recall the name of the woman who is not Hannah or Julia or Jen. She's coasting right along. ? Previously, Julia was presenting Bobby a strong but sweet beckoning manner and come -hither eyes UNTIL she realized that 'her guy' eventually would view the show. Upon this illumination, she course corrected, historical revisionism mounted and, now, she earnestly intends all to be smooth sailing. Bon Voyage, Bobby ! Bobby is in love-- with ?himself and ?Julia(too bad, so sad). *Bobby has expressed dismissive insult to women who have rebuffed him.* He's stunned by Danny's peculiar luck with the ladies. Bobby's bitterness at Danny's popularity(don't ask me why) with the guests in general and non-crew women in general gnaws at his pride. Bobby's shirtless preening has been to no avail with the exception of 2.5 of the crew--It's hilarious❗ (Oh, the .5 indicates Julia's noticeable lingering but will not act upon<❓> superficial but definite interest.) Bryan, Bryan, Bryan. So hard a-tryin' and too much a-lyin'. What is there to say, really ? It's so very clear. Bryan's misogyny is flagrant. He resolutely conveys scorn toward women. His physical intimidation tactics were eerie with the women in the crew galley. ?(Um, did not Bryan just recently berate Danny for interference in the non-deckhand arena. Didn't Bryan make Danny write 100,000,000 Xs, "I will not interfere with the inside cabin crew duties and directions"❓❗ So unjust and inauthentic with instruction and imperatives.)? Bryan's slovenly tactics at hot tub seduction were disgusting. His persistent and unfair nitpicking at Jen's handling of her duties is scurrilous. When ANYthing dealing with women is not to his liking or approval, Bryan's woman bashing and guilt-free deliberately unflinching false recounting of events--negationism--is ever so creepy and alarming(! ). *Bryan: SYNONYMS -- creepy, dumbass, azzhole, ____pathy, affected, dissembler, alcoholic[?], rising despot* Hannah, Ben expressed interest in you for one full second before he attempted to 'woo'(yes, I am using the term very loosely) the female crew member who is not Hannah, Julia, or Jen. Remember. He wanted someone softer(you know, someone with whom he can get his way, ALWAYS). Why the tears❓ Did you not attempt to shift blame and sully his reputation in 'Entrée-MainDishgate'❓ Ah, Hannah you are enough of an azzhole to lie easily, complain often, and backstab when desired. Furthermore, you possess an infallible sense of entitlement, are unfailingly judgemental, and believe yourself to render unerring decisions. So, there. No more tears, Hanna. Ben, you have always been and will always be a supercilious f#©k _ _ brimming with SELF-interest. Absolute refusal to abide any intrusion upon YOUR comfort. Any observation, suggestion,...that you do not deem positive pertaining to your fare and concoctions is an affront to your esteem. Although, you did proffer care for Danny's physical health. Huh. So, maybe, you aren't quite so egoistic.
  4. Supposedly, Kathryn was in the throes of a drug-fueled rage illustrated by screeches, wild gesticulations, and the slinging of some profane-laced accusations. Hmmm, well (Okay, I guess if you say so, Producer and oft-times Sμ!+ - Stirrer, Whitney). Maladroit, uncouth, and hysterical behavior to be sure. Kathryn DOES DISPLAY OUTRAGEOUSNESS. Her life is disordered. Whether mental illness or gold-diggery be the crux, I dunno. Some way, somehow, Kathryn needs to (get help[?]) pull it together--that IS for damn sure. So, what about ole tHOmas' downright crude, erratic, hysterical, and venomous behaviors ❓ Where are the accusations of fear inducing acts....(huh, Shep?)❓ Kathryn screams at Whitney, Shep, et al. and all are afeared. Buuut, Thomas. During The Supper-time [attempted] Dining Experience, Thomas was ranting, screaming insults, spewing wrathful utterances akin to 'a call to duel', frothing, foaming, cussin', threatening physical violence, forcefully and profanely demanding his guests to "get the hell outta here", and, then LITERALLY chasing said guests from his not humble abode all the while viciously, continuously hurling invectives, insults, and threats of bodily harm. And, his bizarre atrocious deportment incur...(?) No surprise--dealer and user TRav is excluded from the public flogging visited upon Kathryn. Yeah, yeah, this group is just reacting to HER craziness. So disgustingly hypocritical. So misogynistic. SoCharm-less.
  5. I find it both astounding and disgusting that Shit-Eatin' and a-Grinnin' Shep is able to relay his sickening tale of being 'shroomed while driving thereby endangering others then arrested, and all he receives are 'aw, shucks, Shep' grins, giggles, and coos of "It's the funniest thing/story ever!" (Party of pseudo-pious prigs and pigs)
  6. *...Perhaps, express some outrage over women being publicly demeaned as they are classified into numeric categories of 2s and 6s instead of giggling. *Ravenel is STILL not held accountable for ANYthing. It's surrealist, really. *Craig has astoundingly lied for YEARS about graduating from law school(frackin' AMAZING ❗) but, of course, Kathryn... *Landon first commented directly to Kathryn then persistently interjected herself into conversations between Kathryn and OTHERS, and repeatedly mumbled about Kathryn yet again but, of course, Kathryn... *( Once again, it is not Kathryn 'FANning' to insist that the cast be held to the same level of accountability demanded of Kathryn.)
  7. Kathryn does need to calmly and sparingly issue commments. Further, she should cease engaging with the others' hypocritical self-righteous ploys and manoeuvres. The Conniving Coven's behaviors are no less reprehensible, outrageous, and bizarre than Kathryn's odd behavior. The ReUNION is pointless as all of the participants' commentaries(including Andy's) revolve around Kathryn. And, no, Kathryn is not perpetuating most of the ReUNION shenanigans. But, I'm sure that any and all blame for any and all things will be laid at her feet as per usual.
  8. Exactly❗ And, most of their conversations bring up Kathryn despite her NOT being around The Coven for the majo rity of the sea son. The Coven needs to focus on their OWN fantasies(looking for actual employment) and foibles(of which there are many).
  9. Heroine❓ Heroine❓❗ Cersei is many things, but a heroine she is not. I applaud NOTHING performed by that brother-f^©k!ng maniac. I believe sadistic lunatic Cersei was deserving of that Sparrow punishment. Actually, she should have received harsher treatment.
  10. I don't believe that it has been substantiated that the Red Witch actually brought Jon back to life. If Jon had not fought and winnowed Ramsey's forces, the Vale et al. would not have prevailed. In addition, if Jon had waited to engage at all, Ramsey most probably would have struck, anyway, wreaking havoc and definitely, tortuously, causing agony and loss.
  11. I don't think Jon(yay[!] for THE White Wolf❗) to be an idiot on ANY of his field of battle. And, I harbor no desire, whatsoever, for Jon to be wedded to Sansa or Daenarys. None.
  12. Daenarys remains much more than a tad tedious ?? to me... But that was a potent scene-- encompassing the fleet of ships with the Dragons elegantly yet predatorily soaring in the skies.
  13. I dislike Cersei with an intensity that is unhampered, undampened, and boundless. She is a low pitiless b!+cμ, and I fervently wish that she had perished in her horrific Fire of a Bad Mad wannabe Queen. However, I would so PINterest that military-battle-inspired outfit.
  14. ? ?...Hey sister, go sister... own sister...badass Lady MORMONT❗ ?
  15. ...? Oh! The Winter outside be not delightful. The Long Night e'er frightful. And, thus we have made it so...Let it Sn♥w, let it Sn♥w, let it Sn♥w. ? ...Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of goodbye. 'A Girl' bore through B. Walder and Lothor Frey so they could be baked into a pie. And, when the pie was opened, Arya's blade began to sing, ?Wasn't that a righteous STARK dish to set before a self-imagined would-be king❓?
  16. ...? Oh! The Winter outside be not delightful. The Long Night e'er frightful. And, thus we have made it so...Let it Sn♥w, let it Sn♥w, let it Sn♥w. ? ...Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of goodbye. 'A Girl' bore through Walther and Lothor Frey so they could be baked into a pie. And, when the pie was opened, Arya's blade began to sing, ?Wasn't that a righteous STARK dish to set before a self-imagined would-be king❓? .
  17. Golly, golly, go-oolly❗ That library for Maester studies. Luved it❗ Want to luxuriate and bask in it.
  18. Yay, J♥n (Snow, Stark, Targaryen) ❗ YOU are still aces♠❗ ?
  19. Yay, J♥n (Snow, Stark, Targaryen) ❗ YOU are still aces♠❗ ?
  20. Golly, golly, go-oolly❗ That library for Maester studies. Luved it❗ Want to luxuriate and bask in it.
  21. Yoohoo, Car?l❗ Apparently, The BitchES and The Azzholes (ah, that would be you and your Madame Puppeteer, Bethenney ™) WILL be staying home. So, your wishes really do come true!
  22. Da lucre ! Da filthy lucre ! Personally, I was disgusted by the $$ spent on The Wedding--doggy clothing, doggy venue, and other doggy accoutrements. I know so many children, women,and men in desperate medical situations,... The NEED out 'there'... Damnable disgusting.
  23. Aw, Carol?. 'Coochy-Coo'. Look who's learning how to toddle, be pseudo-badassed peevish, and levy BetheMe!-style insults 'behind-yo'-back' (in the Talking Heads) ALL BY HERSELF. {Who's the Big Girl, huh. Who's the Big Girl.}
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