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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Vixenstud, I agree-ish with the sentiments expressed in your comments EXCEPT that pertaining to ' bad' vs. 'good' behaviours: I must differ--respectfully, of course. Those all over za world from 'protectors' to...are commonly rewarded with praise, money, promotion, supplication...while positive moral positions in act/deed, earnest attempts at public aid, empathetic based policies designed to elevate societal awareness and affect community closeness receive naught but dismissive contempt. BIG BROTHER is no different--just lightly faux pressurized and distilled.
  2. Maybe, a helpful guide for Bethenney™ : *British T.V. Show (2013-present) --based on the childhood of writer, Caitlin Moran, entitled --"Raised by Wolves".
  3. Bethenny has imbibed more than a snootful of egoism, become drunken with curiously baseless spite, vomited wild somewhat demented accusations, and exhibited a form akin to delirium tremens by seeing nemeses everywhere... desperate to be worshipped as some semblance of a 'god-thing'. For Bethenney™, this is all a stage. She is but a walking shadow; a narcissistic character that struts and frets her hour upon this BRAVO stage. Unfortunately, we will hear much more. Lately, playing the cruel idiot, SHE is full of sound and fury signifying (absolutely) nothing. ? ✨
  4. I was more disgusted by Andy's cackling at LuAnn than the wretched heckling babbled by those to his left-- Bitch #1, Bitch #2, and Bitch #3. Sonja, please. Just stop. STOP❗ LuAnn: disengage--from the rank goading and from Tom
  5. If anyone is going to be killed within the father(Travis)/son(Chris) duo, it's Chris that's gonna be doin' the murderin'.
  6. I think that the wig looks okay--a look 'change-up'. But, also, I think her short 'Damn! do' is super cute.
  7. Although Bethenney™ DESCRIBED her alcoholic beverage as a low caloric drink--a "skinny girl's margarita", I firmly declare that LuAnn was the first to CREATE and UTILIZE the moniker, 'SkinnyGirl' margarita. And, since Bethenney™ has ever so graciously 'branded' LuAnn as FUCKDOLL, WHORE, SLUT,..., I think it only fair that LuAnn is accredited for her name-branding role.
  8. I don't understand how THIS❗ has turned into 'What Should Lu Do' ? Bethenney™ has been minimizing, demeaning, and dementedly insulting cast members, their significant others, her azz-likkers, and her bum-dwellers left' n right ALL SEASON LONG❗ Other than her everlasting death throes, The Show has centered on BETHENNEY'S incessant maliciousness and dismissiveness especially toward LuAnn --who has done what to Bethenney™ to warrant this vindictivenes and near-stalker behaviour. And, no, I am not jealous of Bethenney's partner's business acumen. Whatever. I'm 'fed up'. Fuck 'em all.
  9. What the DEUCE❗ Oh, that BetheME! in the uncoveted role of Dastardly Damsel in Dubious Dismaying Distress. Bethenney™ -- such a martyr for HER cause❗ What a scamp❗ I gather that she believes herself to be magnanimously inserting flamboyancy and zest into the doldrums of our(the viewers) lives. Of course, this is diffused narcissism most foul: the quintessence of Bethenney™ . ...such zeal for the dispensation of angst and hypocritical moral lecture and instruction... indubitably, such a fiendish emotional ravager. * Also, Bethenney™ has proven to be a loser in her 'LuAnn Lust and other Low-Blows' *.
  10. Yes, LuAnn has exhibited pretentiousness and, sometimes, stuckupness. Yes, LuAnn has gloated. But, gloating--amongst these women?! Really, please! But BetheME! ...NOW, Bethenney's™ essence --a coupling of egoism & malevolence incarnate -- is disturbingly disgusting. ...in possession of health(both she+child), definite wealth, and relative youth... Yet, seemingly, for her, THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH.
  11. Well, this has been an...interesting piece of HOUSEWIFE theatre. The episode should have been entitled 'VICTUALS and VENOM'. Bethenney's™ 'LuAnn-obsessed-based' strategy leans heavily on her dismaying penchant for pilfering sentiment and emotion. And, in this vein, Bethenney™ will cede no quarter--dime, nickel, or penny. Bethenney™ may not be committing MORTAL combat but she sure as tootin' is embroiled in a MORAL combat. Asshole. Furthermore, the (partial) group's mealy-mouthed 'support', distasteful jealousies, odd animosity, slovenly manner, and fantastical backstabbing of/toward LuAnn has led to a peculiar and pitiful camaraderie of arrogance and design among Berserker Bethenney™, Rancid Ramona, Sloppy Sonja, and to a degree Conniving Carol. Frankly, I deem such acts employed by the aforementioned to be beyond the distasteful and laden with psychologically disturbing characteristics along with the utter abrogation of humane traits.
  12. Yep, this BuyBack is the rigging to pull back ole sh!+head, Paulie, into the game. He barely put effort into his Pie-Baking--no repercussions--and, now, this. I mean c'mon. Since Paul didn't have an opportunity to utilize the 'Round Trip' ticket, why does he not receive some "type thing" remuneration?
  13. I agree with 'partofme'. Paulie's edit was entirely too pandering and sympathetic. IF TPTB rig the situation so that azzhole receives the RT, I will bow out and await until he takes his leave again or the announcement of The Winner.
  14. This episode was D♥mn succulent❗ Aah! The Tears of a Tyrant--BELLISSIMO❗
  15. Why does Paulie believe his OTB situation--fear, stress, desire to remain... --to be different, more special than all others who have been IN THE SAME SITUATION(?). He has the audacity to accuse others of failings when he is displaying these ridiculous, unsportsmanlike, and piss-poor-excuse-laden behaviors. Paulie really believes that winning BB is his due. Amazing❗ PLEASE, send his ass out straightaway with thanks aplenty for his consideration.
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