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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Uugh! Really, Mohamad?! Please find Dylan so that lamenting her whereabouts can cease. This is my plea.
  2. Ign ore ^ 'SPOILER' insert. I have absolutely no idea the reason for its appearance (its appearabce )? I Cannot believe Colin could not appear for ONE, ONE Birthday appearance! NOTHING ! There is soooo much that i wish to write but i will not. My disgust may prove unparalleled and i do not want cause to be 'reined in'.
  3. Purdy, purdy puh-leaze do NOT rid The Show of Jeffrey Wright's awesomeness! Well, Ford is the number one, go-to sociopath is he not (?). I am sick 'n tired of Billy-boy/William. Sick 'n tired, ya heah. Drat, ya'll ! I don't want The Season to end!
  4. ALL of these Below Deckers are a mess.
  5. Those Negan-Nackers are truly loathsome especially the sadistic, power mad Nackers. Carl and...kill 'em. Kill 'em all.
  6. Well, it's something to-- watch/chuckle and mutter insulting comments I s'pose.
  7. Thank ye, thank ye, John has been Van Helsing-ed. Finally! I was sooo tired of his whining, backstabbing, and general dangerous douchery. Now, purty please, Show, some interesting backstory and character development.
  8. Staged? Yes, probably, right along with furniture from THE PEOPLE'S COUCH. Staged? Yes, probably. Now, already, Ben is contemplating marriage to Emily. What ! Staged? Yes, probably. Whatever has happened to the TACITURN 'Salty Seaman', Cap'n Lee? Staged? I dunno. The crew appears to be absurdly inept... *Lauren is extremely pretty--naturally(mostly). But, she does need to learn how to garb herself in more flattering dress when not in uniform. *Kelley is still vain, lacking awareness, and douchey. *Still cannot stand Kate's voice and manner of speech. *Kyle, well...so glad that he shocked this whiny-azz crew. For a moment, they stopped their complainin' and blamin' .
  9. I'm not sure about 2 time lines, however, in the Pariah scenes, the maimed, slaughtered... hosts do not bleed copiously like those in the onset prime town. So, somethin' is up...
  10. After being continuously ordered about in previous episodes by Lucy PRESTON and Wyatt LOGAN, ol' Rufus doesn't even get the dignity of his last name mentioned during The Trio's introduction to Ian Fleming.
  11. This episode has made me reflect upon REAL-LIFE horrific events that a multitude ACTUALLY experience daily across this world such as shown on this episode-- the suffering, the decisions coerced and forcibly foisted...to save not only loved ones but also extended 'communities'. It doesn't mean that one breaks; it means surviving in order to eventually gain freedomS. In addition, for me, this show reiterates the importance of democracy and the repudiation of despots.
  12. I agree with the sentiments expressed about the New Group getting the Axel Beat-Down Boot. They were thankless and exceedingly annoying so, "too bad [not]so sad". I WANT to like the show --I just WANT the program to expand and deepen the characterizations and matters of plot.
  13. ...sooo, Scarborough is directing The Show to be a non-stop Clinton Bashfest while pandering to Trump by issuing and pushing adoring trumPET language and segments. ⬆...with special fervor these last few weeks.
  14. Well, I HAD such relatively high[ish] hopes...
  15. Golly, Gee‼ These 'real' male characters...
  16. Upon learning about Nico's interest in Emily, Lauren should have looked @ the camera, wryly stated, "Well, that's that"(in reference to her mistaken belief of mutual romantic interest) then proceeded to enthusiastically and elegantly enjoy the ambience, activities, AND people despite her feelings of embarrassment about her aforementioned comments re: Nico.
  17. LUVed the original movie. The onset of the series was interesting, however, the sadism was...stressful, tiresome, and dismaying. My feelings in part were due to the certainty that humans, indeed, would display and enact extreme grotesque behaviors if left virtually completely unfettered by any just moral compass or code.
  18. Y'all, I'm sorry, I have difficulty keeping focus on this program...[but] who (the bleep) was Oscar?
  19. Geez! I'm already tired of these frackin' dumb-@§§ characters!
  20. THIS was lip-smackin' good! and HILARIOUS (très)!
  21. Vixenstud, I agree-ish with the sentiments expressed in your comments EXCEPT that pertaining to ' bad' vs. 'good' behaviours: I must differ--respectfully, of course. Those all over za world from 'protectors' to...are commonly rewarded with praise, money, promotion, supplication...while positive moral positions in act/deed, earnest attempts at public aid, empathetic based policies designed to elevate societal awareness and affect community closeness receive naught but dismissive contempt. BIG BROTHER is no different--just lightly faux pressurized and distilled.
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