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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. I find it interesting that lotsa these Ho'wives are exposed to and/or possess all of these fantastic 'connections' to businesswhatevers, yet are so very insistent that they are "...doing it on their own..." (many are unbelievably fortunate and don't realize it.)
  2. Wait, wait, Damnit(!), WAIT ❗ Do you mean to 'show and tell' me that these women, now, must literally PRACTICE their obeisance to BetheMe!Me!Me! What. the. ...
  3. These Reel New Yawker 'Wives'. Un-be-liev-a-ble❗ They take a BetheME (ass-) kickin' and (just) keep on (a-) tickin'.
  4. Crikey❗ Wasn't Ramona's 'good-friend' depiction of Tipsy Girl, Sonja, a strangely accurate description of her(Ramona) EVERY--day usual self❓
  5. Oh❗ I see. So, THIS aspect of Bethenney's ?'personal' life she magnanimously shares with those for whom she gives "zero fucks ". (Thank you for your consideration, Ms. Frankel.) Perchance, the dissemination of the exquisitely detailed particulars is to aid women all across the lands. Nah... 'tis being used as a tool to engender sympathy and to gain 'understanding' of her--Lycan--uncharacteristic(not) behaviors. *And, indeed, YES, I am quite familiar with The Condition and much much worse.*
  6. Oh❗ I see. So, THIS aspect of Bethenney's ?'personal' life she magnanimously shares with those of whom she gives "zero fucks ". Perchance, the dissemination of the exquisitely detailed particulars is to aid women all across the lands. Nah... 'tis being used as a tool to engender sympathy and to gain 'understanding' of her--Lycan--uncharacteristic(not) behaviors. *And, indeed, YES, I am quite familiar with The Condition and much much worse.*
  7. Your post is fantastic. Thoroughly agree.
  8. Some posters constantly make references to Kathryn FANS. (Me, myself, and) I am bemused by both the the sentiments and any related statements of PTV Kathryn Fandom. That's as clear as I can be.
  9. I am interested to know about the Kathryn Fans on THIS forum. Most, myself included, have acknowledged that Kathryn is deluded and outrageous. I have yet to read statements and OPINIONS indicating these posters are FANS of Kathryn. What I do see are some becoming a bit irate if there is ANY call for some of the other Charmless Ones to own their instigating, ludicrous behaviors even when Kathryn is completely absent from their presence.
  10. ❗ It is not that Kathryn is oh, so innocent. She is not. She's an abject mess. ❗ ⭐But, it IS that THE OTHERS are culpable for their OWN low-down and dirty deeds, transferring THEIR steaming pile of $μℹ+ upon Kathryn, and then holding her responsible for THEIR weak, pathetic, lying, misogynistic, misandrist SOUTHERN CHARMless behaviors. Kathryn needs to grow-up, wise-up, get a firm grip, and puhlease move on with: a legitimate career (hear ?that Landon,...❗) and responsible care for the future 'nobility' of-- ''it's a great day to be in-- South Carolina". Per Kathryn, THAT is for damn sure. HOWEVER, the older Ravening Horde need to do the same. Stop sneering and sulking about Kathryn especially when she is no where near The Charleston Cantankerous Coven. * Oh, and, apparently, The Coven has nothing interesting to offer as their storylines have been as lame, boring, and INDECOROUS as Kathryn's. *
  11. Trashy behavior is plentiful with quite a few in this crew.
  12. Yeah, JD and Whitney--The Brotherhood of the Prattling Prats--show us that 52(!)yr.old tHOmas needs to be coddled, reassured, and ever so gently reminded that he 'wasn't raised that way' WHEREAS, 3 DECADES(!) younger Kathryn... well,... ...Such piggish hypocrites.
  13. Okay, Landon--Yeah, tHOmas, "let [US] talk about it." Hilarious ❗ Will he ? REALLY ?
  14. Neurochick, I am not lashing out at you. I understand your perspective about Kathryn. I don't like her and certainly hold no love for her. She's ridiculous. However, Landon performs her own devilish deeds toward Kathryn. She's ridiculous, also. As Shep stated, if you (Landon) feel such disgust about all things Kathryn, then ignore her--don't whine about her, do NOT engage. And, yes, if Kathryn takes offense at tHOmas interacting with Landon, Kathryn should address the issue with him and hold him responsible.
  15. *Both Kathryn and 'ol hoss', tHOmas, appear to be shitty parentS thus far * ...I don't know about others, BUT when I speak about PEOPLE and their CHILDREN, I am referring to HUMANS. Rodents.. and their offspring are not in the same 'realm'. I mean, employing such a train of thought, all rodents aren't successful at becoming impregnated and/nor delivering offspring. Does this mean that I should compare CHILDless women to infertile or progeny[less] vermin,... So, the purposeful and constant attempts at a such an analogy involving Kathryn elude me. Additionally, I am unaware of ANY human female--including Kathryn-- birthing rodents.* ...(Landon) couldn't even locate a clue bus much less GET on A CLUE bus.
  16. DAMN❗Oh, Rickon ! Poor wee lad. Wun-Wun ! :( Ramsey. The Starks! kicked. yo'. ASS❗ Yay !! Tread carefully, Sista Sansa. You have been previously hamstrung in part due to arrogance and ignorance. We don't want a 'draw down' betwixt family members. Go Jon❗
  17. Ramona, Dorinda, Carol, and Million-Dollar-Baby, that wasn't groovy. That was not groovy AT ALL. BetheME!ME!ME! Oh, po' wee Bethenney™. Gadzooks❗ Despite her outcries that her resultant contentious behaviors were unintentional and that the exhibited lunacy need be blamed upon her lycanthropic upbringing, I must ascribe malignant intent to Bethenney™'s outré actions.
  18. Kathryn's behavior is not comparable to John C. Calhoun's perpetuated malignancies. Not even in the same realm.
  19. Kathryn's age is not being used as a deflection nor excuse for her 'ratchet' antics anymore than the reasons espoused and /or supported as basis for the exhibitions of ill behaviors illustrative of the other show participants. Obviously, being the age of 24 doesn't negate decorous actions and logical thoughts and their manifestations. Nor, is the fact that she is a parent bandied about and supported as a malignant behavior excuse. However, poor behavior performed by others is often levied against Kathryn. And, poor behavior runs amok amongst these Southern Charmers. In addition, constant statements of any fool, rodent,...can bear offspring may be just as insulting to human mothers as as any ill conceived comment against a childless woman.
  20. Kathryn's behaviparticipants being used as a deflection nor excuse for her ratchet antics anymore than the reasons for the ill behaviors of the other show participa
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