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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Lura wrote the above quote. My horrible editing skills are to blame. Sorry, Lura!
  2. Whew! I am a relatively new poster but looong time lurker and have made so many errors attempting to quote... I am really relieved that I am in such fine company (lol)! I am ALWAYS editing!
  3. I don't know. Carole IS irritating. One of Carole's irritating aspects is attempting to make outrageous remarks... sound cute/funny. Although I do not begrudge anyone's ATTEMPT at humor, when you are not adept at it, the attempts do irritate. Some people can use wording in straight forward fashion, twist wording, be sarcastic. .. and are always humorous. However, some people just cannot pull off humor much less cutesy humor no matter how hard they try. It is what it is.
  4. I wonder whether Kathy has thought this thing through. Having Kathy in the cast would bring some giggles, I'll bet, but I have another reason for not wanting her on this show. PARIS! Bravo likes to show families, and this would give Paris the opening she's longed for. A recent story said that Paris is miserable these days with nothing to do. Nobody knows this better than her mommy. If Paris gets her foot in the door, I picture Brandi and Paris and outright war. I can't stand Paris Hilton, and if she so much as wanders onto the set, it's the last time I'll watch this show. There are lots of sneaky reasons why Kathy might like to be a Housewife, and it wouldn't surprise me if this were one of them. I can almost envision Paris in the background, begging "mommy" to join the cast.
  5. I concur with the idea of Don's marginalization. I remember feeling as if Vicki and HER children were hardly acquainted with Don. Brianna stated that she looked upon Don as her mother's husband rather than her stepfather. Also, when Vicki's son was performing poorly at high school and Don attempted to help him get employment, it was rather rebuffed by both Vicki and her son. However, during and after the divorce both "kids" were suddenly missing and "loving " Don. I did find it somewhat sad at how Vicki used Tamara's WANTING A DIVORCE trick on Don. Viicki so wanted to do exactly as Tamara.
  6. I don't understand why Kim's able-bodied ADULT "children " do not have a stronger role in taking care of their mother. In most families, adult offspring would be the caretakers not the siblings.
  7. What may be interesting about one's life outside "reality " tv, oftentimes, has virtually nothing to do with their tv personae. Kim is boring on THIS show. She shows no interest, absorption, or intellectual curiosity in ANYTHING other than gleefully torturing Kyle and laughably declaring that she is sober. Now, if she were truly willing to allow parts of her "real " life to dawn then, perhaps, a reality show filled with angst, addiction, woe, and delusion would be proper. Lisa Vanderpump has few forum pages, yet viewers love her in general. The number of forum pages doesn't necessarily equate to a "characters" popularity on a REALity show.
  8. There is NO comparison between Heather's rather egotistical bossiness/extreme "helpfulness " and Bethenny's tiresome whining, haughty behavior, and vampiric fun sucking aura, demeanor, and attitude.
  9. I "like" Kyle. She brings a lot of activity to the show. However, I find Yolanda hypocritical, condescending, and boring unless a dinner party is occurring. And, frankly, Lisa Vanderpump is boring and irritating IF she is not with Kyle.
  10. I found Tamara's obsession with Gretchen to be eerie, sad and predicated ENTIRELY upon JEALOUSY. Despite Gretchen's unsavory actions...they had absolutely nothing to do with Tamara. If Jay called Tamara, that is between Jay, Tamara et al, and the police--if Tamara considered it harassment. Early on, Gretchen had done nothing to Tamara. Both Tamara and Vicki were jealous of Gretchen's youth, "looks", and support by a millionaire sugardaddy. I am still amazed how few still don't see how Tamara set up both Vicki and Simon during the divorce epiphany season. Tamara TOTALLY orchestrated the bitterness betwixt her friend and husband. Tamara is smart, BUT ALSO, she is jealous, craven, manipulative, and ignorant.
  11. Kim has NEVER been sober whether from alcohol, drugs, ... I don't understand why so many people continue to talk about her slipping and DRINKing. It has always been apparent that Kim uses more than alcohol.
  12. Sorry Nanny pants. I am new to posting and this occurred in error.
  13. Carol does indeed feel this way--often. I believe this affectation/ persona...of Carol is in part due to her belief in her great intellectual prowess. I mean just look at her past employment, past social connections, and Andy's current adoration. In her mind, although somewhat amiable to coworkers, she is superior but humble.
  14. I am assuming that one of the major reasons we see SO MUCH of Carol and Bethenny is because Andy is BESOTTED with them.
  15. I am constantly taken aback in that these "socialites" APPEAR so ignorant, uncouth, and "uneducated".
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